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Ship Name Randomizer

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I imagine an icon of die next to the "untitled rocket."

It generates random names in kind of a X Y Z format: An example, USS Icarus (Random Numeral perhaps)

I think it would be a fun little way of poking at television shows and literature, and it would help with all of the Untitled Ships littering most peoples' map screen.

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I feel that the concept of creating Your ship is the cornerstone of KSP. If you can't think up a name then you should just google a randomizer many exist already. An in game randomizer would hinder the creative process at worst and be an extra memory stealing button at best.

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It really isn't going to be resource-intensive to have a name-randomizer... I think. It doesn't strike me as something that's going to do anything much. A simple algorithm and a bunch of preconfigured name fragments to put together...

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A ship without a name is still a ship, for a name does not a ship make. Also, no-one would be forcing you to use it. So how exactly is it, creating difficulties for or delaying,

"the creative process"?
You should have been issued a full set of keyboard actuators

I imagine a whole keyboard would get me a lot further.

Half-cocked reasoning aside, it is merely a small suggestion for those who lack creative ingenuousness that is on par with The LORDPrometheus.


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KSS Billy-Boblantis
This is exactly what I am talking about. I understand that the omnipotent copy right laws could be a potential concern, but presumably not outright adding things like "USS Enterprise" would be the best way around that. Edited by VenganzaD
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Naw, you'd do it with very similar principles to the Kerbals' name generator, only with a different bunch of name fragments to use. No copyright broken (at least, I think) if you use two halves of a copyrighted name in your RNG, and there's a one in five thousand chance it might spit out the original name... but if there are issues with copyright, you could simply add a list of forbidden combinations, which would remain fairly small, I think.

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A ship without a name is still a ship, for a name does not a ship make. Also, no-one would be forcing you to use it. So how exactly is it, creating difficulties for or delaying,

I imagine a whole keyboard would get me a lot further.

Half-cocked reasoning aside, it is merely a small suggestion for those who lack creative ingenuousness that is on par with The LORDPrometheus.


Missed this:

This is exactly what I am talking about. I understand that the omnipotent copy right laws could be a potential concern, but presumably not outright adding things like "USS Enterprise" would be the best way around that.

Two things he meant hands and LORDPrometheus is an inside joke

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