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[WIP] MSI's Infernal Robotics - Model Rework (v02 Pre-Release Beta)


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Thanks all!!

I don't think I'll have chance to do updates this coming week (quite busy with RL) :(.

In the meantime though, i'm interested in hearing name suggestions for these structural parts. Currently I've got Robotics Segment - Large Truss 5m, Robotics Segment - Small Tube 0.625m, for example. Although descriptive, I would quite like it if each style of part had it's own robotics inspired designation similar to how stock parts name their utilities. Maybe some flavour text too?

Anyone have any suggestions?

This can also go out to the joints you see in that earlier image and these below:



Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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  TicTacToe! said:
These look fantastic, is it possible at all for you to do reworks of nothke's DROMOMAN parts, as well?? With Helldiver's Mini shuttle about to come out, a robotic arm coupled to that would make stations a lot more spicy.

Well the large tubes you see are comparable to those in DROMOMAN in terms of size and length. As for the robotics parts themselves, I have a different idea in mind (involving the right-angled rotatron) and another passive angled piece, that should give similar results, but with added flexibility ..

  Naf5000 said:
How about calling hinges Swing-o-Matics and joints Pivotrons?

I quite like Pivotron :). Goes well with an old suggestion for calling rails and gantrys Slidertrons (or a variation of that spelling). I presume most people don't mind the current naming of rotatrons? I could always go to a more real-world naming conversion: joint, hinge, rail, gantry, washer, bearing etc.

There's still the question of what structural elements should be called. I was thinking I could do a knod to the original systems I used for inspiration; the Canadarm, Curiosity Rover, ISS, and Voyager, for the LTube, STube, LTruss, and STruss, respectively.

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Ahem, so, over on the Wayland release thread, Devo just mentioned that he has a "tonne" of landing legs ready to release, they're just waiting for the animator plugin to be finished. :)

As I said over there, who do I have to kill to get this working so that we can get some new landing legs? I mean, words can't really describe how desperate I am for new landing legs!

Lol, :D

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I thought part of the current plugin re-write Sirkut is doing, was integrating the animator plugin with the robotics plugin so there only needs to be one?

Maybe that was a stretch goal and I've just had too much caffeine

Edited by NoMrBond
accidentally a word
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I think the various trusses should probably be given descriptive names like the stock structural elements have. So it'd be names like Large Robotics Truss (1m), Small Robotics Truss (2m), and Robotics [Whatever you wind up designing the small structural elements as] (4m).

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  Neutrinovore said:
Ahem, so, over on the Wayland release thread, Devo just mentioned that he has a "tonne" of landing legs ready to release, they're just waiting for the animator plugin to be finished. :)
  NoMrBond said:
I thought part of the current plugin re-write Sirkut is doing, was integrating the animator plugin with the robotics plugin so there only needs to be one?

I don't know what is happening with the MSI animator. I can't recall Sirkut saying it was part of the rewrite, although I could be mistaken.


Just a bit of an update for the mod. The structural parts are pretty much done, but perhaps need a bit of balancing first though. I'm inclined to hold off releasing them until the first set of joints are done, since the old IR parts don't match their shape and style. What do people think?

On the joints front, I've begun preparing them for Porkjet, and added a few extra ones:


There are now a free-spinning rotatrons and pivotrons. The Pivotron has two variants that allow you to stack them to create a universal joint. I'm contemplating making these available as actuated parts too if people think they would be useful. Here's some examples of them in action:


It's pretty much the same concept I showed back on page one for an inline VTOL mount, but made to fit the IR structural octagon profile. That old part will still be added at some stage; however, all the VTOL stuff has taken a backseat in favour for my recent work.

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First of all I would like to offer my apologies. I offered to comment on your designs a while ago and realised that I totally neglected to do so. My graduation period has hit me right in the face and has been eating away my time, even though that is a pretty poor excuse.

Secondly I would like to say I like the direction you are taking in general. Most of the stuff could be mistaken for stock parts, which is really nice. There seems to be a solid selection of parts, which is both a blessing and a curse. Most would argue that moar parts is moar better, but it also causes the parts list to be quite cluttered up.

Something that springs to mind right now is that all your trusses and tubes are multiples of each other. I think this limits their usefulness, as you are only capable of creating things that multiples of (for instance) the first trusses (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, et cetera). If the second smallest would be 1 1/3th sized, you would be able to create a lot more intermediate sizes (1, 1 1/3th, 2 1/3th, 2 2/3th, 3, et cetera). A well chosen set of fractions of the smallest size would vastly increase your flexibility and usefulness.

I am not sure about the consequences of the octogonal shape of the trusses. I think they should work fine, but am unsure of compatibility with other trusses - which are generally square.

