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Increase max distance for craft/debris simulation

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One of the wacky ideas I was trying recently was a rescue system consisting of multiple Mk2 cockpits to rescue a whole space station full of Kerbals. Using FAR, DRE, Procedural fairings, the fairing is a bit over the top with so many command pods inside it but I never let that stop me before! I have DRE set up with exponent 1.12 to make re-entry realistic.

The problem I have is detaching each craft so they can re-enter separately, once they drift 5km away from each other they get killed! I would really like the option of simulating all atmospheric interactions to their conclusion even if the craft was on the other side of the planet. My plan was to have a whole flock of capsules parachute down, would have looked cool if I could pull it off but instead I ended up killing a whole bunch of Kerbals because they drifted 5km away :( (the parachutes were on auto deploy so would have done an unassisted landing otherwise).

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While a great idea in concept since KSP is currently stuck being 32bit and single threaded an increase in load distance would massively increase lag and RAM usage. I do think there is a mod made byTT that causes vessels to not unload but has the aforementioned issues

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The mod is known as the Lazor System, and that is but one of a million features it has. However, yes, your PC may end up crippled if you use that feature.

No I'm not referring to the lazor mod I'm referring to the TT Vessel neverUnload mod that simulates physics on unloaded vessels and keeps them running at any distance lazor mod only increases it to... I think 5 by default but up to 90

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