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Never use the same part twice Challenge (Now accepting Alternis Kerbol!)

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I got this idea from another challenge that was from quite a while ago. No recent challenges are the same, if there is one please tell me.

Tell me, where can you get, never using the same part twice:cool:? There are 170 stock parts as of .23 update. Have fun :D. I'll try my best to keep it updated, bare with me here!


1. You may only use stock parts, even if you choose to use Alternis Kerbol.. Exceptions are mechjeb parts or kerbal Engineer Redux/ any information mod. You may have mod parts on the same file, just do not use them. Any questions, just ask.

2. Only use a part once. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Use of struts is not limited, you can use any number of struts, same thing goes for launch stabilizers, RCS Thrusters, and fuel lines. Those parts only. Those parts do not count in the part count, for the atleast 50 parts For the overacheiver- you need at least one of each of these parts. For the Borderline relevent challenge, these only count as one part. So, you need to use 50 different parts

3. You must use at least 50 parts. This is to stay away from the “how far can you get a ship with 10 parts†challenge. Part count is just after launch, therefore not counting any launch towers as parts, or any parts dropped before launch.

4. You can dock. Each of the docked ships must follow the rules, however, they are counted as two separate ships. For example, you can have the same fuel tank on one as you do the other, as long as they were launched separately.

5. No more than 4 launches!

6. Must be a manned/ kerbaled mission. The kerbals do not have to pilot the vessel, but there must be a kerbal on board.

7. No debug menu at all. Exception whack a kerbal if you want.

8. Be honest. No part clipping to hide parts, prove and say that you did what you really did, and nothing less.

9. Have fun: most of your kerbals will be, so why not join them?:D

Scoring: scoring will go as follows:

Your score will be a combination of two separate groups: Your Journey, and extra achievables. Just add the two scores together. Please keep your own score if at all possible, I will try to verify it. Score= Journey Score+ Achievables Score

Journey Scoring is based on where you get with your ship. Add all destinations you go to together, if you return to kerbin from each of those places, multiply your whole Journey Score by 2, with an exception of Eve. You must land on the body to get the points!

Kerbin Orbit: 5 point

Mun: 15 points

Minmus: 10 points

Moho: 75 points:confused:

Eve: 20 points-if you return from the surface of Eve, you get an additional 150 points :cool:

Gilly: 25 points

Duna: 20 points

Ike: 25 points

Dres: 35 points

Jool (orbit): 25 points

Laythe: 45 points

Vall: 45 points

Tylo: 80 points :confused:

Bop: 30 points

Pol: 30 points

Eeloo: 60 points:confused:

For use with Alternis Kerbol! in high need of reassuring for values, as i don't use it

(i put them based on there placement in regular system, as i don't know where they are in the mod :P)

Kerbin Orbit: 5 points (same as before)

Mun: 20 points

Minmus: 20 points

Moho: 75 points

Eve: 30 points for landing on, 150 for returning as a bonus!

Gilly: 110 points (unsure as of now):cool:

Duna: 30 points

Ike: 100 (unsure as of now?):cool:

Dres: 40 points

Jool orbit: 0 points (kerbin orbits Jool :P)

Laythe: 15 points

Vall: 60 points

Tylo: 75 for landing (150 if using deadly reentry) 300 for returning (yeah, have fun with that) :sticktongue: (also unsure of this one)

Bop: 5 points if moon of kerbin, 25 if furthest moon

Pol: 25 points

Eeloo: 70 points :cool:

Extra Achievables:

Overachiever : use every one of the 170 stock parts: 100 points you do not need to use all the parts, they just have to be on the rocket.

One Launch to rule them all: do the whole mission in one launch from kerbin: 20 points

Multiple targets: plus 10 for each additional body you land on, separate from the journey score. 10 points for each additional body landed on

It’s a party!: bring more than one kerbal. 5 points for each additional kerbal landed. The first kerbal does not count, as you must have at least one. Kerbals must land on a body to count. They only count once for all the bodies you visit.

Borderline relevant: Use exactly 50 different parts for one launch. if you use more than 1 of the above posted infintite use parts, only 1 counts. Counts separately for each launch you do this on. Must have proof directly after launch, to make sure launch clamps are not counted: 20 points

What are you doing?: even if you dock, the assembled vessel only has one of any part, with the already explained exceptions.: 20 points

I prefer to fly: Do this in the space-plane hanger/ build your ship as a space plane. 10 points:cool:

SST? : Do what you want, in a single stage. Excludes kerbin Orbit! :20 points :cool: to verify, this rule cannot be achieved by having the farthest you go being kerbal orbit, because that is just an SSTO. To get this, you must use only one stage starting from kerbin orbit.

For the overachiver challenge, you must have at least one launch tower. For the borderline relevant challenge, launch towers do not count as parts. Part count is taken as soon as you leave the launch tower.

If you think of any more achievable, you can suggest them, suggestions welcome !

