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[WIP] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts - V0.8.2 (7/17/2014)


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Release thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64972-DMagic-Orbital-Science-New-Science-Parts

Download from CurseForge

I’ve always wanted more science parts to play around with so I decided to make some of my own. So far I've come up with several probe parts in Blender and Unity.

- A magnetometer boom

- A telescope

- A radio plasma wave antenna - Read this post for a much more detailed explanation of what this instrument is.

- Laser surface scanning instrument

- Exobiology core drill

- Anomalous Signal Scanner

- Four parts intended to be used with the Universal Storage mod:

- Alternate versions of the magnetometer and RPWS

- Combined PresMat/2Hot and Accel/GravMax parts

- New SCANsat versions of both the telescope and the anomaly sensor

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Link for SCANsat BTDT radar part V0.1.1 (1/26/2014):

MediaFire Link: http://www./download/84h818y5sq6cc3v/BTDTv1_1.zip

SCANsat thread post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping?p=928786&viewfull=1#post928786


MediaFire Links:











v0.4: http://www./download/e7yb106hjx65fcw/DMagic%20Orbital%20Science%20v4.zip

v0.3: http://www./download/hqvftcid2ircqcc/DMagic%20Orbital%20Science%20v3.rar

v0.2: http://www./download/t6lg7ld6gcsci83/DMagic%20Orbital%20Science%20v2.rar

v0.1: http://www./download/ku1asbx4g236uaj/DMagic%20Orbital%20Science.rar

Source on GitHub: https://github.com/DMagic1/Orbital-Science

As of version 0.3 all parts have science reports associated with them. The telescope has two versions, the default has its own science reports, the alternate uses damny's SCANsat plugin.

These are all second (or third, or fourth) drafts, but they all seem ok to me. I tried not to make them stand out too much from stock parts, so no gold foil or highly detailed control panels. The stowed magnetometer is similar in size to the stowed comm dish.

This is my first attempt at making parts (or any 3D modeling for that matter) so I probably made a lot of mistakes. The telescope in particular is more complex than necessary. Its leaf shutter has 26 segments (and needs a little tweaking), which adds a lot of triangles to the part, I only use a few box colliders around the scope body and shroud though. But otherwise these are all fairly lightweight; as of version 0.4 all of them use 512x512 textures, as well as normal maps and some small specular textures. The magnetometer has an animated box collider along its entire length, so be careful with it. The RPWS only has a collider around the base, not the antennae.

The magnetometer and RPWS are based on the Cassini instruments, though this type of magnetometer is pretty common. The telescope is, again, similar to those found on a lot of probes, but I was primarily looking at the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRISE instrument.

Change Log:

- Updated for KSP v0.24
- New multispectral imaging platform experiment
- New solar particle collector experiment
- Rudimentary version of multiple-use asteroid experiments added
- Experiments can be repeated on several asteroids, but only once on any given asteroid
- New versions of all Universal Storage parts
- Parts are now installed in the standard empty US science bay
- These require that Universal Storage be installed correctly and in the right location to function properly
- Universal Storage and SCANsat compatible parts configure themselves automatically if the requisite mod in installed
- Module Manager required to work
- SCANsat parts no longer included on separate part files
- External science monitoring/activating mods now require explicit support from me to function properly
- Only mods the have a 'deploy experiment' type of button affected
- All experiments are EVA deployable
- A few, mostly minor bug fixes
- Max atmospheric height is now properly determined
- Experimental situation multipliers for flying high and in space high now use their proper values
- This is most obvious for the sun; in space high has a multiplier of 2, in space low has a multiplier of 11
- General cleanup for inefficient animations and part models
- Significant code rewrite for most modules
- In addition to several bug fixes, several exciting new bugs have probably been added

- Hotfix for bug causing you to temporarily lose science reports after landing, taking off, or otherwise changing vessel situation

