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Constant fuel transfer rate

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It's annoying to wait a minute before 10 units of monopropellant transfer to some of the pods while the transfer rate for the large tanks is much higher. Maybe it makes sense as smaller tanks have probably smaller intakes but I thought than fun > realism in KSP.

On top of that, I don't think it serves any prupose as trying to equally distribute fuel by hand is a nearly impossible task. The whole fuel transfer system should undergo a change allowing for balancing fuel between tanks as soon as possible, as this is, unlike the career mode, a core feature of the game.

Edited by theend3r
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...unlike the career mode, is a core feature of the game.


I do think maybe the transfer rate should scale the way it does but there should be some kind of minimun transfer rate so that it doesn't take so long to refill stuff.

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That could also work. The thing is, it would be laughably easy to modify this and adding the equal distribution system would be quite easy too. I know there are mods for this but stock is always better as its compatibility is guaranteed.

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The speeds are different so that you could carefully fill a small container with the needed amount of fuel. If the speeds were the same and somewhere in the middle, filling orange jumbo tanks would be a pain in the ass, and the smallest containers would fill up in a moment.

I know it's annoying, but it's useful with the current layout. I hope Squad will one day employ some kind of sliders so that you could predetermine the needed amount and then just transfer the fuel. When they do that, fuel transfer speeds should all be the same.

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The transfer should IMO work how tweakables do. You click and drag the level indicator in either tank to position where you want it to be and the other tank adjusts appropriately until it is full or empty.

^^ This! It would take a little work to get around the too much/too little fuel for what you are requesting - you may end up with unbalanced tanks otherwise. Maybe selecting mutiple tanks and then dragging the level on one could set it on all selected ones?

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Id like to be able to select single tanks and hit "Fill" or "Empty" and it draws or empties into all available tanks equally. Then you can also turn off the tanks to take them out of the loop. Like others have said, an equalize option would be good.

I've already made that it's own thread.

Edited by Themohawkninja
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