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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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I'm getting a NullReferenceException, it seems to come after loading the game and entering any of the space center buildings. When you try to leave the building you can't, nor can you Quit to Main Menu.

I looked in the debug log and found this:


(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at System.Guid.BaseToString (Boolean h, Boolean p, Boolean B) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Guid.ToString () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMOrbitalParameters.stringConcat (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMOrbitalParameters.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Contracts.ContractParameter.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Contracts.ContractParameter.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Contracts.Contract.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave (.ConfigNode gameNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Game.Updated () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpacePlaneHangarBuilding.OnClicked () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at SpaceCenterBuilding+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

That's from the 64-bit logs, but I'm getting the same problem in 32-bit. Here's the entire log file if that helps: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qpow01go4tsve98/output_log.txt?dl=0

Here's the mods I have installed




Universal Storage Core







Procedural Fairings and several of its texture packs

FASA Launch Clamps and Towers

Procedural Parts

















Any ideas or things I can do to help troubleshoot?

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I'm having issues with the US module science instruments not being accessible (nothing happens when I right click). I've read through a few posts ago about making sure the US_Core has the config file within the folder which they are. I'm assuming something else is disabling the modules but I need help figuring it out. Great mod though, I absolutely love it! Thanks!

UPDATE: It appears that all dmagic's instruments are disabled....

Edited by stealth_jared555
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Can't complete this contract:


First I tried to transmit the data from minmus, then I got a "not enough science points" message. So I did a recover mission to bring the data to kerbin with another vessel. There all data was counted, except the broad spectrum data. Got another message about not enough science points.

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I just installed this mod and for some reason I can't perform any science experiments. I fear I might be missing something, but every part I've tried just does some fancy animations. Right clicking on the part -> 'collect data'/'perform experiment' appears to do everything but log any science for the experiment. The data window never appears. I've tried the magnetometer and the laser light imager. I'll try re-installing the mod, but if anyone could explain whats wrong I would greatly appreciate it.

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  NuAoA said:
I just installed this mod and for some reason I can't perform any science experiments. I fear I might be missing something, but every part I've tried just does some fancy animations. Right clicking on the part -> 'collect data'/'perform experiment' appears to do everything but log any science for the experiment. The data window never appears. I've tried the magnetometer and the laser light imager. I'll try re-installing the mod, but if anyone could explain whats wrong I would greatly appreciate it.

Ok, So I dug around this thread a bit and fixed the problem. I had a duplicate sciencedefs.cfg in a incorrect directory in my installation folder. So if you are having problems performing science experiments, or can't log or generate science reports or data from the parts in this mod, search your installation folder for sciencedefs.cfg. I believe by default you should find 3, one in the squad/resources folder, one in the NASA mission folder, and finally the one for Dmagic orbital science.

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Version released: Kerbal Stuff

All existing DMagic Orbital Science contracts will be removed upon updating from v0.8.4 or before;

no cancellation penalties apply; other mods will not be affected

Updating from v0.8.5 will not reset contracts

This version fixes three bugs, most importantly that addressed in this post above.

This Null Reference Error is caused by a vessel being somehow deleted (missing parts from the GameData folder being the simplest method to cause this) while registered to a magnetic survey contract. This non-existent vessel cannot supply a Guid value and thus throws the error seen above causing all sorts of terrible things to happen. This release fixes that.

It also makes any survey contract (orbital, surface, or biological) parameter able to complete by returning science results to Kerbin, regardless of their science value. Transmitted science results still require that there be a minimum amount of science gained from experiment, but returned science no longer has this requirement. This should address any edge cases like those mentioned in this post, and avoids generally frustrating results caused by taking the time to return a vessel to Kerbin only to get the "not enough science message".

It also has what should be a more reliable method for resetting DMagic contracts upon upgrading; again, note that upgrading from v0.8.5 will not reset contracts. See the first post for the full change log.

That giant update warning will be standard in all of my release posts from here on. Anyone asking about contracts resetting (unless it happens when they aren't supposed to, in which case please tell me) will simply be directed to that warning again.

