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Share your completely useless KSP stats and trivia here!


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That's right! If you've ever noticed some worthless trivia or stats while playing KSP, here is your chance to share. It need not be much (and let's face it, if its worthless, it isn't much at all).

Here's one I encountered in recent KSP play:

19 Mainsails can cause 8 launch stabilizer clamps to fail.

See? Totally useless.

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The hacked gravity on kerbin is about twice gilly's normal gravity

Pol is named after a pollen grain

Eeloo and jool are in a 2:3 resonance

All ships explode at 600m below sea level on kerbin.

Kerbals in a space suit mass 90kg.

Jool has about the same radius as venus.

(im not sure if this next one still exists)

At Aprox one Exa-metre from the sun your kerbals names will be change to god kerman

The end

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The launch clamps generate electricity for the ship.

I'm not sure if it's useless; crazy timewarping on the launchpad for launch windows might consume all your battery, making sense that it generates power to keep it alive.

I'm not sure if it's true either, but it's said so in the VAB under the additional information by right-clicking it. :D

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-Average surface temperature on laythe is 4 degrees celcius.

-You can now climb inside the control tower at the island runway.

-Many of the buildings at the KSC have useable ladders and stairways that allow kerbals to navigate their way all the way to the top of most buildings, and reach the VAB helipad from the ground. (This, however, takes a VERY long time.)

-The smaller tower on the launchpad has a climb-able ladder, that will allow your kerbals to watch from a slightly elevated and incredibly close position as you blast off into space.

-Jool, Laythe and Tylo have the exact same surface gravity: 0.8g.

-Moho has two giant, conical pits at it's poles, both almost exactly 5km deep.

-The current "strongest" part in the game is the "Large Structural Pylon", with an impact tolerance of 999ms-1.

-A rockomax poodle has the same mass as 5 LV-909s, and the same ISP, but has less thrust than using 5 LV-909s.

-The engine with the highest TWR in the stock game is the 48-7S, with a TWR of 30 (Yes, that puny little sucker is more efficient and more powerful than a mainsail). Compared to the real life engine with the highest ever TWR, the Merlin 1D from SpaceX, with a TWR of 150.

-Cubic octagonal struts are massless and physics-less when on a craft. However, when they are on their own they do have mass and are subject to physics. (Unusual, isnt it.)

-The strongest control part in the game is the MK3 Cockpit, with an impact tolerance of 50ms-1. The strongest probe core is the Probodobodyne QBE, at 30ms-1.

-Many parts in the early tech nodes are listed as being: "found lying by the side of the road".

-The radial attachment point is listed as being: "Found behind the Clamp-O-Tron factory".

-Wheels have a higher impact tolerance and braking speed than landing legs, and have better suspension.

There is a hell of a lot more, I just dont have the time to post them.

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