- Added asteroid science system
- Asteroid specific reports can be collected while grappled to, or within 2km of an asteroid
- Reports and science values vary with asteroid class
- Asteroid experiments are only counted once per asteroid class (your current planet and experimental situation are ignored)
- Four new parts for use in combination with the Universal Storage mod
- Replacements for magnetometer and RPWS; both are functionally identical to their default counterparts
- Combinations of the four basic science experiments; PresMat/2Hot and Accel/GravMax
- Asteroid reports available for Accel/GravMax
- Slight changes in atmospheric detection; PresMat/2Hot measurements can be taken while aerobraking, on escape trajectory etc...
- Magnetometer simulation extended to all planets and moons; should also work on mod planets
- Simulation update frequency reduced; should be little/no chance for performance impact
- A few minor bug fixes
- Clarified limitations on Core Drill usage in the in-game part description
- Additional science reports for asteroid science; typo fixes for old reports

- Updated for KSP v0.23.5
- New RPWS model and texture
- Existing vessels should still work, but the RPWS might end up attached backwards
- New telescope texture, some adjustments made to the existing model
- Resized parts so that they are all more similar in scale
- Added resource usage to drill, laser, anomaly scanner and magnetometer
- Can be configured in the part.cfg file
- Limited magnetosphere simulation for Kerbin
- Values read-out in right-click menu, can be disabled in the part.cfg file
- Several changes to plugin code
- Exploits for drill fixed
- Lab reset for anomaly scanner should work as it does for stock parts
- Most parts moved onto universal science module
- Several default science reports added, should work on any mod planets that include ScienceParams values
- Drill should work on any planet with an atmosphere now
- Added reports for Krag's PlanetFactory planets

- Added SCANsat BTDT function to alternate version of the anomaly sensor.
- Can now be used for both custom anomaly science scanning and SCANsat scanning.
- Part has a different name and must be purchased separately in the R&D center.
- Added my own telescope module to the SCANsat version.
- Details are the same as for the anomaly sensor.
- Both parts are found in the alternate, SCANsat folder.
- No changes to the default parts.

- New anomalous signal scanner. Designed for rovers and spaceplanes.
- Used to detect and study anomalies.
- Single use only; return to Kerbin for complete study of the science report, or transmit and reset with science lab.
- New textures for the magnetometer and laser; they fit in better with the recent parts.
- Fixed .cfg file and plugin bugs for the laser and magnetometer
- Laser returned to its proper tech node - will require repurchase, but should not affect existing vessels.
- A few minor changes in other part.cfg files; dropped the mass of the telescope.
- New science reports for the anomaly scanner, fixed many typos in old reports.

- Minor bug fixes for core drill.
- Custom biome science reports added for laser and optical telescope.
- Reduced science experiment values.

- New exobiology core drill instrument. Designed for rovers and landers.

[INDENT]- Features multiple storage containers.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]- Can be used up to six times before needing to be returned to Kerbin or reset.[/INDENT]

- New custom science reports

[INDENT]- Support included for Trueborn's Custom Biome (Basic biome set) --- * Requires custom biome download[/INDENT]

- New surface scanning laser instrument. Designed for rovers and landers.
- Changes in magnetometer and telescope part names to address compatibility issues with other mods (will not be backward compatible without manually changing the names or installing the alternate part folder). Re-purchasing parts in the R&D center is required.
- New model for magnetometer, includes added details to the instruments themselves, cleaner animation, and lower RAM usage due to more efficient use of textures.
- All parts are EVA accessible, Kerbals can collect and transfer science reports.
- Custom part modules for all parts to address animation and science collection issues:
- Added plugin module for telescope, functions similar to the other parts
- Fixed the animation states so that the parts stay deployed after saving and loading
- Science reports will automatically be collected after the deploy animation finishes (when using the log data button, not the regular deploy button)
- Repeatedly pushing the collect data button/action group will not spam multiple results.
- The laser has only a single, forward animation. Data is collected midway through the animation.
- Deployed previews are available in the VAB/SPH for all parts
- Edited existing science reports, and added several more. Added full set of surface reports for the laser.

- Added plugin for testing.
- Custom part module for magnetometer and RPWS.
- Changes to animation and science module functions:
- Animations are now reversible while playing.
- Magnetometer animation slightly faster.
- Transmitting or resetting experiment no longer triggers retract animation.
- Deploy animation only plays when experiment is possible (no longer displays can't perform experiment dialog after completing animation).
- Deploy/Retract button always available by right-clicking part.
- Parts must be fully deployed before experiment can proceed.
- Collect data button/action group triggers deploy animation if the part is not already deployed.

