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3D Kerbal Models

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There are 2 point to this question and I shall go through them both.

1. I have a converter that lets me import .mu files into blender so i have been able to make custom rockets etc. but recently ,because I make cinematics as well, i needed a shot from a mission control type building with Kerbals in it. The only problem was there were no kerbal .mu files so my first question is, where are they? If they're not in the KSP_win folder then where are they or have i just been looking in the wrong places?

2. If there is none for the 1st question, does anybody have a really good Kerbal model that i could use for a cinematic? If you do, could you put a link down below and then also others will be able to have awesome models as well because so fdar on the internet, all of the models i've seen have either been un-textured or just look bad.

So yeah, those are my questions!

- Andrew

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