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[0.23.5] Kerbal Space Industries [26APR14] [MFD 1.2]


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  • 2 weeks later...
  Hyomoto said:
I'll see what is going on there, it is possible VV is trying to use TOP, or BACK and I may have accidentally assigned it to another action. I try to keep the controls consistent across the interface so things like this don't happen, but it may require I tamper with mod integration (this is why the TGT menu uses 9 and 0). My integration of VV was mostly a copy-paste job from the patch the author already written. Just to be clear, I'm glad you bring problems like this. The worst I'll do is look into it and see if I can/what can be done to fix it.

VV uses the 'back' button in order to go up to the previous menu level/rehide the menu if already on top level. With your MFD installed, the back button takes it out of VV and back to the 'Mod Select' page. And when you go back in to VV, it remembers where you were in the menu, so you can't even use that to bypass!

I'm also finding that the Scansat page says 'Plugin not installed' and continues to show the mod menu...even though it then goes ahead and loads the map underneath it, which other than the text on top of it works fine (switching maps, zooming both work too.)

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  Tiron said:
VV uses the 'back' button in order to go up to the previous menu level/rehide the menu if already on top level. With your MFD installed, the back button takes it out of VV and back to the 'Mod Select' page. And when you go back in to VV, it remembers where you were in the menu, so you can't even use that to bypass!

I'm also finding that the Scansat page says 'Plugin not installed' and continues to show the mod menu...even though it then goes ahead and loads the map underneath it, which other than the text on top of it works fine (switching maps, zooming both work too.)

Crap, turns out ScanSAT is a background handler, I thought it was a page handler. I was trying to unify everything across the interface but it looks like that will be more trouble than I thought. It used to give the message on the background image but I wanted it to look consistent. There is a quick fix for it, but a good fix will take some work. I looked at VV and the controls for that appear correct, I'll see about doing some testing this weekend. Thanks for the report.

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  Hyomoto said:
Crap, turns out ScanSAT is a background handler, I thought it was a page handler. I was trying to unify everything across the interface but it looks like that will be more trouble than I thought. It used to give the message on the background image but I wanted it to look consistent. There is a quick fix for it, but a good fix will take some work. I looked at VV and the controls for that appear correct, I'll see about doing some testing this weekend. Thanks for the report.

No problem. Other than those two problems, I found it to be very shiny and awesome. And honestly, the SCANsat thing is...moderately annoying at worst. You just get some text on top of the map, which otherwise works perfectly.

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Hope we'll get a fix for the VV issue soon! I noticed the SCANSat problem too and I agree with Tiron, nothing really annoying: you know the plugin is installed because it actually works (although I understand you'll want to fix it).

By the way, do we need to put a MapTraq (SCANSat part) to get position of the ship on the MFD map, or is it unnecessary?

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  Korb Biakustra said:
Hope we'll get a fix for the VV issue soon! I noticed the SCANSat problem too and I agree with Tiron, nothing really annoying: you know the plugin is installed because it actually works (although I understand you'll want to fix it).

By the way, do we need to put a MapTraq (SCANSat part) to get position of the ship on the MFD map, or is it unnecessary?

It works without it...but you can't get the big map, or get a map outside of IVA, without some sort of scansat part.

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I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this, but it seems like it will take more thought than I'd like. My problem is I don't want people posting bug reports for functions that don't work, but if I provide proper feedback it will cause other issues. So for now I've just done a dirty fix and disabled the overlay for those pages until I can find a better way to deal with it. That's the only issue with plugins for RPM is when they aren't there, how to do with them. I'll see if Mihara can't come up with some way to check if a plugin exists, that would allow me to tailor the pages accordingly.

It's a stealth update, so just redownload. I don't see adding // to the config as being worth of bumping the number.

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Will do, captain, thanks for the update. Will I have to redownload the black interface skins as well? Or can I just not copy the images folder across?

Now for some good news for once! :D

I made a ModuleManager cfg that adds KAS grabfunctionality to the blade antennae and also makes it identical to the stock Comm 16 antennae for people using Antennae Range. Here it is for anyone who wants it:



@name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
nominalRange = 1500000
maxPowerFactor = 8
maxDataFactor = 4

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize = 3
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

It should work.. Should probably delete the antennae range bit if you're not going to use it, might mess things up otherwise :)

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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If you are using the black skin just replace the the MFD40x20.cfg with the new one. It is in the Hyomoto/MFD folder. Everything else is the same anyways. Thanks for the patch, I'm sure it will get put to good use!

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  Tiron said:
VV uses the 'back' button in order to go up to the previous menu level/rehide the menu if already on top level. With your MFD installed, the back button takes it out of VV and back to the 'Mod Select' page. And when you go back in to VV, it remembers where you were in the menu, so you can't even use that to bypass!