Edited by DMagic
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I tried Kerbin anomaly contract again in 0.8.5(.1) and it still doesn't work. The log shows, if I understand it correctly, that the anomaly is 47 million meters away, which is about how far away Minmus is, but the contract clearly says "Kerbin's surface".


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I'm attempting to complete a contract that asks me to collect Seismic and Goo data while grabbed onto a C class asteroid. I attached my unmanned vessel using the ARM package's claw, but when I try to collect the data, the Goo Canister says I'm in space, and the Seismic instrument doesn't work (just as it would't when your are in space). I also had to collect Solar and Broad Spectrum data from near the asteroid for the contract... but these two worked. I had to be pretty close though, at least within a couple hundred meters if not less. Any thought as to what's happening after I attach myself to the asteroid?

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  Ramarren said:
I tried Kerbin anomaly contract again in 0.8.5(.1) and it still doesn't work. The log shows, if I understand it correctly, that the anomaly is 47 million meters away, which is about how far away Minmus is, but the contract clearly says "Kerbin's surface".

Anomalies are still screwed up. There is at least one issue that I'm certain needs to fixed, and possible a few others.

For now I would suggest first saving and loading when you are directly, or nearly-directly above the anomaly. You can also try to land by the anomaly (this one is almost straight north of the KSC and is hard to see unless you get very close, unless it got buried at some point) to verify that it is actually there and that the anomaly scanner works, which uses a different method than the other instruments. Obviously you can't get the in-space results while in the atmosphere, but you could just manually complete the contract in the Alt+F12 menu if those are the only parameters holding you back.

  ev0 said:
I'm attempting to complete a contract that asks me to collect Seismic and Goo data while grabbed onto a C class asteroid. I attached my unmanned vessel using the ARM package's claw, but when I try to collect the data, the Goo Canister says I'm in space, and the Seismic instrument doesn't work (just as it would't when your are in space). I also had to collect Solar and Broad Spectrum data from near the asteroid for the contract... but these two worked. I had to be pretty close though, at least within a couple hundred meters if not less. Any thought as to what's happening after I attach myself to the asteroid?

You have to use my parts to complete the asteroid contracts. For the stock experiments that means using the Universal Storage versions. If you don't have US installed these experiments should not be asked for, though they might get assigned if you had US installed at some point but removed it later.

This is noted in the Asteroid Survey contract notes, but unfortunately these notes are only visible in the mission control center, they can't be viewed in the stock contract window (this is in contrast to parameter notes, which can be viewed in the stock window using the little blue "notes" button). You can however, use my [thread=91034]Contracts Window + addon[/thread] which will show these notes, and allow you to preview the correct part while in the VAB (the SPH doesn't work yet because I'm dumb).

The distance for non-grappled asteroid experiments is 2km.

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  DMagic said:
You'd have to use my parts to complete the asteroid contracts. For the stock experiments that means using the Universal Storage versions.

Ah, that would be the problem then. I'm using the stock Goo Canister and Seismic instrument. Didn't notice the warning in the contract notes. I use the US parts for manned craft, but I like to go for a more box-like look for unmanned craft and just stick non-US instruments somewhere on it.

Another problem, I accepted a contract to conduct a magnetic field survey of Jool and have to keep a magnetometer and RPWS in orbit for 100 days. I completed that part of the contract... problem is, I've never even sent anything to Jool yet!

I do have a satellite in orbit around the Mun that had been orbiting I think for exactly 100 days when I got the "objective complete" message, but it doesn't have a magnetometer or RPWS. Or it could be my satellite around Ike, which has been active for longer but maybe has been only orbiting for 100 days. This one has magnetometer and RPWS instruments.

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Hey I just wanted to say thanks for making this great mod! :)

Really nice to have a purpose for probes now, and the US integration is slick. One request I do have is for a US antenna, since the big stock antenna fits into US storage bays... poorly.

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Great modeling and texturing, and great mod overall, but I believe the stock experiments (thermometer, gravioli, accelometer and barometer) could all fit in one bay. It is more space efficient to place them manually in the US empty bay.

Also since you made your parts available for US maybe you are interested in BoxSat as well.

