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KSP forums Threads Of The Month!


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Happy new year everyone, we've made it to 2015, I wish all of you the very best of luck and a happy year to come :)

Here's a look back at some of the threads you've made last year....





I like big THRUST and I cannot lie....ahem, and so does LostElement, so what's the Largest Rocket you've ever built?





Maths is an important tool of any rocket scientist, though nothing beats seat-of-the-pants experimentation and you can just use a bigger rocket like those above, but when you find yourself lithobraking on Laythe for the N'th time it can be handy to work out how much fuel you should have brought along.

And thanks to GoSlash27, we can reverse the rocket equation and find out :)





So now you're armed with a bigger rocket, you know how to make sure you have enough fuel, you need somewhere to go.

Go biome hopping!, it's fun, gets you around the Kerbol system and helps exercise your craft building muscles, don't forget to take screenshots of your accomplishments :)





Are our screenshots looking a little bland? Keep forgetting to warp to day? Tajampi can make your KSP screenshots better!

(Free lens flare with every purchase)





This next thread was posted very late in the year, literally on the last day, but it's so good I'm counting it.

Westi29 has made probably the best Mk3 Space Shuttle with Solid Boosters so far, it even has monopropellent OMS, and it's Easy to Fly! (Your mileage may vary)

Seriously check it out :)





With KSP now in 0.9+ beta it's time for Squad to start adding in all that polish, and where better than with the Tech tree and parts? Wanderfound's discussion is a gold mine for the devs, what do you think can be changed?





Nasa is considering a Manned Mission to Venus before Mars!, do I need to say more? :D





And finally, One-Way Gaming asks us what are our new years resolutions?

Mine is to continue with these TOTM's for another year :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome back to the KSP forums Threads Of The Month, it has been a busy month for discussion on 1.0 that's for sure and most of it surrounding the aero changes, so this TOTM will be looking at aircraft...


Anyone can put a basic jet on the back of a few tanks, slap some wings on and call it a plane, but jets lack the elegance of old propeller airplanes.

Unfortunately we don't have any propellers in stock KSP, but that didn't stop gGATORr from building a propeller driven warbird!

If that's too big for you, honorary mention goes to Pourpaya, with what is possibly the smallest propeller plane in stock KSP yet :)


So what if you want to build your own plane? While he can't help with making the engine from the above, Claw returns this month with a basic aircraft tutorial to help you make a plane that is balanced will fly, though how well it flies may vary :)


So now you have a fancy flier, you can just tap at your keyboard to fly her, right?

Or maybe see if that joystick you bought 10 years ago still works under all that dust?

Or maybe you can get your soldering iron, your serious face, and a bag of bits from the hardware store and treat yourself to a real controller for a change, and thanks to Mulbin you can do just that and put together a flight controller fit for the aces of Kerbins skies...

Chocs away!


Powered flight is fine and all but sometimes you just want to relax and fly something a lot less noisy, so how about flying a kite with Fengist?

After all, heavier than air flight didn't start with engines ;)


Simulated flight is fun, but real flight is better, though few of us will ever be more than a passenger and real flying is expensive.

But flying by proxy is fun and can be cheap, especially if you built your own, you should already be in a building mood thanks to Mulbins simpit so why not take it a step further and make your own R/C planes from scratch and scrap with Neil1993?

Bonus points if you make your simpit control the R/C plane...


And after all that, while our soldering irons are cooling and our cardboard plane is in the shed awaiting another repair, and our cats refuse to let us use their warm nap-place to play KSP on, we can take a look at some real planes with Segaprophet and dream of being a real pilot.

Maybe one day...

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a varied month for the Community forums, there's been high moments with many of us contributing, as with the Valentina competition.

And there's been moments of quiet introspection, of sadness and loss.

Before I talk a little more about that, let's see what else has been going on...


We're starting in Gameplay Questions and Tutorials this month, and UnusualAttitude challenges the the adage "Moar Boosters!"