- New textures for all parts.
- Changed non-SCANsat telescope to be the default, for the SCANsat version replace the default scope folder with the alternate folder.
- Tweaks to models and animations for the magnetometer and telescope.
- Add Langmuir probe to RPWS model (should not break existing crafts).
- Added surface reports for the magnetometer, including biome support where available.
- Added biome support for non-SCANsat telescope in low orbit.
- Rearranged tech tree placement; parts moved to earlier nodes.
- Decreased science report values, added and edited science reports.
- Added FxModule to part.cfg to force deployment before science reports can be collected.

- Added science for RPWS Antenna.
- Tweaked magnetometer science values and reports.
- Added alternate telescope part folder with science reports that aren't dependent on SCANsat.
- Changed default telescope to the multispectral SCANsat module (biomes and anomalies), this seems to make more sense for an optical telescope.
- Changed tech tree node positions.
- Changed magnetometer texture to match the other parts.

- Added science for magnetometer boom for the space around all planets and moons.
- Added SCANsat SAR sensor (hi resolution map) module for the telescope * Requires damny's SCANsat plugin.
- Fixed attachment node placement.

- Initial upload

I realize that some of these parts already exist. The interstellar mod has a magnetometer, though the plugin is integral to even its basic function and I don't really like the model. I think there are a few others as well, but that's no reason not to add my own.

License for parts, textures, and sciencedefs: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 88x31.png

License for plugins: BSD License

License for SCANsat BTDT changed to CC and BSD license - same as those listed above.

Edited by DMagic
Update to version 0.8.2
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I really like these! I'd download them right now if I could. :) I like to put various AIES antennae all over my ships and probes just because I think they look cool, and they don't do anything either. Well, not in sandbox mode, which is all I play. Although it would be nice if the telescope really worked as a telescope. But the other 2 antennae, yes please, when can I download? :)

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I really like these! I'd download them right now if I could. :) I like to put various AIES antennae all over my ships and probes just because I think they look cool, and they don't do anything either. Well, not in sandbox mode, which is all I play. Although it would be nice if the telescope really worked as a telescope. But the other 2 antennae, yes please, when can I download? :)

Oh yeah, I forgot about adding the parts... I added a mediafire link to the top, drop the extracted folder into \GameData\

The .cfg files aren't really complete, but they should work well enough. The node positions need to be refined and the techtree placement is just based on the stock .cfg files that I copied for formatting (the comm dish and something else I think). All parts can be surface attached, the boom and the scope can also be stack attached onto another node.

Each part has a single toggle option for the deploy/retract animation.

Let me know if you run into any problems.

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This looks interesting, I will propably test this when the parts actually do science. Or maybe when I start launching missions with longer travel times so the parts may get updated in the meantime :D

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I uploaded version 2 and added it to the first post.

I added magnetometer science reports for all of the planets and moons; some have both high and low space reports. I didn't realize how simple adding science reports is, so I'll probably add reports for the RPWS soon, too.

I also added the hi resolution scanner module from damny's SCANsat plugin to the telescope. It should fill in the high resolution terrain and slope maps, science reports also work.

Let me know if there are any issues.

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Uploaded version 3.

Added science for the RPWS Antenna and made an alternate telescope with its own science reports and no SCANsat module. Full change log is in the first post.

I think this set is ready for release. I spent some time checking out several different planets and all of the science reports seem to be working right.

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I uploaded version 2 and added it to the first post.

I added magnetometer science reports for all of the planets and moons; some have both high and low space reports. I didn't realize how simple adding science reports is, so I'll probably add reports for the RPWS soon, too.

I also added the hi resolution scanner module from damny's SCANsat plugin to the telescope. It should fill in the high resolution terrain and slope maps, science reports also work.

Let me know if there are any issues.

Just tried the magnetometer on the launchpad... Nothing. No science report. Does it need to be aloft before it will work?