Edited by petros_a_l
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Love the mod, unfortunately I'm having some issues combining the latest version of this mod with the latest version of Universal Storage and ScienceAlert

ScienceAlert, Experiment mysteryGoo@KerbinSrfSplashedWater just became available! Total potential science onboard currently: 0 (Cap is 5.2, threshold is Unresearched, current sci is 0, expected next report value: 4)

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at DMagic.DMModuleScienceAnimate.makeScience (Single boost) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMModuleScienceAnimate.runExperiment () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMModuleScienceAnimate+<WaitForAnimation>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

ScienceAlert, Failed to invoke "DeployExperiment" using GetType(), falling back to base type after encountering exception System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at DMagic.DMModuleScienceAnimate.makeScience (Single boost) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMModuleScienceAnimate.runExperiment () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMModuleScienceAnimate.DeployExperiment () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)

at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.MonoType.InvokeMember (System.String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object target, System.Object[] args, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] modifiers, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, System.String[] namedParameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Type.InvokeMember (System.String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object target, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ScienceAlert.ExperimentObserver.Deploy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Yeah, anomalies are bugged for me as well--seems like the most common issue. I tried landing at the specified coordinates on Minmus and aborted it uncomfortably close to the surface to go for a low orbit, and still couldn't get a reading as I passed over.

Otherwise, the mod works great!

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  CyanAngel said:
Love the mod, unfortunately I'm having some issues combining the latest version of this mod with the latest version of Universal Storage and ScienceAlert

Did this only happen when using ScienceAlert to collect data, or does it also happen when using the right-click menu? And does it happen all of the time, or just this time?

ScienceAlert is basically just deciding when an experiment should be collected; once it thinks you should collect something it gives you the button, which just runs through mostly the same thing as what my code does. The only thing I can think of is that something is being activated when it shouldn't be. Were you actually splashed down in Kerbin's ocean when this happened?

It's possible that something else is going wrong here. You weren't connected to or very near to an asteroid when this happened by any chance? That could have affected things.

I'll look through it and at least make things fail a little more gracefully when something like this happens.

  Synthesis said:
Yeah, anomalies are bugged for me as well--seems like the most common issue. I tried landing at the specified coordinates on Minmus and aborted it uncomfortably close to the surface to go for a low orbit, and still couldn't get a reading as I passed over.

Otherwise, the mod works great!

Were you able to actually see the anomaly, or use the Anomaly Scanner? And did you check the Alt+F2 debug log to see what it was saying. The last time I checked the Minmus anomaly was on the surface, not floating like it used to be, so it should be visible if you get close enough.

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  DMagic said:
Did this only happen when using ScienceAlert to collect data, or does it also happen when using the right-click menu? And does it happen all of the time, or just this time?

ScienceAlert is basically just deciding when an experiment should be collected; once it thinks you should collect something it gives you the button, which just runs through mostly the same thing as what my code does. The only thing I can think of is that something is being activated when it shouldn't be. Were you actually splashed down in Kerbin's ocean when this happened?

It's possible that something else is going wrong here. You weren't connected to or very near to an asteroid when this happened by any chance? That could have affected things.

I'll look through it and at least make things fail a little more gracefully when something like this happens.

I get the warning when I try to use ScienceAlert, I get the NullReferenceException when I right click on the part to collect science. Happens any time I use the DMagic stock experiments of US, normal stock science parts seem to be fine (I cant really progress up the tech tree anymore to see if the standard DMagic do it, I'll copy my save and give myself a boat load of points so I can test other parts if need be).

Yeap, actually splashed down on Kerbin, happens in all biomes though, haven't even started interacting with asteroids yet.

Update: Seems I was leading you on a bit of red herring there, I started systematically removing mods, it wasnt US or ScienceAlert, when I find the mod to blame I'll let you and the other mod maker know.

Update 2: It seems to be a problem with either version of Interstellar, but things seem a bit up in arms with those mods so I'll ditch it, might try near future

Edited by CyanAngel
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  DMagic said:
Were you able to actually see the anomaly, or use the Anomaly Scanner? And did you check the Alt+F2 debug log to see what it was saying. The last time I checked the Minmus anomaly was on the surface, not floating like it used to be, so it should be visible if you get close enough.