Also accepting challenge name suggestions, I couldn’t think of anything creative! :sticktongue:

Posting Requirements:

1. Must have many pictures of the ship, preferably in the VAB/ SPH. Enough to prove that you in fact, used parts only once, and that it is stock

2. You must have proof you did not use infinite fuel, keep resource tab open

3. Do not press f2/ whatever your hide GUI button is. Must take all pictures (except for beauty pictures/ unnecessary pictures) with the GUI/ instruments open

4. If you are going for the Borderline relevant achievable, must have a picture, in map view, of the part count directly after launch. Launch clamps are not counted as parts

5. If you are going for the Overachiever achievable, make sure to take enough pictures to verify that it uses every part only once.

6. Take a picture at each and every destination you go, and if you return to kerbin

7. Must show pictures of all brought kerbals on the surface of the celestial body, either on EVA or all in the bottom right corner, preferably EVA.

8. Hopefully you will add up your own score. Show your calculations: say where you went, and what achievables you got.

9. If you have multiple entries, keep them in separate posts

10. Photo albums are highly recommended to reduce space!

Any changes you think should be made in the rules, just ask and I may do that.:wink:

Stock Leader boards top 5:

1. Leibniz- 260 (Laythe and Bop landing and return!)

2. Mobjack- 170 (Vall and back, almost landed on Pol)

3. 1096bimu- 140 (Moho one way)

4. Jasonden- 80 (ike landing and return)

5. Mr. Rocket- 60 (Mun and return)

Alternis Kerbol :

Alternis Kerbol Top 3:




All contestants no matter what the score::) (in order of entry)


Mr. Rocket (me)- 60

Mobjack- 170

Jasonden- 80

Leibniz- 260

If others can verify peoples score that would be very helpful!:sticktongue:

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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Moho 75 + Kerbin Orbit 5 =80 Pts

One Launch to rule them all: 20

Borderline relevant: 20 (exactly 50 parts, they are all relevant parts, no excessive struts, no hidden parts)

SST? : 20 (2 stages into orbit and no more staging)

Final Score = 140 Pts

I could get back into orbit but did not have enough to return to Kerbin

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Not an entry (Yet!) but something to inspire maybe.


It did use every part available just once (it was ~0.16? patch). This time around since we have much more fuel tanks and don't need to take every part it should be quite easier.

I'll probably do a Tylo or Eve land and return mission, but honestly Tylo should have at least as much points as Moho, if not higher as it requires not only more deltaV to land but also more thrust. Personally i would rate it at 100. Also Eve ascent should probably be worth even more (150?) as you don't have enough engines and fuel tanks to stage (4 of each type max). And i don't think it's possible to ascent on eve with less than 3 stages stock.

Whatever the points it should be !!FUN!! :)

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Couple of problems I can see.

1: 50 part min rule, but you can use as many struts as you like. So you could have a 10 part vessel with 40 struts unless you state struts don't count.

2: Parts can be attached to launch clamps. Unless you specify that only parts that get off the ground count.

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Not an entry (Yet!) but something to inspire maybe.


It did use every part available just once (it was ~0.16? patch). This time around since we have much more fuel tanks and don't need to take every part it should be quite easier.

I'll probably do a Tylo or Eve land and return mission, but honestly Tylo should have at least as much points as Moho, if not higher as it requires not only more deltaV to land but also more thrust. Personally i would rate it at 100. Also Eve ascent should probably be worth even more (150?) as you don't have enough engines and fuel tanks to stage (4 of each type max). And i don't think it's possible to ascent on eve with less than 3 stages stock.

Whatever the points it should be !!FUN!! :)

Thats the most kerbal rocket i've ever seen

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Thanks guys for all the suggestions. I'll try to put them into the rules as best i can.:) Also, 1096bimu, could you get a few more pictures of your ship in the VAB. You don't have to do the challenge again, just get pictures in the VAB! :) Especially since you went for the borderline relevant achievement.

Edit: I see your 50 part count with mechjeb. I changed that achievment a little, but since you entered before the change i will keep your score unaltered.

My entry. An example of the pictures necessary, although it is little overboard. That's why we use albums :)

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15 points for mun+5 for kerbin orbit= 20*2 for return= 40 points journey score

one launch to rule them all: 20 points achievments score

40(journey)+20(acheivments)= 60 points total

Ah. only 60 points total. I'll try again... later. :D

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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Also, i want your guys opinion on this. Should i allow a separate modded leader board, completely separate from stock besides info mods? They will not, however be able to get the overachiever and borderline relevant achievables?

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variation on a theme: runway takeoff (tho I would say don't count landing gear, as you'd necessarily need more than one wheel unless you're a wizard with unicycle balancing something that just wants to flip over! That said, launch stabilisers=lifting surfaces as well, so pairing wings, no problem... aaawww, probably make it a bit more of a challenge by saying only one of each wing if you're going HTO!)

[i am an evil sod, and no I couldn't complete the vertical challenge to even a Mun landing with more than 19 different parts!)

