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[WIP][0.90?] PlanetFactory CE


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  Kragrathea said:
I finally downloaded 0.25 and gave it a try. Seemed to work okay for me. But I didn't test all that much. Can someone give me details on whats broke? Might be I can fix it.


!!!!!!!!!! I'm thrilled You're back! Where can I download the version that you got to work with 0.25? I had gotten bored with the vanilla planets so I stopped playing for a while but I really want to take another harpoon shot at Inaccessible. Also, How different is this from the original PF? Last time I checked (very early this year) there was normal PF and the very early and buggy PF CE.

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Yay! Please go on a Kraken hunt! I took Fragum from Urania and put it between Mun and Minmus, I then tried to build a launchpad base on it but the kraken has it frozen about 700m above the surface of the smooth side of the planet. It's super annoying... In .24 I could add planets until I ran out of memory (64 bit), but .25 has fairly serious limitations so I had to trim my pack down to a dozen or so of the very best... I'd really like to get them all working again and playing reasonably nice with the other mods.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  AlonzoTG said:
Yeah, that seems to be an issue (no textures on ground) with recent ksp, I hope that it is fixable... The new kopernicus-based solution is still seriously immature, is extremely complex, and has some other issues.

I've solved this, somewhat!

Basically, the issue is related to the texture not loading and such. However, planetfactoryce is not SO bugged, only their space systems are. I'm using Kerbal Universe 2 (which has the Kerbol Expansion, same basic planets from planetfactoryCE), basically you install PlanetFactory, delete everything EXCEPT the DLL (and, in theory, the file Logo_small.png, but it's not required), install kerbal universe 2 and you are done, you can visit new planets which will load textures. I'm finally on Ascension and I can see the floor.

I suppose comboed with KSP interstellar, this will add thousands of hours.

Also notice that I'm playing it on 0.90

One important note, Kerbal Universe 2 has "Squad" directory which is very important, fixes issue you might have when clicking on buildings if you install planet factory ce and not ksp universe 2

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Hellooo Kerbals! Just noticed the 0.90 has been released. Ah how time crawls... Still, beta at last!

I tried the last released version of PFCE* in 0.90 (with no other plugins) and at least at a glance appeared to work. I was able to land on Ascension with no missing textures for example. Even Career seemed to work.

I am aware there are conflicts with other plugins but it would help to separate that from the issues that came from the updates to KSP since the last release. So first question is anyone have serious issues with the plugin when it is the only plugin running?


*I am surprised to see that the link in the OP for the download is gone. Did you Kerbals manage to blow up SpacePort somehow? Sigh... I'll see if I can put up a new link.

Edited by Kragrathea
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  markothefan1 said:
What i would like to see is one last LAST update 0.90.0 beta because its OUT!

Please update it this one last time and extinguish my desire for creating planets.Lots of them.

Yes. Unless Kopernicus is updated, this is the last of the planet mods.

Help us, Krag! You're our only hope!

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  Kragrathea said:
As I said, as far as I can tell the thing still works. If you find a problem let me know and I'll see what I can do.


I tried to bring back your mod with Kopernicus but Kopernicus broke in 0.90.

My advantage was, however, that PFREV used only around 10% of the memory PFCE uses, allowing for many more planets with much less of a RAM cost.

I think maybe you should try to do that.

Also, perhaps allow ring creation and more customization options? KittopiaTech broke.

Finally, I do believe your mod messes up contracts and the Science Archives is still broken by it.

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