Thanks for the reply--I activated the anomaly scanner ("toggled") it over and over again, simply got the message "No anomaly detected" every time--likewise, nothing shows up in the debug menu that isn't from something else.

What exactly would I be looking for? Visually, I mean? Because even right above the point indicated in the contract, there isn't anything out of the ordinary when the sensor is on. I've no idea what I should be looking for though.

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  NuAoA said:
Ok, So I dug around this thread a bit and fixed the problem. I had a duplicate sciencedefs.cfg in a incorrect directory in my installation folder. So if you are having problems performing science experiments, or can't log or generate science reports or data from the parts in this mod, search your installation folder for sciencedefs.cfg. I believe by default you should find 3, one in the squad/resources folder, one in the NASA mission folder, and finally the one for Dmagic orbital science.

I'm having the same problem - looks great, does stuff, but does not bring up the science window for keep or transmit and all that. Returning the vessel also brings back a fat zero. I found the three sciencedefs.cfg files but can only assume they are where they belong. Any other ideas what I have wrong? This would be very slick to use and I'm already late on sending stuff off to Jool. TIA!

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  chucksterock said:
I'm having the same problem - looks great, does stuff, but does not bring up the science window for keep or transmit and all that. Returning the vessel also brings back a fat zero. I found the three sciencedefs.cfg files but can only assume they are where they belong. Any other ideas what I have wrong? This would be very slick to use and I'm already late on sending stuff off to Jool. TIA!

the problem with ScienceDefs.cfg is the ones that modify the default experiments or have other corruptions. the Squad science system does not behave well if there are certain assumptions that don't hold.

Here's what i would do: get a craft into a good orbit where you can test this, quicksave with F5, test your experiement, and then remove ScienceDef.cfg one at a time, restarting and retesting to see if you can isolate which file is causing weirdness.

the most common cause of weirdness is the Croud Sourced Science Logs, which replaces the default Squad ScienceDefs, so you might try replacing that file from the last update (or let steam verify cache)

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  AetherGoddess said:
the problem with ScienceDefs.cfg is the ones that modify the default experiments or have other corruptions. the Squad science system does not behave well if there are certain assumptions that don't hold.

Here's what i would do: get a craft into a good orbit where you can test this, quicksave with F5, test your experiement, and then remove ScienceDef.cfg one at a time, restarting and retesting to see if you can isolate which file is causing weirdness.

the most common cause of weirdness is the Croud Sourced Science Logs, which replaces the default Squad ScienceDefs, so you might try replacing that file from the last update (or let steam verify cache)

I'm not using the Crowd Sourced Science Logs and do not use Steam. I found three ScienceDefs.cfg files in the following directories:

C:\KSP\Kerbal Space Program 0.24.2 32bit\GameData\DMagic Orbital Science\Resources

C:\KSP\Kerbal Space Program 0.24.2 32bit\GameData\Squad\Resources

C:\KSP\Kerbal Space Program 0.24.2 32bit\GameData\NASAmission\Resources

I changed the name of the DMagic SciencdDefs file and restarted and piut a lander on the launch pad. Same behavior where none of the DMagic stuff in the US wedges work.

Edited by chucksterock
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  AetherGoddess said:
the problem with ScienceDefs.cfg is the ones that modify the default experiments or have other corruptions. the Squad science system does not behave well if there are certain assumptions that don't hold.

The other problem is that there is no need for experiment definitions to be in a file called ScienceDefs.cfg (in fact, you could put part definitions, experiments, resources, etc... all in one big config file if you wanted to) so just searching for , or changing, that name won't not help.

A better way to verify that this is actually the problem is to either post your output.log file (found in the KSP_Data folder) or check your logs to see if you're getting a duplicate key dictionary error (this happens while KSP is first loading, so it happens to quickly to easily see it in-game). You can also open the Alt+F2 debug log when you activate an experiment and check to see if the orange "No experiment with X name found" warning appears. Either of those should confirm that duplicate experiment definitions are to blame here.

  Synthesis said:
Thanks for the reply--I activated the anomaly scanner ("toggled") it over and over again, simply got the message "No anomaly detected" every time--likewise, nothing shows up in the debug menu that isn't from something else.

