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Can this get to Eeloo and Back?

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So, on paper, with a delta-v chart, this looks like it will work, but i wanted to have the forums opinion. I want to send a kerbal to Eeloo and back in career mode. It's going to be sort-of Apollo style, except for seperate launches. Dock the lander and main-ship in kerbin orbit, use the main-ship to fly the lander and itself to Eeloo orbit, undock the lander, land the lander on the surface, get back to Eeloo orbit, dock with the main-ship, decouple all of the lander except for the science and command pod, fly lander and main-ship back home. :D. Hopefully, at least that's the plan.

Here are some pictures:




I forgot to tale a picture of them together, but the main-ship carrying the lander in vacuum has almost 9,000 delta-v(8,927).

If you can't see the pictures, the lander has about 2100 delta-v and the main-ship without lander attached has about 10,854.

Edit: delta-v numbers are once they have achieved orbit

I think this is more than enough, but i need alot for course correction just in case.:wink:

So, anyone have any opinions on whether this will be Eeloo worthy?:P

(all stock except for parachutes and Engineer)

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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Four LV-N's is a lot of engine to be shoving that small a ship orbit-to-orbit. Maybe trim it down to one? Then maybe you can trim the mothership's fuel tanks down a bit...

And while I'm at it, why's that upper disconnector-piece on the mothership a TR-XL Stack Separator? The Rockomax Decoupler is a bit lighter, and will leave one less debris-ship floating around when you fire it. Not that I expect said debris-ship to survive crashing into Kerbin at the end, but still... tidiness.

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It should be enough, if you do it efficiently. Correct me if i'm wrong, but flying to Eeloo requires only a slight bit more delta-V than a flight to Jool. However, there is no atmopshere for aerobraking, and it's been awhile since i've journeyed out there. But, you're mothership looks like it has enough. Heck, 9,000 m/s is really enough to get you anywhere in the system and back, and you have more than that. I don't want to drone on for hours, though, so i'll just say yes. Good luck with your mission! And remember, if it doesn't work, just add more boosters. Happy flying!

EDIT: I just looked at your staging again, and it seems you have more than enough to make a round trip.

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Thanks guys, but one more question. Does Whack a Kerbal work in space? The middle stage of the lander that was only meant to help with docking got stuck on even after i decoupled it, too many struts of some thing. I tried to shoot something at it to get it off, but nothing would happen with Whack a Kerbal? If not, i haven't reverted quicksaves yet on this flight so i can redo the launch, although i already docked.

Edit: to the person who first responded, the reason i used four Lv-n's is because if i used one, by the time i finished the burn for Eeloo, my ship would have gotten too far from the manuver node.

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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