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Armageddon Scenario

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So I've been thinking of a way to suggest this without getting into the list of what not to suggest.

My idea is for a way to have the Armageddon scenario in Kerbal. Since asteroids are on the list I will just assume they will be put in and my suggestion is on how to use them. However there are two major problems with the scenario.

First is that not everyone will want to deal with it, so a cataclysmic impact would ruin the casual fun of some players.

Second, how do you deal with a giant rock without weapons (ie. Nukes)

The solution to the first is simply to have the orbit come close (say 1,000,000 meters or so) but not collide with Kerbin or its moons while also avoiding most orbital's the player may have launched. However if this is the case then why worry about a rock that won't hit anything? Well we can assume that the asteroid is emitting some type of radiation (Kappa if you will) that has a troublesome but not harmful effect. (If Kerbals are indeed plants then maybe it causes an uncontrolled worldwide pollination orgy) Not a bad thing that would harm the player if ignored but something the people of Kerbin would pay to avoid. So the bottom line is that it is there, they don't want it, but it can also be ignored.

The solution to the second problem I feel would come in the form of a device that neutralizes the radiation rather than blowing anything up. Landing on the asteroid (landing legs with clamps would be handy given the low gravity) then EVA down a pre existing tunnel to the center of the asteroid. Plant the device. Then leave. Then trigger the device from any command pod and then the world is saved.

Afterwards the asteroid goes deep into space to recharge and comes back again for another go. Or we can assume the player really only wants to do it once and just leave it inert. Personally I'd like to do it over again. If you can, then it would make sense to say that the radiation is lethal to Kerbals for prolonged periods so we can avoid anyone just stacking the place with Kerbals to repeat the process over and over without leaving.

Hope this doesn't get locked for getting too close to things already suggested but I feel this is a workable scenario and would like some input from others who would like to see something like this in the game eventually. Even after 1.0 or in the form of a mod.

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Here's how I think asteroids and comets could work: they could be made of several dozen "rock"/"iron"/"ice" parts and, just like our own ships, can break apart if something crashed and/or explodes against it. There would be several of them in the game, between 1km and 5km across. Most asteroids would orbit around Dres, but some would have orbits that bring them close to other planets like Kerbin. While none would originally be on collision courses, their orbits are not on rails and therefore their courses can be adjusted by landing on them and pushing them in any direction.

Due to their small size they'd have no noticeable gravity well, and so they wouldn't have a dedicated SOI. And since they can be destroyed just like our own rockets can, nukes and other weapons would not be needed. A planetary impact would result in the asteroid exploding on impact, possibly with a huge explosion designed just for it, but there'd be no actual damage to the planet.

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@Mitchz95 I like it! We would just want to keep the asteroid part count low to avoid lag issues. If we get cities on kerbin it would be more like the opening scene of Armageddon. Lots of damage to what it hits but not world ending.

now that NASA wants KSP to do asteroids I think both of our ideas could work rather well. Id be happy with yours but would prefer mine, however both would be awesome!

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