I can confirm this bug. For VV, the "Back" button is not behaving the same as the "X" button does with the RPM defaults.

Your MFD layout and organization is excellent and I much prefer it over the standard RPM defaults. But the problem with VV makes that mod essentially unusable. :(

  Hyomoto said:
I looked at VV and the controls for that appear correct, I'll see about doing some testing this weekend. Thanks for the report.

Please let us know when you've got a fix - or if there's an easy change we can make to a config file somewhere. Thank you for your hard work!

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Not sure if this will cause any other problems, but I managed to get Vessel Viewer working by changing a line in the MFD40x20 config file.

NOTE: The following worked for me, in my install. There is no guarantee that it working is not some fluke of my install. This may or may not work for you. If it doesn't, simply revert the changes and wait until a more official fix is made available.

In GameData\Hyomoto\MFD is a file called MFD40x20.cfg, open this file and go to line 860. There should be the following:


redirect = btn1, pluginScanSAT

redirect = btn2, pluginSmartASS

redirect = escape, menuPlugin

redirect = home, menuDefault


These seem to be the button bindings for the Vessel View plugin page.

Comment out the escape redirect on line 862, so that you have this instead:


redirect = btn1, pluginScanSAT

redirect = btn2, pluginSmartASS

//redirect = escape, menuPlugin

redirect = home, menuDefault


Save the file and load KSP. Hopefully, the Back button will now properly move you to the previous Vessel View menu, rather than to the top level.

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  Lybodo said:
Not sure if this will cause any other problems, but I managed to get Vessel Viewer working by changing a line in the MFD40x20 config file.

Works on mine, although it loses the ability to back out to the mod menu. Which is fine because you can just push MOD.

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Just something I've been wondering - is there a particular cause for the letters to be at different heights on the screen?


And Hyomoto, please don't ever think that my particular niggles/bug reports make me frustrated with your mod. I can barely read the standard RPM font, the information isn't as easy to access as yours and I would take your version over standard RPM any day. I look back a screenshots taken in the standard RPM and I think "how did I ever cope...". As great as the ALCOR pod is, if it used a version of this mod instead of standard RPM, it would actually almost make that pod too awesome for KSP (almost, mind you..). The only reason I post here so much with little things like this is because I'm drawn to IVA so often because it looks so fantastic and because I also want to help make this mod be the best it can be.

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You need not worry, having more sets of eyes on something is very useful. As for the 'oddities' with the text, this is a long standing issue but I'm unsure of the cause. The font template is aligned, so it is probably occurring when it is loaded into the game. I've tried cleaning up instances of this, but it may be an RPM issue. If it is consistent, such as all P's being offset, I might just be able to adjust it in the font.

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  WaRi said:
Super hoyomoto MDF:

This is my own version of the MDF. ( the one that I use in my game)

It has:

the vessel viewer menu in plugins

the big orbit screen of the original RPM (switch with button 2)

the green aviation pfd (switch with button 1)

the data in the docking camera

and my own black interface


I'm still using this (and it works) if I upgrade will I need to reinstall the configs, or can I just overwrite?

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  Taki117 said:
I'm still using this (and it works) if I upgrade will I need to reinstall the configs, or can I just overwrite?

It's.. difficult. Technically, this mod is a bunch of cfgs and text (and screen pictures) anyway so reinstalling WaRi's will just end you up where you started so you'd have to have some kind of medium between the two. That would require changing the cfgs yourself because most of the image filepaths have changed, some things are background handlers, others are page handlers, Vessel View support would have to be changed.. It won't be an easy task, I tell you that now.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
It's.. difficult. Technically, this mod is a bunch of cfgs and text (and screen pictures) anyway so reinstalling WaRi's will just end you up where you started so you'd have to have some kind of medium between the two. That would require changing the cfgs yourself because most of the image filepaths have changed, some things are background handlers, others are page handlers, Vessel View support would have to be changed.. It won't be an easy task, I tell you that now.

Since I don't use Vessel View I can skip that, and since what I have works, (And I like it) I will just stick with what I've got. Unless WaRi wants to be nice and provide another mega bundle.

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Can someone post a side by side comparison of this with the original? On a quick inspection, I'm not seeing anything different between the Hyomoto displays and the stock RPM displays.

Edit: Disregard. I was expecting it to change the monitors in the ALCOR pod. I see it's changed them in all the stock ones.

Edited by Vladthemad
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We sorely need a screen to be able to modify and/or delete maneuver nodes. When using Forced-IVA, the only way to delete them is through the map screen (or using MechJeb's Maneuver Planner.) It's fun doing a full-IVA mission with the interface overlay hidden.

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