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Part showing incorrect (upside down) SPH symmetry & missing faces.

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Hi all, I've stumbled my way through all the info here and managed to construct a couple of parts that load in game and have their textures and the correct orientation and node alignment, but I've hit a snag with my second part. It's a wheel arch/mud guard for the medium wheel (TR-2L). It has a thin mount that copies the shape of the wheel mount and then has a few horizontal arms that holds a half-cylinder above the wheel that acts as the guard, as can be seen here with it attached to the first part I made, a simple custom chassis for rovers:


As the pic shows the symmetry isn't working right - the mirror part is rotated 180° on the y axis (upside down). I'm thinking this may have something to do with the origin being centred on the flat surface of the mount, rather than near the centre of mass of the whole model, although that's the point I want it to pivot around and it seems like the stock wheel does the same thing.

Also, in panning the camera around the model at different angles some panels disappear and then reappear as others disappear. It's most noticeable with the arms that join the guard to the mounting plate - first an edge to the arms will look like it's missing then as I zoom in and alter the pov for a better look it'll reappear and one of the other faces will disappear. I haven't had this problem with my first pat, but it's collider is just a simple box collider, so I'm wondering if this problem is associated with the collider. I've made the collider concave because it looks a lot better than the convex option, although I've read in a few places that convex are preferable (in which case I's have to wonder if a convex collider would interfere with the wheel that will be placed inside it).

Any help much appreciated, thanks.

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Thanks for the idea, but I don't think that is likely to be the problem and I want my part to be able to work with Editor Extensions. If the stock parts work with it, the problem is obviously my part and not the extensions. I've also seen this problem before in one of the Infernal Robotics hinges, which has been really annoying when trying to use it. If I could fix this then I might be able to suggest a fix to MSI dude. If I don't get any more suggestions I'll try centering the origin and see if that helps and also try some different file formats (I was exporting to Unity as .fbx, but having some issues with this part so tried .obj instead).

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Short story shorter, EndlessWaves namedropped mirrorAxis, mirrorRefAxis and mirrorVector.

// --- standard part parameters ---
mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, 1

Adding this line fixed a similar issue with my radial engine which was flipping the mirrored part.

I think the values work similarly to the last half of a node_stack's .cfg values, but I'm guessing since I'm about as new to this as you are.

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