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Guide to all .23 Easter Egg locations

Horatio Longworth

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After doing a lot of research on Easter eggs, I failed to find a lot of comprehensive information on all of the Easter eggs in one place. Threads tended to have pictures and images of the Easter eggs themselves, but not necessarily the locations and surrounding areas. My brother and I worked together to make an exhaustive guide, and after many (many) hours of searching, I present to the KSP community an exhaustive guide to all locatable Easter eggs in .23. Also, if you find any major mistakes, such as missing an Easter egg, please let me know in an in-forum PM as I was primarily responsible for locating these and I could do a followup video. Almost all information needed to find them is in the video, and I'll probably work on a tips and tricks video on my spring break.

Feedback would be awesome.

I'm kind of new to here so if I've posted in the wrong forum please relocate it.

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  • 6 months later...

Transcript/written-form and still images please :-)

Sounds like you put a huge amount of work into this but a 45-minute video would kill my broadband cap.

Written-form is also easier to scan through to find a specific item

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  • 6 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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