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SOPA is dead!

Goddess Bhavani

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I will rejoice in victory the moment they state they will never take up this bill again, rather than return in some time with a \'\'revisited\'\' bill.

I\'ll always be concerned, but for now i am happy this is over with.


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I wouldn\'t expect them to have backed down saying \'you were right, we won\'t try this again\'. It\'s quite obvious they haven\'t given up on the notion of an anti-piracy bill, but I don\'t think they\'d be so dense as to come back with the same garbage again. They\'ve seen how the public reacted.

I do expect to see other proposals like this eventually, but I\'m hopeful they\'ve learned that brute force isn\'t the answer.


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This will likely be tacked on to the end of an upcoming bill meant to fight Child Pornography. That\'s how things are done. First you send up a smoke screen (SOPA) then you slip it in under the radar by attaching to legislation no one would even dare to vote against.

What? Your not voting yes on the Stop Child Pornography bill? What are you, some kind of commie pedophile?


Capt\'n Skunky

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I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns regarding proposed legislation to address the problem of online piracy,

Funny, not too long ago you said the people who were against it 'didn\'t matter'

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Guest Flixxbeatz

They\'ve shelved it for now, but definitely not over yet.

I think I can see where it is heading - they\'ll wait for the right time, moment, and situation to pop it up again (to the point that people will just say 'yes' at it without further ado)

Keep the good fight people ;)

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They\'ve shelved it for now, but definitely not over yet.

I think I can see where it is heading - they\'ll wait for the right time, moment, and situation to pop it up again (to the point that people will just say 'yes' at it without further ado)

Keep the good fight people ;)

Who in the entire universe would say 'yes' to the US government to destroy the internet?
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They aren\'t trying to 'destroy the Internet' unless you insist on lumping in 'freely trading things which you do not own with other people' into the 'Internet'

This silly notion that Anti-piracy measures immediately mean censorship or closing down the Internet is the worst result of this fiasco and most of the things that organizations like the RIAA and MPAA do. If you can sit there and tell me that it is a good thing that a bunch of criminal gangs in the Far East basically rob people who create content millions of time a day, then you\'re naive in the extreme. And not least of all, because the cost of it is being passed on to you the consumer, in higher prices and draconian DRM solutions which make content less convenient to you.

Congress is absolutely the wrong people to be fighting this fight. The major companies on the Internet are the ones with the power and knowhow to do so, but they will not as long as their business is better with piracy happening.

What the government can do is cudgel these companies until they join the fight, not with brute force and sweeping censorship, but with smart systems to close off the flow of information to and from the pirates.

The Justice department did more to fight real piracy in one day than Congress ever has when they closed Megaupload. Make it harmful to businesses to enable and support piracy and they\'ll stop. And it won\'t affect your legitimate Internet usage in the slightest.

Anyway, next time one of these things come up, here\'s hoping it\'s less sweeping doom and more precision strike. And that all of us take the time to really learn about before jumping on the protesters bandwagon.

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Tib, you\'re falling for the piracy smokescreen. The US Congress is notorious for passing flawed legislation that one the surface appears to be what they say, but often has other more nefarious purposes whether deliberately or not. There\'s a rule that those of us just outside the beltway have come to understand, if a bill has the word 'freedom' in it, you can be damn sure that somewhere in the text is a provision that does just the opposite and takes out freedom. The federal government has shown over and over, time after time that is does NOT have the best interest of the people in mind. If they did, half the bills that are presented would have never been even dreamed of in the first place.

I\'m just wondering what event, or turning point has to occur for people to finally accept that our government is bought and sold at auction to the highest corporate bidder and the citizens aren\'t invited. Even our founding fathers knew this government would not last forever and gave us the instructions to remove it when that day arrived. I have the feeling that day is fast approaching and will happen sooner rather than later and it\'s not going to be pretty. That is, unless they take our power to do so away at which point it will be too late.


Capt\'n Skunky

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I\'m afraid you are the one who has been smokescreened by the pirates. They got the masses to rush to their aid with scare mongering. The bills were bad, and completely not up to the intended task to boot, but they were not 'the end of freedom on the Internet'

You can mistrust the Government all you like, its your God given right and all, but that does not excuse kneejerk 'We must support pirates because OMG FREEDOM' movements like we witnessed this week. It not only makes you a shill, but an ignorant one.

In other news, the tinfoil industry is showing massive gains as orders for new hats are up 600%

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Guest Flixxbeatz

Who in the entire universe would say 'yes' to the US government to destroy the internet?

Individuals who can\'t think for themselves and just agrees on what they are being told to?

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The bills were bad, and completely not up to the intended task to boot, but they were not 'the end of freedom on the Internet'

I never said it was. My only position was that is was bad legislation. It could have allowed for things well beyond what it was intended for and if you don\'t think it would have been abused, I have some beach front property in Montana to sell you.

It not only makes you a shill, but an ignorant one.

Classic, attack the messenger, not the message.


Capt\'n Skunky

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Takes emergency Spam from zombie survival cabinet

Also, when you do overthrow your government, use the British structure. It works a lot better because parliament is moderated by executives and the executives are moderated by the judiceries and the judiceries are moderated by Parliament. No one faction in the circle has significantly more power than the next. And, of course, the House of Commons is full of exactly what its says - commoners. Pretty much anyone who has a degree in law can become a member any one of those factions, and I know several people in my Physics class who are going to take that.

My RE teacher used Italy [i think] as an example. He said that the judicery [judges etc] had a lot of power and influence, and it often results in corruption and fraud. As you\'ve said, the federal government clearly isn\'t up to running America. And since America was, before your war for independance, a British colony, I shouldn\'t be surprised it you were able to make it work.

Perhaps get yourself an NHS.

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I\'m afraid you are the one who has been smokescreened by the pirates. They got the masses to rush to their aid with scare mongering. The bills were bad, and completely not up to the intended task to boot, but they were not 'the end of freedom on the Internet'

You can mistrust the Government all you like, its your God given right and all, but that does not excuse kneejerk 'We must support pirates because OMG FREEDOM' movements like we witnessed this week. It not only makes you a shill, but an ignorant one.

In other news, the tinfoil industry is showing massive gains as orders for new hats are up 600%

In other news chicken wing prices have raised by 52%

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“until there is wider agreement on a solution.â€

We won a battle. Not a war.

SOPA is not dead. It has simply been tabled for now.

Not only that, there\'s still PIPA. Some, such as Total Biscuit, have speculated that that\'s the plan from the outset. Present an outrageous bill that has no chance of actually passing, watch it get shot down by the public outcry, and already be ready with a milder alternative that you can then bring up and say 'see, we\'ve made concessions' when in actual fact it does just the same thing.

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I see absolutely no relavence in this statement.

Tiberion said in his quote

look at the bold

I\'m afraid you are the one who has been smokescreened by the pirates. They got the masses to rush to their aid with scare mongering. The bills were bad, and completely not up to the intended task to boot, but they were not 'the end of freedom on the Internet'

You can mistrust the Government all you like, its your God given right and all, but that does not excuse kneejerk 'We must support pirates because OMG FREEDOM' movements like we witnessed this week. It not only makes you a shill, but an ignorant one.

In other news, the tinfoil industry is showing massive gains as orders for new hats are up 600%

see now?

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