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The Eeloo Chronicle. (pic heavy)


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Okay, so I am building this mission to Eeloo. Already got the fuel barge to Eeloo, but, what about my lander and cruise stage? Well... Um... I think I borrowed some of Whackjob, because this is just ridiculous...

I hinted at this mission in a prior mission report: A Long Awaited Homecoming!" But, this is that missions Report, and I will update this as it progresses.

First thing was first, the Kerbals had to send an automated Refueling Barge to Eeloo ahead of any manned mission. This signaled and signified the commitment to send Jebediah, Bill and Bob, much to Bill and Bobs dismay, to Eeloo. It took over 500 days from launch to orbital ops at Eeloo, but the Refueling Barge is in place and dormant while it waits our brave explorers.

The Automated Refueling Barge in Orbit at Eeloo with only a lone Satellite to keep it company.


Its companion at Eeloo sharing a similar orbit:


This is a top down view of the Cruise Stage on the pad.


This is a side view of the Cruise Stage on the pad. yes, you are seeing this RIGHT. That is 16 2.5m SRBs strapped to a 5m Central Core...


The Lander and Cruise Stage in a parking orbit waiting for 1 last launch to join it. A refueling barge before it leaves home.


I think I may have over built this....

Refueling barge for the Cruise Stage during Ascent.


The Cruise Stage/Lander's Refueling Barge in the middle of orbital ops to sync up with the Cruise Stage/Lander


The Cruise Stage/Lander's Refueling Barge catching its only orbital Sunrise as it chases down the Cruise Stage/Lander


The Cruise Stage/Lander and their pre-interplanetary meeting with their Refueling Barge at Kerbin.


Next up is the long voyage to Eeloo, after which, it will join up for Liquid Fuel and Monopropellant at Eeloo while the Lander takes Jebediah and Bill or Bob down to Eeloo's Surface. Bill and Bob are going to draw straws to see who gets to stay up in orbit where its safe.

The Eeloo Manned Mission in transit to Eeloo


Jeb, Bill and Bob arrive in the Eeloo system.


Bob having won the drawing of the straws remained on board the cruise stage while Jebediah and Bill pull away from Bob as he begins docking with the Refueling Barge.


Jebediah and Bill begin their descent onto the Surface of Eeloo.


Jebediah and Bill pose infront of the lander on the surface. Bill radios up to Bob saying he has no idea what he is missing down on the surface. Jebediah asks Bob to contact KSC and alert them to a landing leg failure on the lander.


After posing in front of their lander and flag, Jebediah asks Bill to go ahead and step up onto the landers solar panel. Little did Bill know that Jebediah was going to RCS jump up on top of him! The Kerbal Space Center seeing this, could not resist the urge to take a picture.


Bob meanwhile alone in orbit of Eeloo in the Cruise Stage, had jettisoned the refueling barge and commanded it to impact the night side of Eeloo for easy disposal. He also took in another beautiful sunrise in orbit.


Bob was told by KSC that he should head out and survey the ship to make sure it was worthy of a return trip home. It was while in orbit, Bob was alerted to his colleagues activities on the surface, which, in typical fashion freaked Bob out making his survey of the ship all that much harder!


Bob was told by KSC that he should head out and survey the ship to make sure it was worthy of a return trip home. It was while in orbit, Bob was alerted to his colleagues activities on the surface, which, in typical fashion freaked Bob out making his survey of the ship all that much harder!


Jebediah and Bill begin the climb into a low Eeloo Orbit.


Since Bob had more fuel Jebediah called to Bob for a low Eeloo rendezvous and docking. Bill suddenly looked up to see Bob barreling in at full tilt. Seeing this, he screamed over the comms to get Bob to slow down.


The sudden outburst from Bill caused Bob to jump at a very inopportune moment which caused the loss of a solar array. Jebediah and Bill remained unaware of this fact. Once they docked with Bob, they transferred over to the cruise stage and readied the lander for a terminal encounter with Eeloo.


Jebediah, Bill and Bob cruising for home, which at this moment was about 240 days or so away.


Jebediah with still a few months to go before the capture opportunity, commands the cruise stage to start to slow down to make ready for the capture opportunity.


After a few months the crew are treated to a treat! Kerbin and the Mun have suddenly come into view!


A few days later, Jebediah goes on EVA to make a final inspection of the ship before landing and sees the solar array is missing. No one admits to the lost arrays damage. Just before he goes back into the ship from EVA he spots a new and even more beautiful sight! Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus are all in a line and all in sight! Jebediah calls for his crew to join him. He is floating below Bob who is above to his left, and Bill who is above to his right.


Bill and Bob return to the ship leaving Jebediah who remained outside on EVA a short while longer to gaze in awe at such a beautiful sight.


During a high altitude deorbit burn over Kerbin, Jebediah takes a look outside and spots Kerbin and the Mun hanging out of his window in the distance and takes a picture.


Shortly after taking that picture, he notices the continent with Kerbal Space Center on it is in view and asks Bob for the camera with the wide angle telephoto lens on it, and takes a close up picture of their home with the Mun hanging over Kerbin.


While in a terminal descent for a planned landing at the Kerbal Space Center, Jebediah takes one last and very spectacular EVA over his home.


After 2 years 262 days 9 hours 49 minutes and 10 seconds, Jebediah, Bill and Bob touch down safely at the Kerbal Space Center. Having traveled further than any Kerbal has ever gone before.


This brings the Manned Eeloo mission and the Eeloo Chronicle to a close. If you have read this far into the story, I thank you for coming along on the ride with me. I also thank you for being patient as this story was posted and unfolded. This mission took about a full week in real time to make happen. I designed and tested the Refueling barge, various cruise stage configurations as well as lander configurations to see what would work. I also designed and tested the pre-first transfer refueling barge for the first rendezvous and docking refueling mission before the departure for Eeloo. It was a fun mission and again I thank you for coming along with me on this ride! May you have many wonderful adventures in Kerbal Space Program and may you be as lucky as I was to see Kerbin and its Moons reveal themselves after a long mission! In the words of Scott Manley: Fly Safe!

Edited by AlamoVampire
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