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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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As you probably already know, I love craft design, first and foremost. That's why I made the Open Source Construction Techniques thread. I think it's valuable to share techniques and designs that might inspire others in their craft building.

One problem I have is that most of my designs never see the light of day because they're often not ready for their own thread, and may never be. I'm sure I'm not the only one, so I created this thread so can post your works-in-progress and give and receive feedback on your nascent creations.


Mini Apollo

I'll start:

A while back, I created a very small, command-seat based Apollo LEM lander. I never did anything with it, until recently, when I started building a miniature Saturn V to lift it, and a proportionately small CSM.



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Definitely a nice idea for a thread. I'm one of those guys that tend to overcomplicate stuff. Then I get distracted and never actually fly the missions

That's the main reason why my only manned interplanetary mission has been an apollo-style Eve flyby...

My Duna direct mission is slowly taking shape, after my Constellation-style one grew way out of my limits and eventually got scrubbed.

Another thread bookmarked! :D

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Add fairings and it'll look sweet! I made a mini-pollo as well some time ago. I recommend clipping in two command seats into the capsule, and you have yourself a genuine apollo mission



Recently I've been working on an SSTO and its interplanetary mothership, the design's finished but getting the mothership into orbit has been a WIP. Nearly complete, however...


I'm also very off-and-on for the past year working on the Super Guppie, the most nonsensical SSTO concept I could come up with, but alas this poor pup can barely leave the runway


Edited by I_Killed_Jeb
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I've been stuck with this guy for A YEAR and I still haven't gotten around to releasing it. :/


The Odysseus STS' launch was delayed for almost a month.


I built the "Zondpollo-L3" but I didn't release it.


Pico Navaho and a derivative of it:



I made a whole family of advanced MPCVs, but I got distracted when 0.20 was released and the entire family (only a few weeks old) were left to rust.






Fortunately, I was able to find the .craft and refurbish them in 0.23. :)

Edited by Giggleplex777
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  Giggleplex777 said:
I was afraid that no one could fly it.

Indeed, a major concern... I feel it takes 90% of my development time to get that last 10%, to ensure consistent reliability and usability, as opposed to coaxing something into orbit once. BTW how'd you get the tiny fuel tanks to surface attach onto the wings?

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  I_Killed_Jeb said:
Indeed, a major concern... I feel it takes 90% of my development time to get that last 10%, to ensure consistent reliability and usability, as opposed to coaxing something into orbit once. BTW how'd you get the tiny fuel tanks to surface attach onto the wings?

Cubic struts.

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  astropapi1 said:
That's the main reason why my only manned interplanetary mission has been an apollo-style Eve flyby...

Funny coincidence, just yesterday I launched the craft which is going to do exactly that. Well, minus the apollo-style part. Looks more like one Deep Space Habitat concept.


The thing is sturdy, barely weighs 30 tons with empty tanks and can be easily configured for various purposes (slap NERVAs on it and you can return from Eeloo), so I'm thinking of releasing some variations once I polish and test them.

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  Ravenchant said:
Funny coincidence, just yesterday I launched the craft which is going to do exactly that. Well, minus the apollo-style part. Looks more like one Deep Space Habitat concept.


The thing is sturdy, barely weighs 30 tons with empty tanks and can be easily configured for various purposes (slap NERVAs on it and you can return from Eeloo), so I'm thinking of releasing some variations once I polish and test them.

That thing is awesome. I've always wanted to do a fly-by mission, but I worry about the orbital maneuvering involved.

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I think that counts as work in progress. I'm still in the process of deciding how many big reds are enough, and frankly, lifting them one by one is getting a tad tedious. I may re-develop a Nova again to cut launches in half. It's a Grand Tour mothership, with a Tylo-rated lander and a couple of SSTOs to collect the science. So far, I estimate it will be a great improvement part-wise compared to its earlier versions, at about ~600 parts for the finished behemoth (I plan on putting 17 tanks there!). I hope that's enough delta-v :P

Rune. The great part is, it's short of rated for wherever you want to take her, just put tanks and drive pods accordingly.

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So, 116 parts at 15 FPS.


YES, the structural frame is welded. Otherwise it would be ~550. This is literally the backbone of Starpoint shipyard.

I'm gonna half the docking ports inside and more than half them on the outside. I need to reduce the part count further (that'l get me under 100).

I have 60 lights and 40 docking ports. Dockign ports I'm gonna reduce down to 18. Not sure how to reduce the lights without ruining the illumination inside the gantry.

EDIT: So I removed all the lateral docking ports (that's what the end sections are for :P) and I reduced the interior ones to 8. Still having a problem with the 60 lights, 3 on each rib.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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