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SSTO R.A.P.I.E.R. (Ver 0.23) Challenge Part2 (Closed)


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Challenge timeframe:-

Challenge Start: 1-Jan-2014

Challenge End: 14-Jan-2014

Challenge Instruction:-

Create a SSTO (Single Stage to Orbit) "Air+Space Craft" using the new R.A.P.I.E.R. engines.


Challenge guideline.

1) Single Stage to Orbit. (Means stage 0 only)

2) You must start from the runway. Liftoff horizontally and able to land horizontally.

3) No parachute allow for landing. And your plane must be landing friendly.

4) You must have present a "plane outlook" instead of a rocket with wings.

Challenge Rules.

*) No science equipments required. (No bonus for that)

0) There will be no poll-voting.

1) You are only allow to use a single type of engines. Thats R.A.P.I.E.R. engines. and 100% stock part only.

2) Must have at lease 80 units of RCS Gas. And 4 units of RCS thruster block or 4 units of linear RCS port.

3) Must have at lease a docking port. (All sizes accepted)

4) Manned craft. At lease 1 crew. No external command chair allow.

5) Maximum parts allows 150.

6) No Alt-F12 part clipping. (Normal means part clipping allow).

7) Cubic Octagonal Strut, Octagonal Strut, Modular Girder Segment, M-Bean 650 I-Beam, and BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point are forbidden to use for attaching Air-Intakes and engines.


8) A screenshot of your craft and .craft file must be made available.

9) Flight ascend (takeoff) profile must include in in-game .craft description.


Winning reference. (AFTER success LKO)

1) Less part. (1 points each part less)

2) Fastest times to get to LKO. (10 points for every 1 minutes less: Max 10 minutes: after 10 minutes 0 marks.) (Decimal 10 calculation for times of seconds. Easy for all.)

3) Fuel remain. (3 points for every 10 units of fuel left)

Winner rewards.

1) A logo showing (Your Forum ID) that you are capable of creating a R.A.P.I.E.R SSTO.

2) "Star" rewards for video recording.✪

Leader board. All participant will be listed.


1) Mobjack

2) Blaster✪

3) 1greywind✪

4) bsalis




Please use the below format for your entry.

OP Example Entry

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Edited by Sirine
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Just to get an entry in this one, can I re-use my run from the previous challenge?

Name: StarFighter

Part Count: 13 ((150-13)*1= 137)

Time to LKO: 9:16 MET ((10-9.16)*10=8.4)

Fuel Remain: 127 ((127/10) * 3 = 38.1)

Total score: 183.5

Craft File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4zLBUio4kInVm0wdDd0ZzRYUG8/edit?usp=sharing


Minimum RCS port = 4x.

And did you use FAR mode?

Btw, congratulation on your part 1 challenge. You are the champion!.

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The way the scoring works, this is really the SSTO RAPIER Fuel Tanker Challenge.

The best strategy is to not worry about the part count or orbit time and just try to get as much fuel as possible into orbit. If you can get 1000 liters of fuel in orbit, that will be 300 points.

I will see what I can do.

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The way the scoring works, this is really the SSTO RAPIER Fuel Tanker Challenge.

The best strategy is to not worry about the part count or orbit time and just try to get as much fuel as possible into orbit. If you can get 1000 liters of fuel in orbit, that will be 300 points.

I will see what I can do.

Looking forward for your submission. :)

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So I decided to build a single engine RAPIER SSTO. Something that is simple, fun to fly, stable, and looks good too.


40 parts (all stock)

2 intakes, 1 RAPIER

Full units: Fuel 480, Oxy 440, Mono 80

Orbit achieved: 101km x 101km

Orbit units: Fuel 144, Oxy 164, Mono 80 (MET 19:36)

Post flight: Fuel 113, Oxy 127, Mono 80 (MET 44:42)

Craft file here (and yes, it's all regular SPH clipping - no debug menu)

We are off!


Almost ready to open the taps on the oxidiser.


In orbit.


Yep - still in orbit.




On final.


And we are done! First flight too... worked like a charm.


Edited by bsalis
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May amend my entry for points, as my ascent was kerbaltastic (but, well, it's Bob driving, what with Jeb stuck around Duna waiting for a return window and Bill in my space station).

I present: Rapier Gamma



Parts: 50 (all stock, except for Kerbal Engineer part)

2 ram intakes, 1 engine nacelle, 3 rapiers

On launch: 1080 liq fuel, 1188 oxidizer, 108 monoprop (8 from the cockpit)

On orbit (75*74): 59.51 liq fuel, 208 oxi

MET to orbit: 10 min+ (messed around at 12 km, I'll redo, but not just now).

Looks: cooler than re-entry.

