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KSP Science Balance (x/post from /r/kerbalspaceprogram)

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How about this: we split science parts into two categories:

1. Data collection parts (thermometer, barometer, etc.)

2. Individual experiments (Materials and Goo)

The data collection parts would generate a certain amount of data per biome, per time unit (take your pick: min, sec, hour, score, fortnight). Each biome would still be capped like now, and the data collection rate would follow a 'reciprocal function' so that early on you would get a lot of data per second in that biome, but the rate would decrease and level off rather quickly until it becomes a slow, steady data earner. Think about it this way: we still learn new things about our atmosphere from our trips to space, but we learned a LOT more the first few times than we did it. (the cap is necessary in KSP for many obvious reasons and is still fairly realistic)

The individual experiments would function as they do now in .23 (along with the lab).

Data would only be converted into usable "science" when either:

1. Transmitted back (at a penalty, meaning you must either perform the experiment more times, or spend more time in that biome with that 'sensor') (unmanned probes also have an additional penalty for transmitting as it is obviously much easier to just shoot a probe out into oblivion than it is to get Kerbals there and back again [a Kerbal's tale, by Jebediah Kerman])

2. Gathered from a recovered capsule at no penalty The lab would function as it does now, reducing the penalty for transmitting data instead of bringing it back home, while requiring to Kerbalnauts for that data boost. This would also make space stations instantly useful as long term science gatherers which the "min/maxers" can ignore by landing on Duna in their 3rd flight, but the rest of us can use earlier on to keep science flowing while we take our sweet time exploring the Mun, Minimus and beyond.

Also, this would make unmanned probes much more valueable AND much more realistic. Combining this with the concepts in RemoteTech would make for a very realistic mission progression throughout KSP.

Addition: We leave in the ability for us to use EVAs to collect science from individual experiments as this values manned missions over unmanned ones even further. (Manned missions have a higher inherent risk [definitely will once reputation is involved])

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