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Seeking advice on a few annoyances...

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I've been playing this game for about two months now and I'm quite hooked. Landed and returned on Laythe last week and have my eyes set on Eve now. That said, even after overcoming some big challenges I continue to be plagued by simple issues. Here's my list in no particular order:

1) In orbit around the star Kerbin when I have an encounter with another planet, the next rotation afterward is shown in purple (due to the slight shift in course from hitting the planet's SOI). However, in most cases it is VERY difficult to make a maneuver node on the blue line (which is my present orbit). It always wants to make the maneuver node on the purple line (subsequent orbit).

2) After I've plotted an intercept I can't seem to focus it and get a close view so I can fine tune my encounter from a great distance (I know this is probably an easy one that I'm foolishly missing).

3) Is there a way to highlight all struts (or even just delete all struts)? On some complicated builds I know there is occasionally a strut or two that's probably embedded in the structure somewhere that's just wasting mass and probably will somehow cause my ship to suffer a catastrophic systems failure.

4) Why can't I see/change my keybinds while I'm *in* a game? (this one is mostly rhetorical :P).

5) Another mostly rhetorical one, but it would be amazing if you could set some parts in your build as not active or translucent (at least temporarily) so you could work around them without interference. I'm speaking namely about running fuel lines and struts after the fact. Sometimes I completely redo asparagas staging just because I don't like how I was forced to run the lines/struts due to line of sight issues with placing the nodes.

6) One final feature request. Please make the game less addictive. Thanks.

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1) Not much way around that at the moment besides zooming in really close and paying attention to how much time is indicated when you click to set the node, unfortunately.

2) Try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/11322-Different-Conic-drawing-modes . There's a line in your main game configuration file that refers to the conic mode; you'll have to open it with notepad or whatever equivalent you've got and change the appropriate line (which eludes me at the moment; somebody help me out here).

3) All struts in the game are massless; this is a function of how they've been set up in their configuration file. It is possible to over-strut things and actually make them less stable; you'll have to talk to folks with experience on that topic.

4) Well, there is a way to do that from the Main Menu (I think; never tried myself). Meantime there's http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Controls

5) Yep.

6) No.

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I2) After I've plotted an intercept I can't seem to focus it and get a close view so I can fine tune my encounter from a great distance (I know this is probably an easy one that I'm foolishly missing).

I found the PreciseNode mod to be useful in both changing the conics mode and in finetuning my encounters.

Setting the conics mode to '0' plots the flight path after the encounter around the new SOI body ...which in turn you can focus on :)

PreciseNode can be found here:


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1) Zoom in. Even then it's not perfect, unfortunately :(

2) Double click the periapse of the target and it'll stay there, provided it exists. That'll allow you to adjust things without being close to it. Be careful not to clip the planet though, or you'll have to click it again

3) You can use fuel tanks as x-rays to see through other things and see struts. However, unless there are hundreds of them it's not really worth bothering to remove them

4) Because Squad didn't implement that feature

5) You could always just disconnect a part group and drag it very slightly away. It won't be active, but it won't be deleted. Still, good idea.

6) Never.

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You can also focus on your manoeuvre nodes, which is handy for fine-tuning them, or looking closely at something far away.

Simply place the node, and then press "tab" in map mode and the camera focus will switch to the next node on your flight path.

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