CRAFT File (will update to add ascend instructions, but for now it's just: start engines to full, point somewhat upwards. Kross fingers, eat snacks.)

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/4Xtyr/embed"></iframe>

No idea why the embed isn't working, to be honest. Link

Edited by DexterBelgium
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This is my entry. I used an extreme fuel/oxidizer ratio for maximum points, but the ratios can be changed for more practical usage.

It would be a good ship to use for bringing fuel up to stations efficiently but it is hard to dock in its current configuration. I might add a reaction wheel and more RCS units to the ship to make it more practical.

Cranky Crane

No Mods

Parts: 111 (150-111 = 39 points)

Time to LKO: 9:46 ((10 - (9 + 46/60)) * 10 = 2.3 points)

Fuel Remaining 2503 liters ((2503/10) * 3 = 750.9 points)

Total Score: 792 points

Craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2oMv9V3px4YQjlLOGFsN1dLcDg/edit?usp=sharing

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My entry:

Using FAR Mods: No

Craft Name: Fencer SSTO Shuttle

Part Count: 100 ((150-100)*1= 50)

Time to LKO: ~12:00 MET

Fuel Remain: 316 ((316/10) * 3 = 94,8)

Total score: 144,8

Craft File: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/fencer_rapier_ssto/

Fencer is SSTO plane utilizing 3 R.A.P.I.E.R. engines to take off from KSC runway, reach ~30 km altitude in horizontal flight, and then burn to LKO with 900-600 m/s of dV left for orbital maneuvering and deorbiting. Fencer's design mission is to be able to deliver 3 kerbals from KSC to space station and be able to return to KSC without refueling.

Plane has 2 docking ports: one medium sized on plane’s back and small docking port under pilot’s cockpit. Smaller port can be used for ground refueling and as pushback tug adapter.

Plane’s fuel and monopropellant tanks are positioned in such way the plane’s Center of Mass (CoM) is not shifting during flight. Plane has 4 RCS thrusters that are perfectly positioned around CoM making precise maneuvers and docking easy.

Payload to orbit is 3 passengers + pilot.

Maximum stable horizontal flight speed is 1700 m/s at altitude 29-30 km.

To LKO and back video:

Full design mission video (take off from KSC, reaching LKO, randevu with space station, docking, deorbit, landing in KSC):

Edited by 1greywind
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@bsalis Missing craft file.

@DexterBelgium Nice entry. Reviewing it now.(Missing ascend description. Over all nice entry.)

@MobjackLong waited entry. Reviewing. (Nice fuel carrier)

@1greywind Love the video entry. Reviewing. (Nice 4 seats SSTO)

Edited by Sirine
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did you use FAR mod?


9) Flight ascend (takeoff) profile must include in in-game .craft description.

Damn, this exam is hard!!!

Ok - so I re-uploaded the craft file with the ascent profile.

I'm not using FAR. Not a fan of it actually.

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The KR100 Kodachi was a very useful tool in learning the peculiar performance profile of the RAPIER engines. With this in mind, the KJ120 was modified to fly using just a pair of RAPIER engines. The result is definitely interesting, as the changed weight balance leads to the plane's handling changed some from its original balance. The pilot was able to correct for some unexpected miscalculations, and fly from KSC to KSC, with at least one whole orbit in-between.

Using FAR Mods: No

Craft Name: KermaJet KR200 Tachi

Part Count: 58 150 - 58 = 92 (simplified maths, anything * 1 = the same thing)

Time to LKO: 9:51 MET (10-9.51)*10 = 4.9

Fuel Remain: 241 (241/10) * 3 = 72.3

Total score: 169.2

Craft File: Download

Unedited flight video provided for your viewing pleasure.

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Burlak is unmanned SSTO plane able to lift 10 ton payload from KSC runway to ~75×75 LKO orbit and then land back in KSC.

Plane has 6 R.A.P.I.E.R. engines (in manual switching mode) and only 12 intakes.

Score with 10 ton payload:

Using FAR Mods: No

Craft Name: Burlak unmanned reusable SSTO lifter

Part Count: 104 (150-104)*1= 46

Time to LKO: 8:50 (10 - 9) ~= 10

Fuel Remain: 25 (25/10) * 3 = 7.5

Total score: 63.5

Craft File: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/unmanned_ssto_lifter_burlak

Tech info:

parts count: 104 (only stock parts)

engines count: 6 R.A.P.I.E.R.

intakes count: 12 ram air intakes

maximum speed in horizontal flight: ~1600 m/s

electric charge: 1030 (plane doesn't have RTG or solar panels, because it is not intended for long flights)

RCS fuel: 80 units.