"One does not simply... add moar boosters. Or maybe one does..."

We've had Asparagus, we've had Apollo staging, but it's hard to beat just sticking moar boosters on your craft :)


In the Spacecraft Exchange we see something rather different to the usual "here's my craft" thread, inigma ask us to show our cargobays.

Just how did you fit that in there? ;)


Two from fanworks this month, first we have Voyager55 and his excellent art titled "The Birth of a Dream".

Maybe it'll inspire you...


Second we have Maximus97 with his mission report, A Spacetime Oddity, follow the Kerbals as they start out on a seemingly normal space program.


In Challenges we see something we've not had before, and while it's closed the poster is still taking craft submissions and so far has managed to make all of them fly, tetryds claims it's "FAR from impossible" to make stock planes work in "real" aerodynamics, can you make a plane that even he can't fly? ;)


Something more thoughtful now, it's easy to forget that the text we see on the screen has a real live person behind it, and it's hard to express thoughts and feelings via writing alone, for this reason it's easy to misread others and to be misread in turn, and real feelings can be hurt.

Rarely is any actual harm intended though, so Deddly gives us a few pointers on helping keep the forums a positive place.

Too many threads turn sour because we forget to emphasize with others, so please give his post a read, and treat others how you'd like to be treated in return.


"And there's been moments of quiet introspection, of sadness and loss."

Few of us were lucky enough to have met Lenoard Nimoy, but all of us are saddened by his passing, I think it's fair to say that very few other human beings are as well known and regarded as the men and women who served aboard the Enterprise.

Leonard Nimoy joins DeForest Kelley, James Doohan and Majel Barrett beyond the final frontier...

The thread started by r4pt0r in the Space Lounge gives us a place to pay our respects.

Live long and prosper.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello again everyone, it's time to take another look at threads you may have missed, or wouldn't mind being reminded of, from the past month, or even further back :D

Each month when I look for cool submissions I always seem to find a really good craft or two and I say to myself "I'll use that in a TOTM", but I have been posting one at a time and have quite a backlog, so this month I have decided to post the lot, and rather than sticky seven craft in one forum, they will all be linked from another post in the Spacecraft Exchange as well as this one.

Without further ado...


Foxster loves his rocket, and so do I, so I think you will too, it's a very 50's design and the only thing it's lacking is raygun toting space heroes and heroines wearing aluminium foil, facing off against Kerbals in rubber Kraken costumes :)



The old style not suit you? Then Dark Jim's Energia and Buran should be more to your liking, it's all stock, and very, very impressive.



I have wanted to feature this for ages, it's just too cute not to, Upsilon Aerospace has made what has to be the smallest shuttle in KSP, seriously this should be stock :)



Addon users rarely fail to impress with their ingenuity, Pandoras Kitten really impresses with this "Rotary-Winged VTOL Rocket with Free-Spinning Center Section, Inspired by Roton Rotary & Triebflugel"

If I tried to say that too many times I'd be spinning just as much as this crafts center section :)



SpaceX keeps pushing the limits of what is possible with rockets, and Rune has made a decent version of the Dragon he calls the Dwagon, can you do better than SpaceX's landing computers? Find out!



Something a little off-beat now, Noorm has made a charming little monowheel rover, it's great for tearing around the KSC, and cheap on tires.


Finally, a true space ship, a space sailing ship, Adesters Flying Dutchman!

Helm, second star on the right, and straight on till morning :)



That's it, enjoy!

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to May!

Now, most people are busy playing 1.0 right about now and with good reason, it's the biggest and best update to KSP Squad has made to date, so this month we'll look at some threads that are about 1.0 in some way.


GoSlash27 is as helpful as ever with his Helpful 1.0 observations, so if you're finding 1.0 a little overwhelming drop by his thread, it's very helpful :)


Also helpful is this gem by our very own AmpsterMan, where he details many of the physics changes in 1.0


Many things have changed in 1.0 that have affected how SSTO spaceplanes are designed, why not take a look at planes past, present (if you add your own) and maybe even the future in KissSh0t's SSTO showcase.


