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Point of MK-2 Command Pod and Multiple Astronauts

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You can store one sample per biome. For example, you can take an EVA report in orbit and another on the ground.

The point of having two astronauts is that you can split up the ship. For example, take an MK-2 to the Mun. Fit it with a smaller lander, featuring a one kerbal lander can on the top. One kerbal can now stay in the main ship, whilst the other gets transferred to the lander can. Which in turn lands, then comes back into orbit. People will disagree but I feel this is the easiest way to make it to the Mun, and is great practice for larger missions.

If you only took one kerbal, you wouldn't be able to control the main ship to perform the rendezvous once he left it.

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Two reasons why I, personally, need multi-seat pods:

- I don't like to send a kerbal far out into space all alone - that's pure RP, there is no gameplay reason for this

- I can use my regular manned craft for rescue missions - might actually be more difficult than just using an empty pod with probe control, didn't test it yet

So I would conclude that although it offers no real improvement from a gameplay perspective, there are reasons to use it, depending on your play style.

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Point of each part is variety. You can build more different ships if you have more parts to choose from.

KSP used to have one booster, one fuel tank, one engine, one command pod. While you could still combine them in a number of ways, ships coming out of that were not very different.

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