Root part is TR-18A decoupler so you can easily use this plane as subassembly. Plane’s CoM is between keels – just behind decoupler. Mount your paypload there. Few struts to hold your payload are advised. After minor modification you can theoreticaly bring things from orbit to surface with this plane. All you need is to change decoupler on docking port. It has enough fuel to reach LKO and perform orbital randevu and more than enough RCS fuel to dock.

Action groups:

1: Toggle air intakes

2: Toggle RAPIER mode and shutdown them (this is to be sure all engines will switch mode even in case of flameout)

3: Toggle RAPIER engines

Typical flight profile:

1: Press SPACE to start engines. Set throttle to 100% and then plane reaches ~100 m/s takeoff.

2: Climb to 14-15 km altitude maintaining ~45 degree pitch, then reduce pitch to ~20 degree.

3: Wait until plane speed up to 1500-1550 m/s. Reduce throttle in case of engines flameout.

4: Press 2 to switch engines to rocket mode. Press 3 to restart engines and rise pitch to 45 degrees. Press 1 to close intakes and reduce air drag.

5: Burn until your apoapsis reaches ~80 km mark.

6: Then turn plane prograde and burn until you are on circular orbit.

7: Release payload.

8: Deorbit plane and glide to surface.

Some pictures:

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Video of typical lift mission (payload is 10 ton, 3 kerbal orbiter-lander):

Download page

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Any prizes for greatest range for an SSTO? Because yesterday I flew an SSTO to Tylo and back.

Sorry, not in this challenge thread. Perhaps you could start your own challenge thread to challenge other for greatest range SSTO.

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The KR100 Kodachi was a very useful tool in learning the peculiar performance profile of the RAPIER engines. With this in mind, the KJ120 was modified to fly using just a pair of RAPIER engines. The result is definitely interesting, as the changed weight balance leads to the plane's handling changed some from its original balance. The pilot was able to correct for some unexpected miscalculations, and fly from KSC to KSC, with at least one whole orbit in-between.

Using FAR Mods: No

Craft Name: KermaJet KR200 Tachi

Part Count: 58 150 - 58 = 92 (simplified maths, anything * 1 = the same thing)

Time to LKO: 9:51 MET (10-9.51)*10 = 4.9

Fuel Remain: 241 (241/10) * 3 = 72.3

Total score: 169.2

Craft File: Download

Unedited flight video provided for your viewing pleasure.


Manage to get your craft to the LKO in shorter time. But use more fuel.



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Burlak is unmanned SSTO plane able to lift 10 ton payload from KSC runway to ~75×75 LKO orbit and then land back in KSC.

Plane has 6 R.A.P.I.E.R. engines (in manual switching mode) and only 12 intakes.

Score with 10 ton payload:

Using FAR Mods: No

Craft Name: Burlak unmanned reusable SSTO lifter

Part Count: 104 (150-104)*1= 46

Time to LKO: 8:50 (10 - 9) ~= 10

Fuel Remain: 25 (25/10) * 3 = 7.5

Total score: 63.5

Craft File: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/unmanned_ssto_lifter_burlak

Tech info:

parts count: 104 (only stock parts)

engines count: 6 R.A.P.I.E.R.

intakes count: 12 ram air intakes

maximum speed in horizontal flight: ~1600 m/s

electric charge: 1030 (plane doesn't have RTG or solar panels, because it is not intended for long flights)

RCS fuel: 80 units.

Root part is TR-18A decoupler so you can easily use this plane as subassembly. Plane’s CoM is between keels – just behind decoupler. Mount your paypload there. Few struts to hold your payload are advised. After minor modification you can theoreticaly bring things from orbit to surface with this plane. All you need is to change decoupler on docking port. It has enough fuel to reach LKO and perform orbital randevu and more than enough RCS fuel to dock.

Action groups:

1: Toggle air intakes

2: Toggle RAPIER mode and shutdown them (this is to be sure all engines will switch mode even in case of flameout)

3: Toggle RAPIER engines

Typical flight profile:

1: Press SPACE to start engines. Set throttle to 100% and then plane reaches ~100 m/s takeoff.

2: Climb to 14-15 km altitude maintaining ~45 degree pitch, then reduce pitch to ~20 degree.

3: Wait until plane speed up to 1500-1550 m/s. Reduce throttle in case of engines flameout.

4: Press 2 to switch engines to rocket mode. Press 3 to restart engines and rise pitch to 45 degrees. Press 1 to close intakes and reduce air drag.

5: Burn until your apoapsis reaches ~80 km mark.

6: Then turn plane prograde and burn until you are on circular orbit.

7: Release payload.

8: Deorbit plane and glide to surface.

Some pictures:


Video of typical lift mission (payload is 10 ton, 3 kerbal orbiter-lander):

Download page

I have a better score for you. (Although un-manned, but I believe no one will complain about it.)



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