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Just tried the magnetometer on the launchpad... Nothing. No science report. Does it need to be aloft before it will work?

Yeah, the sciencedefs are set to only work in low and high space. For Kerbin that's about 70 - 250km for low space, and 250km and up for high space.

I suppose I could set some default result for surface or atmospheric use, but it's not really meant to be used there.

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A minor update is ready for testing; download available on the first post.

I made custom part modules for the magnetometer and RPWS to replace the default animation and science experiment modules.

The default modules have some issues that effect my parts much more than stock science parts.

I made the animation reversible during playback, and the right-click deploy/retract buttons are always present, regardless of what is going on with the science module. The magnetometer animation playback is sped up a bit, too.

The default science experiment module has a few issues that I tried to work around. Trying to start an experiment where none is possible (on the surface or in the atmosphere for the RPWS, in the atmosphere for the magnetometer) no longer triggers the deploy animation, instead it displays a message about where you should use the instrument. This also fixes spoonyboobah's issue where starting an experiment where none is possible locks the instrument in the open position (only an action group can be used to close it at that point).

Starting an experiment when the instrument is closed (and the experiment is possible) triggers the deploy animation. However, the experiment doesn't trigger at the end of the animation, you have to manually start it again. This is an issue that I still need to fix.

The experiment also won't start if the animation is still playing. A message will be displayed and you'll need to trigger the experiment again when the instrument is fully deployed.

Transmitting or resetting the experiment no longer triggers the retract animation. This was particularly annoying with my parts because the animations are relatively long.

That's about all the plugin does for now. I just wanted to get this out quickly to address those issues with the default modules. It's pretty simple and I think I worked out all of the issues so far, but if anyone wants to test it please tell me about any issues or problems that you find. The part.cfg files for those two parts were changed, but otherwise everything else is the same.

I have a rover part in progress too, and this simple plugin will be more important for that part. I have the model and animation finished for that part, but I need to figure out a few other things before I can add the texture and make custom science reports for that. Hopefully I can have that part finished in a week or two. Previews for it should come soon.

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for some reason, i can't enable the magnetometer in career mode. i go to unlock it, and it looks fine, but it's still greyed out in the VAB and says it requires a purchase in r&d. i've done this several times without any luck.

which sucks, cause from the pics i seriously love the way it looks!

using the latest version...

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Did you just try unlocking the tech node again, or did you purchase the individual part?

If you add a part after unlocking a tech node you have to go back to the R&D center, click on the node, then click on the picture of the part itself (that should appear in the column on the right), then a window should pop up asking if you want to research the part.

If you've already done that, or it still doesn't work after trying it, let me know. That should always work (I have to do it every time I change something in the part .cfg, or reload the model, so I've done it dozens of times). There is another, slightly more complex way to force a part to be available, but that requires editing the persistence file, so try out the simple method first.

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i have tried that, no dice.


i renamed the part and now it works just fine. not sure why that was causing a problem (i don't think i have any other parts called magboom), but there you have it.

anyway, i love these gadgets! they look great, and work great. and the science reports are top notch, very well done!

if i had a criticism it would probably be the scope... i like parts that give you the report right away. if you sped up the time it takes the diaphragm to open, that would be much better. (although it is a very nice animation, it's not really easy to see 99% of the time, so you wouldn't really lose anything).

also, if you're concerned about polygon count, why not just make the shutter a 7-blade? that always looks nice.

but really, great stuff!

Edited by antgeth
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I've been having that issue with the SCANsat telescope. I don't know if it's because I put it in as a differently named part, in parallel with the non-SCAsat version, or if it's a gameplay bug.

Did you change all of the part names? The "name = scope" line is the important one at the top of the .cfg file. When I added both telescopes without changing that line I got the same issue. If you change the "name =" line, then re-purchase the part in the R&D center it should work.

