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Occupy Laythe!

Adam Novagen

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If you've been in this thread before: please refer to post #16 for a question from yours truly.

Sup folks.

So I've been running a mission to colonize Laythe. However, rather than just drop a science lab down and call it a day, I've been building my way up through career mode, building up the necessary science to unlock the parts for a fully restockable and permanent installation that can ferry Kerbals all the way from Kerbin to the Laythe colony and back again. I've been recording it as a series on YouTube, and for some reason it never occurred to me to share it here until now. Feel free to enjoy my ultra-professional antics; I may be great at spaceships, but I'm absolute rubbish at space! :sticktongue:

... Oh, and if Let's Plays aren't your thing then you may prefer this little montage of my utter failure to make a halfway decent spaceplane.

Enjoy! :cool:

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Today, a milestone has been reached in my mission to colonize Laythe, namely actually landing a rover successfully! Prior to this, the only things outside the Kerbin system I'd actually landed on were Duna and Gilly, so it feels great to finally get that under my belt.

Of course, in the meantime, it may take Jeb close to a century to get back home...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really getting the hang of this orbit business. For some reason, it never occurred to me to use RCS to fine-tune my orbits before; I was always trying to use my rocket motors instead. Well, not this time! Now I am finally getting good at SPACE!

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Having got the space stations up successfully, it's time to develop a way of getting fuel between them so that I can refuel the SSTO for getting kerbals off of Laythe, and the bus for transporting them between stations. Getting three jumbo-64 tanks' worth of fuel into orbit proved to be a bit more challenging than I'd first though, however.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to ask you folks something, and I can assure you I won't be offended by an honest answer, good or bad.

Is this mission series worth continuing/finishing? I mean, I enjoy playing KSP in general, that's not gonna change whether I'm recording it or not. See, I've been around the YouTube scene a full year now, and haven't really gotten anywhere in that time. At first it's easy to assume that you just haven't been noticed much yet, what with the Let's Play scene being so crowded these days, but as time goes on and nothing much changes you have to ask yourself whether it's really that your videos just aren't that interesting.

I like to think they're decent, but it's almost impossible to be objective about your own work, and because I get so little activity there's no proper way of knowing whether my content's actually entertaining or not. So I hereby put the question to all of you lot: is it any good? Is it very good? Not very good? Am I funny, or boring? Do I waste too much time, should I cut more out of the videos, or is it nice to have a full "journal-style" playthrough? Making videos like these takes a significant amount of time and effort, both in recording and editing. Now if they really are halfway decent then I'll gladly keep at it, and improve what you think could be improved, but if they're really just a big snooze then I might as well save myself some labour hours and play KSP quietly like I used to.

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To be honest, it's pretty dull. The videos are long and rather slow-paced, so you might want to cut some less important chunks out just to make them shorter and less monotonous.

That could help a lot, but you should also try writing a script in advance - just so you have something to talk about that isn't what you're doing in the game at the very moment, which you often seem to be doing. It sounds like you're mostly just thinking out loud, and that isn't very entertaining.

Edited by Felsmak
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I must respectfully disagree with Felsmak. I'm absolutely loving the series (discovered it a couple of days ago and up to episode 19 now).

I watch it on the train on my commute, and I have to keep myself from laughing out loud. Part of that is that I can often guess what's coming and waiting for the inevitable to happen (or the penny to drop) is quite fun, and part of it is that (I suspect) we may have a similar sense of humour. Of course, sometimes I'm wrong, and that's fun too.

Thinking about it, I think the reason I like the videos so much is that they really convey a sense of exploration and discovery. It's great when you stumble upon some feature or function you didn't realise existed, even if I already knew about it.

I also like the occasional musical interludes, and the ship designs.

One thing that confounds me (in a good way) is your accent. I just cannot place it.

Anyway, you definitely get a vote from me to continue making the vids.

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Well, even Felsmak never said to stop, so with that in mind I guess I'll continue as I have been, but with a little belt-tightening. The series is close to wrapping up anyway at this point, Probably got like four more episodes before the colony has everything I want it to, and then I do a [super secret special mission] for a little finale. Thank you both for advising here, I'm grateful for the time and though you took! :)

(With regards to the accent: it's no surprise you can't place it. It's a mixed-up accent gained from being born in America, spending early childhood in England, then living the rest of my life in America with my half-British family and watching loads of BBC sitcoms. I'm very odd.)

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