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Chaka Monkey - Closed Development Thread


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  UNSA said:
Great news! I just came across this today as I have been basically hacking apart the American pack and others for the past week to try and make something along these lines for personal use, how ever its been frustratingly nonfunctional so far. This looks incredible and I hope to a see a near future release. Aside from Bobcat, who else is needed to get onboard?

PS - Orion textures plz, they are amazing.

Mmmm, yes.

( Bobcat, Ind. has licensed Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems, GMBH to modify and distribute components of Bobcat, Ind. American Pack with credit attribution and continuity of original license for purpose of Monkey Exploration )

* To test these textures as instructed you will need to have Bobcat's American Pack 0.241 or similar, since the current version on spaceport uses MBM texture format.


BOBCAT, IND AMERICAN PACK 0.241 â–ºhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/ctlsxtb58c06an3/uploads-2013-07-American-Pack-0.241.zip

Orion Pod Chaka Monkey Edition TGA textures â–º https://www.dropbox.com/s/568d7dcty3cw8r9/ORION%20POD%20TGA%20TEXTURES.zip

Orion Dock Port Chaka Monkey Edition TGA textures â–ºhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/9tzvhumj5jz7u2x/ORION%20DOCKPORT%20TEXTURES.zip

Orion Pod Chaka Monkey Edition CFG â–º https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxsx1fwpfo1nryh/ORION%20POD%20CFG.zip

Orion Dock Port Chaka Monkey Edition CFG â–º https://www.dropbox.com/s/grpiuqmmpl4jxpb/DOCKPORT%20CONFIG.zip

* Warranty void if operation by non-monkey technician attempted.


All items made available for download within this forum thread unless otherwise stated are copyrighted by their respective original authors and released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. You can read the full terms of the license on the Creative Commons webpage here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/


â–² model002.tga

This texture took a long time to make. For example, the little white polygon bottom right took for ever to determine. It's a small area on the model at the corner of the windows that needs to be just so (to the pixel) for the black window recess texture to look contiguous.

I made a few bump maps for it along the way but the capsule looks better in the game with that left off so you can just rename the bump texture in your folder or just delete it, saving a few kb.

I used sum high res photos of Shuttle taken from ISS and current Orion reference renderings.

The subtle colour of the Orion capsule is based on how shuttle looks in space light. I call the colour "Wetted Bedsheet White", although I recall from childhood that a Tamiya model kit instruction book called it "ivory"

Here is the texture for the windows.


â–² model005.tga

Last one for pod:


â–² model000.tga

Again on this edition all bump mapping of the pod is removed for now. It's okay for them to not exist in the folder (Savings!)


Now, you're gonna need a dock port with that right? ok. NOT SAME FOLDER AS POD!!

White Dockport Option:


â–² model003.tga


â–² model002.tga


Black Dock Port Option:


â–² model002.tga

To have both dock port options use duplicate part folder and add something to cfg files to differentiate them.

Dockport Configuration Explained:

The dockport textures assume you are using my attachpoint values and rescale factor whcich are different, when you see a funky band at the bottom of the dockport using original cfg's that's why.





Edited by YANFRET
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  YANFRET said:
Status Update

Today Bobcat gave permission to use his parts for this pack as it's own release, with credit and continuity of license. Bobcat's American Pack is a major contribution to these systems making his approval a signifigant milestone.


hmm how many more authors are left?

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  Captain_Party said:
How do I get rid of the auto-shroud?

You mean from the Bobcat Service Module or on the POD model itself? Chaka Monkey no use Bobcat SM

We're using a unique service module system which we need to discuss later.

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  Captain_Party said:
Pod itself. Trying to get it working with SDHI SM.

Pod shroud is part of the Orion system and necessary for proper operation...It can not be removed. Keep in mind the shroud protects the heat shield and provides umbilicals around the heat shield, as well as room for equipment and a structural connection independent of the heatshield latches nadir

Later when Chaka Monkey Orion Service Module System is available it will all make sense. One thing at a time or we'l just keep going down the stack and I'ts gonna take away from development tyme.

That system is based on parts from SDHI, Nova Punch, Kosmos, Lionhead Aerospace and B9.

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YANFRET: very nice! And impressive you're getting permission, I've been holding off commenting until you did.

Note that KSP doesn't care what a texture's extension is once loaded, so as long as you (a) ensure that the file is placed in the same location as the one you're replacing, and (B) has the same name before the extension, and © delete the original file, you can replace MBMs with png/tga to your heart's content with no mu changes necessary.

