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Mechjeb with deadly re-entry


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Hey all,

I've searched for days and found no answers or fixes for this.

Essentially a part of deadly re-entry (G-force tolerance) kicks in toward the end of ascent guidance with mechjeb.

What happens is as mechjeb reaches the apoapsis altitude the engine starts cutting in/out (cause the craft is still in the atmosphere) to keep that altitude.

However, on 3.75m rockets built with KW rocktery's Griffon XX engine this severe alternating throttle either shakes the craft apart (which is not a huge problem) or, more likely, kills the crew due to astronomical G-forces.

Has anyone else had this issue/knows a way to reduce the effect?

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Thing about MJ once it reaches apoapsis really precisely (about 25 m or so) on ascent so it jitters to compensate for atmo losses. Anything large needs to have smooth throttle turned on at that part.

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