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JellyCubes Weaponry - Jupiter Class Ballistic Missile Submarine


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The ultimate in weapons of mass destruction, the Jupiter class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine is highly moble, virtually undetectable and offers any country first strike, second strike and decapitation strike capabilities. Comes equipped with ICBMs.

A roughly 1/4th scale of the US Ohio class nuclear ballistic missile submarine. Measures around 42 m tall and 4.3 m wide. Top speed is 40 knots (~20 m/s) with an endurance in excess of 1,000 days at maximum power thanks to its nuclear reactor.




Usage notes:

[list type=decimal]

[li]Use the .craft files provided. Creating the sub from scratch in the VAB is sort of complicated.

[/li][li]In the provided .craft file, there are two solid rockets in either the first or second stage. These are parts with a dry mass greater than its wet mass and serve to orient the submarine correctly in the ocean.[/li]

[li]The RCS system is used as the ballast tanks. Press \'n\' to increase weight (to submerge) and \'h\' to decrease weight (to surface).[/li]

[li]The conning tower acts as an advanced SAS unit.[/li]

[li]To make it easier to get the submarine into the ocean, the diving planes generate a lot of lift and the submarine can be flown like an aircraft and all parts have high impact tolerance and can survive water impacts of >300 m/s.[/li]

Jupiter Class SSBN V0.2

  • [li]Version 0.2 - Added struts to reduce wobbling[/li]

Thanks to gabyalufix for their RCS ascent/descent method. :thumbup:

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  Damonjay said:

Just had an idea.

we need depth charges to deal with this new weapon :P

any ideas how to do it?

It would have to be heavy. An SRB fitted that both drives it and acts as detonator, with a massive heat production which makes it explode after a few moments. So the ship carrying it can fly, it should have the dry mass > wet mass too. It would be basically the same as how the submarine sinks.

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  Damonjay said:

Just had an idea.

we need depth charges to deal with this new weapon :P

sound_WASSERBOMBE!!!! = activate

( :) those who saw Das Boot know what I\'m thinking right now.)

The crazy awesome mods that this game permits always surprise me.

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Have you tried amping up the Breaking force and torque?

Try changing

breakingForce = 10000

breakingTorque = 10000

to something like:

breakingForce = 1e30

breakingTorque = 1e30

And see if it still wobbles then. Dunno if it will help, just a thought.

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