For example find the pod folder, delete model001.mbm, add to the folder model001.png, PROFIT.

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  NathanKell said:
YANFRET: very nice! And impressive you're getting permission, I've been holding off commenting until you did.

Note that KSP doesn't care what a texture's extension is once loaded, so as long as you (a) ensure that the file is placed in the same location as the one you're replacing, and (B) has the same name before the extension, and © delete the original file, you can replace MBMs with png/tga to your heart's content with no mu changes necessary.

For example find the pod folder, delete model001.mbm, add to the folder model001.png, PROFIT.


Whoa really? I gave up on that concept trying to re wire the old inflatable hab.

Right now I'm pondering the file structure monster, wondering if I will run into a part that we really need which just demands to be in it's original folder path. This will be important down the road because non-interference with existing or future versions of parts used here is a top priority. Do you have any advice on this subject?

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Status Update

Today Sumghai gave permission to use several specific parts from his FusTek and SDHI mods for this pack as it's own release, with credit and continuity of license. We can't say enough about the quality of these parts, which are so well engineered as to each have multiple and critical uses in our space system. May I point out for example that the massive truss connection between first and second stages of our MTV design, best illustrated in the first picture on page 1, is in fact made from two modified fairing bases from the SDHI pack. It's a flawless connection which provides incredible rigidity to the stack at a potentially difficult place. His FusTek modules are the only habitat module we use in space or on the ground because they are so excellent and versatile.


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  The Destroyer said:

...I have a feeling by the end of the month you will have this done.


"You have been drinking your whiskey from Kentucky!"


Hey Does anyone know how to tell a craft file about a new folder structure????

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really, really love the orion pod textures, but i think you made a mistake exporting the textures because they are 1026x1026 and that causes eather the native ksp renderer or when the loading texures via the texture compressor plugin to go nuts when you zoom out a bit. i fixed the issue myself by scaling the texture model002 down to 1024x1024. and i can also confirm that using RLA compression causes no degradation in the texture quality and reduces size from 4.11mb to 2.87mb

Edited by landeTLS
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  landeTLS said:
really, really love the orion pod textures, but i think you made a mistake exporting the textures because they are 1026x1026 and that causes eather the native ksp renderer or when the loading texures via the texture compressor plugin to go nuts when you zoom out a bit. i fixed the issue myself by scaling the texture model002 down to 1024x1024. and i can also confirm that using RLA compression causes no degradation in the texture quality and reduces size from 4.11mb to 2.87mb

Ummmm... Yes you are correct I can confirm that finding.

What do youy mean by "go nuts"? Frame rate or image quality, I hadn't noticed because it works good on this system but you are correct about the size being wrong.

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You can reference models with MODEL nodes, and even override their textures.


model = /path/to/modelfile/from/rootofGameData/modelname_without_extension
position = x, y, z // offset from 0,0,0
scale = Sx, Sy, Sz // scale, and yes non-uniform values are permitted
rotation = degrees_around_x, y, z
texture = orig_texture_name_without_extension, path/to/new/texture_without_extension
texture = orig_texture_name_without_extension2, path/to/new/texture_without_extension2

NOTE: when you use scale inside MODEL, you need to set the scale outside the node and the rescaleFactor both = 1 (rather than the usual 1.0 and 1.25, or 0.01 and 1.25, or whatever). Then manually set all the nodes and offsets correctly.

Like if:

originally the part.cfg had mesh=blah, scale = 0.01, rescaleFactor = 1.25 (note, if scale is not specified, it defaults to 1, but if rescaleFactor is not specified it defaults to 1.25!)

then you want a part that's 2x as large as it appeared, you do

scale = 2.5, 2.5, 2.5
scale = 1.0
rescaleFactor = 1.0

Now you modify the nodes, fxOffsets, anything else, to account for (1) going to 1.0 and 1.0 for scale and rescaleFactor, and (2) rescaling the model itself. Positions will be scaled as follows: original number * 0.01 * 0.8 * 2.5 (aka 0.01 for the change in scale, 1 / 1.25 for the change in rescaleFactor, and 2.5 for the scaling of the model). So do this for the first three numbers for each attach node, for fx offsets, for whatever.

If you rescale non-uniformly, then apply correct number for each axis.

regarding NPOT textures: Unity really doesn't like them. In addition to visual and performance issues, it will also rescale them and treat them in memory as next power of two, so your 1026x1026 textures will be stored in memory as 2048x2048. Which, as you can imagine, is bad news.

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