1.0 is great, but to really put all the changes into perspective we need to look back to simpler times, in this thread Hotblack Desiato challenges you to fly as high as you can, sounds easy? Take a look, it's harder than it seems :)


In a small break from tradition we're looking at an addon this month, blackrack's Scatterer addon can really make KSP look good, especially when flying your 1.0 aero spaceplane into the sunset :)


KSP has bugs, there's no denying, and Valentina (with the help of ShadowZone) shows us one of the older bugs in action :D


That's it for this month, and don't forget, any landing you can crawl away from is a good one :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello again everybody, there's been some really good threads started by our members (you guys and girls) and we again look back at a few.

So drop by some of these and take a look!


It's great to see what new players bring to the community, vej may be new but he's fitting right in and gets this month rolling with his thread on KSP mining operation efficiency, so let's see your rigs :)



A lot of players, new and old, are having trouble with their craft spinning out, and so has Kuzzter, so he decided to help the rest of us learn HOW NOT TO FLIP, if you're having trouble check it out, and if you're a pro then share your tips :)



No craft this month, instead we are looking at parts of craft, sgt_flyer has made some amazing stock animated Turbofan engines so if you like jumbo jets you'll like these.



A lot of new players can't make it to the Mun yet, it's a skill that doesn't come naturally, you could try, try, try again, or you could just fake it!

Tw1 challenges us to fake a Mun landing, it's legit if no one finds out, right?



Another new member shows us what he can do in the fanworks section, Kvantovy reproduces the new Star Wars trailer in KSP, take a look, it's pretty good.


Lastly, we drop by the Space Lounge for something a lot more relaxing, Winston's birdbox.



That's it for this month!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi all! There's been a lot of activity these last few months despite the encroach of summer, who needs the beach when we have beaches near our beloved KSC? Not to mention on Laythe, send me a postcard!


We get a lot of art threads and story threads in Fanworks, but this has to be the best mix of both, check out Kuzzter's Duna or Bust comic here!, reading and funny pictures, that's about my limit literature-wise.



Soda Popinski has made this hilarious short B-movie, Amazon women from the Mun, complete with its own "making of".

Now I know where female Kerbals came from!


MarvinKitFox comes up with the challenge for this TOTM, with his Kerbol limbo, how low can you go?



This might be the first craft I've stickied from this well known and highly skilled builder, and it's far from his only vehicle of this type, but I think it's the best, take a look at Zekes Iosif Stalin 4, stock heavy tank!, that's some serious creativity with nothing but stock parts.



I don't know about you but mining can be a grind, all that punching of trees to make pickaxes, oh wait wrong game, so if you're as in-the-know about mining as I am you might appreciate rhadamant's step by step mining guide.



Not a thread this time but a post, on the subject of getting joysticks working in KSP, hellbender goes out of his way to help us out here, if you're having trouble with your bindings it's worth checking out (and dropping him some rep).



There's been quite a lot of talk about the new film The Martian by Andy Weir all over the net, and we have our very own thread discussing the book and movie here thanks to sp1989, so if you're interested in Mars it's worth a look.

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  • 1 month later...

These are pretty good, take a look :)


KSP Wasn't Designed For This.... But JollyRoger did it anyway, if ever we need to evacuate the Earth and colonize Mars I know who to call.



There's a lot of interest in planes in KSP but not many places to land them, so Peachoftree steps up to help anyone struggling to keep their planes in one piece when they inevitably come back down again, a landing you can walk away from is good, a landing where you get to reuse your plane, well that's better.



mhoram recreates one of the oldest challenges in rocketry, the Goddard problem, get as high as you're able with a simple sounding rocket, full throttle won't be your friend here, careful balance of thrust against drag is the key, enjoy.



The Error comes up with a short but thoughtful story for us this month, titled Quieter days, there's not much I can say about it without spoiling things, so go check it out.


