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Gn-22C 'Comet'

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The Comet is a small capital ship designed for patrol around a single planet and its moons. It is a well balanced and manoeuvrable ship yet still retains the famous MK-IV armour of its predecessors making it a tough nut to crack for hostile fighters. The Comet can support 3 crew for a limited amount of time yet lacks a hitchhiker module for extended use. Delivery to distant planets is still possible due to a probe core allowing the ship to be flied unmanned. 6 NERVAs and two aerospikes mean that the tradition of impressive acceleration is still kept up and rear mounted landing legs combined with good TWR allow landing on many planetary bodies.

1: Nerva

2: Aerospike

3, 4, 5: Missiles (make sure you're throttled up)

Crew: 3

Weapons: 9 Hornet-IIIs

Parts: 303 fully armed

Cost: 22,000 kerbits

TWR: 1.03

dV: 4000m;/s

Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1vtu5qfblr0m4y/Gn-22C.craft




Kerbal for scale


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