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Grr skycrane attach to rover problem.

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OK, so my rover design is finished.

I placed a Clampatron on top to attach to skycrane. It had a connection node showing.

Then saved as a sub assembly and now it won't let me attach the sub assembly to the crane except via a node on the front of the rover, (which is no good unless I want to lift it nose first then drop and hope it rights itself.)

I really really don't want to have to completely redo the rover, (its massive).

Can I change the root part or otherwise fix this so the clampotron, so lovingly placed at the centre of mass becomes a connection point or?

Edited by SSSPutnik
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That's probably the single most frustrating about subassemblies and ksp building in general: Only one attach point per assembly. You need to:

1. Change the root part, making sure that it is NOT a a part of the vehicle that is to be copied.

2. Once that's done, make sure that your eventual attach point for your new rover is connected with the new root part. When you copy the rover over, it will only have one attach point: the attach point that was connected to the root part.

3. If this is the clampatron that you want to use to attach your rover to the skycrane then congratulations!

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There used to be a SelectRoot mod that would let you do what you're asking. I don't know if it's been updated for 0.23.

Otherwise, you're going to have to:

  1. rebuild your rover from the ground up - or more precisely, from the Clampotron down; or
  2. not save your rover as a subassembly, and instead build the skycrane and launcher on top of it.

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OK so sub assembly attachment point is ONLY off the root part.

Thanks that's worth knowing.

I got around it by building the sky crane again with the clampatron as the root part and saving the sky crane as a sub assembly then attaching that to the LOADed rover.

Worked nicely. Ended up dumping the clamp for a separator as when I undocked it would switch focus to the rover and the sky crane would, unguided, crash on top of it.

Seperator allowed me to drop the rover then fly off to disassemble elsewhere.

It is frustrating in the VAB at times.

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