The ever inventive KHTRE is always coming up with novel, er, things in KSP, and this time he's decided to explore KSP's physics and make a particle system he calls "The Fountain".


And finally, we have our very own "this or that", Sega or Nintendo? PC or MAC? KSP or Minecraft?, cutlercollin99 what have you started?!?!?

That's all, hope you like them as much as these guys like making them :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello everyone, it's been a light month as everyone has been distracted by Squads news, but let's see what you've been doing.


We're starting the fanworks section this month, when a friend of Pandoras Kitten asked "What's the point of KSP?", well, there was only one way to answer...


sdj64 provides the challenge this time, as how could I not mention THE ULTIMATE JOOL-5 CHALLENGE!



Eat your greens! The crew of the ISS does, now that they have determined that growing their own lettuce in space is safe, though they still have to send half of it back to Earth for the NASA cafeteria ;)

Thanks to lajoswinkler for the thread!


Endersmens is at it again and this time with a thread on stargazing, considering this forum is full of space geeks I think there should be more of this, and I think you all will like to take a look.



Lime brings us craft from many different forum members this month with his Minicraft showcase.



That's it for now.

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  • 1 month later...

It's that time again, where we take a look back at some of the threads you (yes, YOU!) have contributed to our community :)


Starting with the Spacecraft Exchange this month, we have something decidedly not a rocket, pTrevTrevs shows us how creative you can be in KSP with his all stock U-boat!



Something that new players have trouble with that experienced players take for granted is simply orientating themselves, "up" can be easy to lose track of so KerbalEssences has made a tutorial to help out.

Learn about the navball and docking here.


Another movie but this time very different, SpriteCoke shows us what we can do with MrHappyFace's Kerbal Animation Suite.

This is just amazing.


I'm sticking an addon this month, it's a little old but it's definitely worth checking out, linuxgurugamer has added greatly to the contracts available in career mode with his SpaceTux contract pack, and it has a penguin!, everyone loves penguins, yes you do, of course you do, what do you mean you don't? we'll see about that! (reaches for the ban button...)

Ahem, you will like penguins, or else.



This months challenge is from none other than Fengist, with his amazing Elcano challenge, that tasks entrants with circumnavigating a planet or moon in KSP via surface travel only.


The Elcano Challenge

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost


An unusual thread closes the TOTM this month, Dman979 Asks the Mods questions about the Forums!.

So if you ever wanted to know a little about how the forums work, what the moderators do and stuff like that, drop by and ask :)


That's it, have fun and don't crash!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Let's see what my powerful thread picker program has for us this month!


Guess I have to do this manually again...


Starting in the Spacecraft Exchange this month we have BlueCanary's Magnificent Aerial Steam Liners Of The Future - Today!!!

When it comes to planes you can't go wrong with moar wing!



This month we also take a look at a Rocket Builders thread, while most builders concern themselves with rockets, aircraft or war machines, FlipNascar adds some much less conventional craft, these certainly are Not Your Grandmother's Spacecraft!.



In Fanworks we have Jolly_Roger's Starseed, with music from Canadian group Our Lady Peace.


In Tutorials Bob Fitch goes into detail on many aspects of KSP in his youtube series, Turbo Time.


Players tend to use the same few engines a lot, such as Mainsails to lift, LV-N's to go places and Terriers to land, but it's good to try using other engines, and that's what Foxster challenges us to do this month, can you go to space with a thud!?



The Science Labs sees a grand discussion on C, C++ and C# programming, thanks to PB666.

C# is especially interesting to KSP players as it's the language of choice for plugins to extend the game, so if you're interested in getting into programming or modding KSP you might want to take a look.

namespace MyNamespace
class MyClass

while (someCondition)
} // try
} // catch
} // while

} // myClass
} // namespace MyNamespace


And finally Tex Mechs Robot brings us news of the proposed LEGO Saturn V!

If you want this (and you know you do) you need to vote for it at the Lego Ideas website, so what are you waiting for?



That's all for now :)

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