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Code not working, cant change mun's textures/heightmap

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This code is based off of some code from NovaSilisko's mod, Alternis Kerbol, but I cant figure out whats wrong

public CelestialBody Mun;
public CelestialBody Kerbin;
public Texture2D MunColor;
public Texture2D MunHeight;
public Texture2D MunBump;

private string path = "HappyFaceIndustries/Crap/Textures/";

public void ChangeHeightMap(Texture2D map, CelestialBody cb, float deformity, double heightMapDeformity, double heightMapOffset)
GameObject OldHeight = cb.pqsController.transform.FindChild("_Height").gameObject;
if (OldHeight != null)
//sets deformity
foreach (PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 c in OldHeight.GetComponentsInChildren<PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2>())
c.deformity = deformity;
//creates VertexMap
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap VertexMap = OldHeight.GetComponent<PQSMod_VertexHeightMap>();
//edits VertexMap, sets height map
if (VertexMap != null && map != null)
VertexMap.heightMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.Greyscale, map);
VertexMap.heightMapDeformity = heightMapDeformity;
VertexMap.heightMapOffset = heightMapOffset;
if(map = null)
{Debug.Log("Crap: map null...");}

public void ChangeColorMap(Texture2D color, /*Texture2D bumpMap,*/ CelestialBody cb, float blend)
//sets color map
PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend OldColor = cb.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend>();
if (OldColor != null)
OldColor.vertexColorMap.CreateMap(MapSO.MapDepth.RGB, color);
OldColor.blend = blend;
//sets color noise
PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor oldColorNoise = cb.transform.GetComponentInChildren<PQSMod_VertexSimplexNoiseColor>();
if (oldColorNoise != null)
oldColorNoise.order = OldColor.order + 1;
oldColorNoise.blend = 0.1f;
//sets scaledspace maps
foreach (Transform t in ScaledSpace.Instance.scaledSpaceTransforms)
t.gameObject.renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", color);
public void Awake()
MunColor = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "MunColor", false);
MunHeight = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(path + "MunHeight", false);

public void Start()
foreach(CelestialBody CB in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
if(CB.name == "Mun")
Mun = CB;
Mun.orbitDriver.orbitColor = XKCDColors.ReddishBrown;
ChangeHeightMap(MunHeight, Mun, 700f, 1400d, -2000d);
ChangeColorMap(MunColor, Mun, 1f);

When i run KSP, it gives me this error:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at Crap.BaseCrap.ChangeColorMap (UnityEngine.Texture2D color, .CelestialBody cb, Single blend) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Crap.BaseCrap.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Edited by MrHappyFace
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Well, you're not checking either MunColor or MunHeight for null before you use them in Start(). I'd start there.

Thanks for the quick reply, ill try that. another related question: what is the error message mean?

EDIT: i added this:

Debug.Log("Crap: Changing mun...");
Mun.orbitDriver.orbitColor = XKCDColors.ReddishBrown;
if(MunHeight != null)
ChangeHeightMap(MunHeight, Mun, 700f, 1400d, -2000d);
Debug.Log("AndrewCrap: MunHeight = null...");
if(MunColor != null)
ChangeColorMap(MunColor, Mun, 1.0f);
Debug.Log("Crap: MunColor = null...");

And it still sadi the same debug message, but didnt say that MunColor or MunHeight were null either

Edited by MrHappyFace
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