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variation on a theme: runway takeoff (tho I would say don't count landing gear, as you'd necessarily need more than one wheel unless you're a wizard with unicycle balancing something that just wants to flip over! That said, launch stabilisers=lifting surfaces as well, so pairing wings, no problem... aaawww, probably make it a bit more of a challenge by saying only one of each wing if you're going HTO!)

[i am an evil sod, and no I couldn't complete the vertical challenge to even a Mun landing with more than 19 different parts!)

I don't understand exactly what you're recommending, but there already is no pairing wings (no using the same part twice) and you don't need more than 1 wheel, you can launch a plane with launch stabilizers

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33 parts used once not counting the braces needed for stabilization. (It can be launched without braces but is prone to failure if not extremely careful with flight on the first stage.) Sticking on 17 more is going to adds weight, clutter, and instability. I'll play with the addition but may have to add the two SRBs with tweaks to balance them on the first stage. Even then, the odd one use decouplers are blowing up the lower stages when activated. The 17 more parts are going to kill the ability to go to Duna or Eve.

The present design is practical in that it carries a independent probe. The first two stage gets it into orbit. The third can get it to Eve or Duna intercept where the probe can be parachuted to a landing. Jeb can then return to Kerban. Note, the four solar panels are all different. The probe has a parachute. the capsule the side mount balanced by a Goo capsule. Setting up staging was a nightmare due to the presence of the probe on top. No action keys are necessary.


The probe close up




Orbital insertion;


Probe test; (Before adding a donuts tank.)


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Looks very good so-far, except of course you don't have enough parts. I'm excited to see where you will take it! :)

Hint: you could add more close to nearly useless parts, like maybe a radial parachute, or a separatron, or ladder. I just want to keep away from the where can you get with -- parts challenge.

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What are you doing?: even if you dock, the assembled vessel only has one of any part, with the already explained exceptions.: 20 points

That would need an exception for the matching docking ports.

Clamp-O-Tron, Clamp-O-Tron shielded, Inline Clamp-O-Tron

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Looks very good so-far, except of course you don't have enough parts. I'm excited to see where you will take it! :)

Hint: you could add more close to nearly useless parts, like maybe a radial parachute, or a separatron, or ladder. I just want to keep away from the where can you get with -- parts challenge.

Don't know if this works since adding stuff to be lifted affects performance. I created a launch pad with useless stuff that is ditched at launch. Have to launch quickly as that stuff under the Mainsail becomes so wobbly as to tip the rocket over on the pad. The radical parachute is already on the command capsule.


In orbit ready for the insertion to Eve or Duna in order to drop off the probe.


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If it has to leave the pad, then I have another idea I can use to attach, then stage those parts as separate flying probes during launch. I'll have to use launch clamps for that design.

Well, they do have to leave the pad, otherwise they wouldn't count as part of the rocket, sort-of like the launch clamps. Although, you can ditch them as soon as you start moving up! (part count is taken just after launch, one it leaves any launch towers) :P

I'll see if i can make that more specific in the rules. :)

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Well, they do have to leave the pad, otherwise they wouldn't count as part of the rocket, sort-of like the launch clamps. Although, you can ditch them as soon as you start moving up! (part count is taken just after launch, one it leaves any launch towers) :P

I'll see if i can make that more specific in the rules. :)

I have an idea to strap two SRB probes that will separate shortly after launch. That will bring up the number of parts while still having a practical mission goal for that unusual design. Would have done it last night but got distracted by Space Engine sim.

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Good idea, just remember that the two SRBs have different thrust levels and fuel amounts, and if you decouple them before they are done, they will fly up and hit your rocket.

That, of course, is a trick in balancing, independent probe control, SAS controllers, tweakable, and Kerbal testing until it works.

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Well, as the challenger, i decided 60 points just wouldn't be enough. So, i'm trying to use every part, not there yet though (i mean, what do you do with all the jet fuel? :P)

He are my attempts and failures so far:

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These are some of the most kerbal rockets i have ever built, although they are yet to go anywhere, but it is close. :D

Maybe i could dock, and go further than orbit?

My most recent attempt, whose second stage did not have a great enough t/w ratio :(


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With some testing and tweaking the thrust on the small SRB to 85%, got a good stable flight with the Heinz 57 part three probe design. The two SRBs have their own only used once SAS, no duplicating on the other one, their own probe control, own battery, own comms, and enough useless parts to make up the number. A single separatron helps pushes away the larger SRB from the mothership. And, as you can tell, the SRBS, when staged, continue on a vertical trajectory just clearing the mothership with room to spare. That meets my goal of the SRBs of doing something useful during flight.




Unfortunately, the two SRB probes will vanish as soon as they exceed 2.5 meters from the mothership even though they have control pods keeping them stabilized for vertical flight. The sepratron kicks the slower probe to the right in the photo as it spins it in the process of pushing that probe away from the mothership.

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