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Where does KSP store parts?

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Hey guys,

I was implementing different plugins and a mod, and I did as it said. After, when I first started up the game, all my parts were gone!

All I did was move one folder to the main folder, and it made them all disappear.

I want to verify whether or not KSP's base game parts were deleted, so does anyone know what the file name might be, or where it is?

Thanks a lot!

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Alright, even MORE problems. After verifying, my old save works, but all parts say they need an entry purchase in Research and Development. I can't purchase them again since i already did, so how can I get around this? Any way to edit a file and make it think I have what I already bought?

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You should be able to just go into the R&D building and purchase them again. (IF the node is green and has a number by it you can purchase parts in that node without science) If you are really concerned about save file editing in your persistant.sfs (Or quicksave.sfs) look for the following.

name = ResearchAndDevelopment
scene = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
sci = 179.8773
id = start
state = Available
part = mk1pod
part = liquidEngine
part = solidBooster
part = fuelTankSmall
part = trussPiece1x
part = longAntenna
part = parachuteSingle

It should look like that for the first node. If it doesn't make it so.

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It says I need to research them first, but I already have. I will try editing it.

EDIT: I have no clue how to open the .sfs file. I've tried 7Zip, but it won't open it.

Guess I'll save the ships and start a new game and just add em after I get enough science.

Edited by AwesumnisRawr188
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