If you want to check more carefully what's going on, you can open up the persistence file and search for the line "id = advExploration", it should have a list of all the parts that have been purchased under that node. If you see "part = scope" twice then that's your problem (this can also happen when you add and remove parts from your GameData folder multiple times). But if you changed it to something like scope2, you can just add the line "part = scope2" and you should be able to use the part right away. Just be careful in the persistence file, and make a backup if you change anything.


i renamed the part and now it works just fine. not sure why that was causing a problem (i don't think i have any other parts called magboom), but there you have it.

anyway, i love these gadgets! they look great, and work great. and the science reports are top notch, very well done!

if i had a criticism it would probably be the scope... i like parts that give you the report right away. if you sped up the time it takes the diaphragm to open, that would be much better. (although it is a very nice animation, it's not really easy to see 99% of the time, so you wouldn't really lose anything).

also, if you're concerned about polygon count, why not just make the shutter a 7-blade? that always looks nice.

but really, great stuff!

You could check your persistence file too, if you just want to check what's going on. Sometimes strange things happen when I add parts multiple times (blank part icons in the R&D center, or repeated entries in the persistence file), so there could be something weird there. But if it works now I guess it doesn't really matter.

I'm planning on making a custom part module for the telescope too, it should address those issues with the animation and science reports (mostly by not closing it after transmitting or resetting the experiment). Though I need to figure out how to get the science report to trigger when the open animation finishes before that really works well.

The telescope's poly count is a little high for such a small part, but it's nothing extreme, I think 1200 or so triangles. The reason I put so many leafs in the shutter is that the walls of the telescope are very thin (I decided on that kind of shutter long after making the rest of the model). If I made the leafs wider they would stick out through the walls.

I might just remake the model though. I've already done that with the magnetometer to add detail to the instruments themselves, make the animation smoother, and cut down on the inefficient texture usage. It's not hard to do when I already know exactly what the part should look like.

Edited by DMagic
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I was also having the issue with the Magnetometer in career mode not unlocking. And see that akefay's 'magnetometer and boom' uses "name=magBoom". I edited "Probe Science/Mag Boom/part.cfg" and changed magBoom to dmMagBoom where ever it showed up.

Due to so many mods, I highly suggest you prepend "dm" to all your names to keep a unique namespace.

Thanks for the extra science tools! Love it.

akefay's part: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/magnetometer-and-boom/

I found it in cygwin and some find fu.

$ cd /cygdrive/c/Games/KSP_23/GameData

$ find . -type f -exec grep -H magBoom {} \;
./akefay/magboom/parts/science/magboom/magboom.cfg: name=magBoom
Binary file ./DMagic Orbital Science/Probe Science/Mag Boom/model.mu matches
./DMagic Orbital Science/Probe Science/Mag Boom/part.cfg:name = magBoom
./DMagic Orbital Science/Probe Science/Mag Boom/part.cfg: animationName = magBoom
./PartCatalog/Plugins/PluginData/PartCatalog/catalog.txt:ADD PART magBoom
./PartCatalog/Plugins/PluginData/PartCatalog/catalog.txt:ADD PART magBoom

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I was also having the issue with the Magnetometer in career mode not unlocking. And see that akefay's 'magnetometer and boom' uses "name=magBoom".

Argh. That was stupid, I've downloaded and used that part for comparison several times. I guess I never loaded it at the same time as my magnetometer.

If you actually have both parts in your GameData folder they won't work together, even in sandbox mode. The second magnetometer will still show up in the VAB, but it will be replaced by whichever part was loaded first when you actually try to launch. And in career mode the entry in the tech node field remains even if you delete the part from your GameData folder, causing the issue that people have been having above. So that's obviously a problem.

I guess I'll have to change the name for that, and probably the telescope while I'm at it. The RPWS should be fine, that's not something I expect to see a lot of, and name = rpwsAnt doesn't seem like it would be used again anyway.

At best people will have to research the part again in the R&D center, at worst their crafts will implode because they're missing the part. I think I'll provide a folder with alternate .cfg files using the old names for the next release, but after that it's probably best to only use the new names.

Thanks for pointing that out, and thanks for trying out these parts everyone.

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Did you change all of the part names? The "name = scope" line is the important one at the top of the .cfg file. When I added both telescopes without changing that line I got the same issue. If you change the "name =" line, then re-purchase the part in the R&D center it should work.



Yeah, I forgot to do that. Thanks. :)

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