I hope I do not sound too negative, I really dig this update!

Edited by Camacha
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@ZodiusInfuser: great job, all parts looks very nice and I can't even imagine what we can do with them :)

I would be great to add in the release vehicle example with every single part type (1 size of each will be enough) or a kind of official KSP wiki parts list with typical usage added. I write that cause in actual mods like IR or KAS, I have to think how to properly use some parts.

Keep up the good work.

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@ZodiusInfuser: All these parts are looking great, new and old! I can't wait to add them to my game :)

A while back you had mentioned that you and Sirkut were working on a 2-piece centrifuge-esque part that allowed surface attachment. I love that part because it would allow you to add a rotating hab to a craft without having two parts of a craft slowly rotating out of alignment with eachother. I know it had been delayed with all the hard work on the remodel project. Would it be possible to get our hands on it for some early experimentation?

I appreciate all the work you guys are putting into this project. It's all looking truly amazing!

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  Justin Kerbice said:
I would be great to add in the release vehicle example with every single part type (1 size of each will be enough) or a kind of official KSP wiki parts list with typical usage added. I write that cause in actual mods like IR or KAS, I have to think how to properly use some parts.

Good idea! I certainly have some use cases in mind for these parts that I could mock up into a number of useful test-craft.

  stuffer said:
@ZodiusInfuser: All these parts are looking great, new and old! I can't wait to add them to my game :)

Thanks! I admit it's been a challenge designing all these parts to fit together, a lot harder than making a single part conform to a 1.25m size that's for sure.

A while back you had mentioned that you and Sirkut were working on a 2-piece centrifuge-esque part that allowed surface attachment. I love that part because it would allow you to add a rotating hab to a craft without having two parts of a craft slowly rotating out of alignment with eachother. I know it had been delayed with all the hard work on the remodel project. Would it be possible to get our hands on it for some early experimentation?

I suggest you poke Sirkut on the release thread, as last I heard he was tidying them up for release with the current part selection. I will definitely be creating a new set for the remodel though, but that's going to be a bit of time yet. Currently I'm working from small parts up to large, so you may be seeing a small inline-rotatron fairly soon :)

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  blackheart612 said:
I figured 90 deg angle, extended, resized 1/4, resized 1/2, etc stuff are gonna be a crowd in the tab. You think a right click option/IR option to re-size and to change stuff to certain angles is feasible? :P

I would love it if angle variations could be defined as tweakables, and that's hopefully something that will come out of Sirkut's rewrite. Scale variations are something I want to manually control, as I don't want to offer all the parts in all possible sizes. For instance, the 1/4 size will have about 7 robotics parts in total, whereas 1/2 will have 15 or so.

There should be no illusion among people, this will be a big parts pack. No where near the level of B9 but a good number of pages in the structural and utility sections. I do understand that people may not want this though, so I may end up offering seperate downloads to allow people to pick and choose which parts they want (with an initial mandatory selection).

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
There should be no illusion among people, this will be a big parts pack. No where near the level of B9 but a good number of pages in the structural and utility sections. I do understand that people may not want this though, so I may end up offering seperate downloads to allow people to pick and choose which parts they want (with an initial mandatory selection).

Seamless integration with an otherwise also good part organizer might fix that problem. In general I am not too sure about relying on other mods to fix potential problems, but if done right this should keep everyone happy. More parts is not a bad thing if those are well picked and useful :)

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
There should be no illusion among people, this will be a big parts pack. No where near the level of B9 but a good number of pages in the structural and utility sections. I do understand that people may not want this though, so I may end up offering seperate downloads to allow people to pick and choose which parts they want (with an initial mandatory selection).

No need to separate downloads instead many folders containing sizes (1-2 for 1/2 parts, 1-4,...) or by parts type/usage/etc like must-have, rocket, crane, robot cause for ex I don't use washer and hinge at all, and if I get them in a group dedicated to something I don't build yet, I may have less parts in the list.

Anyway, it's mostly/should be up to the people to take their own responsability and remove parts they don't want from gamedata/*mod*/subfolders :kiss: as there is no way to know what people want.

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I second the separate downloads option, whilst you could just install parts you wanted, I think for ease of use it's best to segregate them based on their functionality, although integration with a part organizer is a very good shout too.

Any groundbreaking progress btw, Zodius??

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  TicTacToe! said:
Any groundbreaking progress btw, Zodius??

Nothing groundbreaking. Not had a lot of time recently to spend on IR. Also, I realised that some of the design elements of the existing parts rely on others that I had yet to create, specifically pistons. This has delayed my plans to send parts over to Porkjet.

That being said, I've had some time this weekend to work on the pistons. Here's what I've got so far, although I'm not completely happy with them yet:


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