What exactly would I be looking for? Visually, I mean? Because even right above the point indicated in the contract, there isn't anything out of the ordinary when the sensor is on. I've no idea what I should be looking for though.

If you want to verify that the anomaly scanner is working and to see its various visual cues, put a small rover on the launch pad with an anomaly scanner on it. When you activate it the standard spinning dish will pop up along with the camera module (the picture on the first post of this thread shows this at the island airfield). The cameras will point directly at the nearest anomaly (though it only rotates in one dimension, so this works best if you mount the scanner on top of a rover body, or something equivalent), which in this case will be the KSC anomaly, the center of which is located about 30m below a point midway between the VAB and the launchpad.

If you try to collect data you'll be a little too far away, so an on-screen message will tell you which direction to go, the exact distance and directions will be printed in the debug menu. If you get within 250m of the center of the anomaly the green lights will start flashing and you can collect data.

The cameras pop-up whenever you are within 10km distance to the anomaly (though it varies with your height above or below it), so you can use them as an indication of distance when the anomaly is too far away to see. The on-screen message will appear when you try to collect data within 30km of the anomaly (this also varies with height); both of these give a pretty good indication of where the anomaly is, even if it is buried underground or too small to see.

If there is something really wrong, like the anomaly is somehow at the center of the planet, the anomaly scanner will never get close enough to work, and SCANsat also shouldn't work.

  CyanAngel said:

Update: Seems I was leading you on a bit of red herring there, I started systematically removing mods, it wasnt US or ScienceAlert, when I find the mod to blame I'll let you and the other mod maker know.

Update 2: It seems to be a problem with either version of Interstellar, but things seem a bit up in arms with those mods so I'll ditch it, might try near future

That's good to know, well... good for me to know. :cool:

I'll add some debug outputs and more safeties to catch anything weird happening when science collection occurs; this won't fix anything, but it will give a better indication of exactly what is wrong, and there is some slight, but very real danger that null science data could be passed through the system with catastrophic (and hilarious) results.

Edited by DMagic
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  DMagic said:
The other problem is that there is no need for experiment definitions to be in a file called ScienceDefs.cfg (in fact, you could put part definitions, experiments, resources, etc... all in one big config file if you wanted to) so just searching for , or changing, that name won't not help.

A better way to verify that this is actually the problem is to either post your output.log file (found in the KSP_Data folder) or check your logs to see if you're getting a duplicate key dictionary error (this happens while KSP is first loading, so it happens to quickly to easily see it in-game). You can also open the Alt+F2 debug log when you activate an experiment and check to see if the orange "No experiment with X name found" warning appears. Either of those should confirm that duplicate experiment definitions are to blame here.

Here is a snip from the output.log with the only instances of the word dictionary:

ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,ScienceExperiment].Add (System.String key, .ScienceExperiment value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ResearchAndDevelopment.loadExperiments () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment (System.String experimentID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMConfigLoader.configLoad () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DMagic.DMConfigLoader.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Here is a link to complete folder https://www.dropbox.com/s/5n6b6btvpu9h2kf/output_log.txt?dl=0

I also put a lander on the pad, activated an experiment and brought up the debug log. Lots of stuff, but no orange No experiment warnings. Lots of white notices about DMagic experiments available that I didn't put on the lander though. And one red one that I should have made a screen capture of. Old age has led to CRS!

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  chucksterock said:
Here is a snip from the output.log with the only instances of the word dictionary:

Well that's new.

As far as I can tell that shouldn't be possible, but apparently it is. At least in this case it's under my control.

When KSP gets to the main menu my plugin loads a bunch of info from one of my config files to setup contracts. In doing so it has to load a ScienceExperiment (the same thing happens whenever you activate a science part), and here it is somehow trying to add that experiment to the science experiment dictionary (as if it hasn't already been loaded), instead of just pulling an existing experiment out. I really wonder how that happens.

But in any event, I can make sure that this doesn't break the loading process if it happens again. This error interrupts the loading method and prevents some essential stuff from getting initialized, which is breaking my parts. I'll also put all of that essential stuff up front, so it gets taken care of first, that way this kind of error will only affect contract generation (it should only affect my contracts) instead of breaking everything.

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