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Howdy KSPers!


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I've been trawling the near space of Kerbin for a while now, but haven't had the technological power to run KSP at a respectable clip, until now. I started playing right after seeing a video on youtube of North Korea's last rocket launch. Seeing comments on the video stating that their technology was a direct rip-off of low end Kerbal technology I was intrigued. ThorLP got me hooked though, the guy is a KSP savant! Hope I can contribute to the community, and I look forward to many, many more disasters along the way.


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Welcome to the forums! :)

Nice to hear you're a fan of the Insane Rockets Division videos. I also follow Thor from time to time, although not as regularly as some of the others on my list of favorite LPers.

As for contributing to the community, we're always open to new and interesting submissions. Feel free to share a favorite craft, a report from a memorable mission (successful or otherwise), or even just awesome screenshots. If you're ever stuck and don't know what to do next, feel free to ask questions or check out a tutorial or two, especially those I've listed in the Drawing Board (conveniently linked through my signature).

Hope this helps!

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