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[.23] Somnambulic Aerospace -- Life Support Parts .0.0.1 (18 Jan)


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Somnambulic Aerospace

Life Support Parts

(You know, for Kerbals.)

No longer will your Kerbals need to choose between life and aesthetics. Somnambulic Aerospace is pleased to announce the first prerelease of life support resource containers for TAC Life Support:



Note: The empty weight of these containers are about 1.5x heavier than the equivalent parts that come with TAC.

  • Small (30 day), Large (90 day), Extra Large (270 day) radial resource containers for Food, Water and Oxygen.
  • A large, 2.5m inline combined resource container (1080 day).


  • 1.25m inline combined resource container.
  • "Short" 2.5m combined resource container.
  • S, L, XL radial combined resource containers.
  • Converters. All three will be heavy and require a non-trivial amount of electricity to run:
    • Electricity + CO2 -> O2 + Waste
    • Electricity + Waste H2O -> H2O + Waste
    • Electricity + Waste H2O + CO2 + Waste -> Food.

    [*]Waste tank to store waste products for future recycling.


  • The 2.5m container is welded from cupola models and retains the hatch from the .mu. The container won't hold a Kerbal, but you'll still get the option to board.
  • Radial food needs its warning labels rotated HU-RR.
  • Small and large radial tanks should be grabable with KAS.


Somnambulic Aerospace -- Life Support Parts .0.0.1 (18 Jan)


Original models and textures copyright 2014 Squad.


Derivates in this work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License..

Edited by somnambulist
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Looks really good, but I have a question and a suggestion:

- do the parts work in career mode? i.e. do they appear in the tec tree?

- I would like to see combined radial containers :)

Radial combined containers are definitely coming with capacities 1/3 the total of the single resource containers. I already have the parts in the tech tree, starting with small containers available at survivability, the large at space exploration and finally the xl at advanced exploration. The full-height 2.5m container is currently with advanced exploration, but probably needs to be pushed toward the end of the tech tree.

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Excellent work, but i have one problem. I have the clean version of ksp just whit tac life support (work fine) but when i install (merge the game data folder) the mod and open the game, the game freeze in the loading page. Seems like it does not load the mod, maybe i'm doing something wrong, Some advice...

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Excellent work, but i have one problem. I have the clean version of ksp just whit tac life support (work fine) but when i install (merge the game data folder) the mod and open the game, the game freeze in the loading page. Seems like it does not load the mod, maybe i'm doing something wrong, Some advice...

Put a copy of your log somewhere and I'll take a look.

Edit: Think I might know what's going on. The zip I originally loaded had some leftover OS X metadata files that can cause issues with the part loader. Zip updated, try it now.

Edited by somnambulist
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... but when i install (merge the game data folder) the mod and open the game, the game freeze in the loading page...

I was having the same problem. After a few hours of narrowing down my many mods, I can confirm that it was this one that was causing my loading hangs, I check this thread and it turns out I'm not the only one... I should've just suspected that it was one of my newest installed mods and saved a lot of time, but oh well, there's so many to remember....

Anyway on a more positive note, the newly uploaded zip seems to have cleared up all of my problems, its now working great. Looking forward to using these parts on a resupply mission I've had planned. Great work! and thanks for having a fix before I even knew what the problem was :D

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Quick question: why not just port the values for TAC, and use your skins as really pretty skins? I mean, they're beautiful, but at that kind of weight disparity I'm never going to use them. I tried editing your config files to replicate the TAC values, and the game times out during the load screen (while loading the further modded parts, so I'm screwing it up somehow).

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Quick question: why not just port the values for TAC, and use your skins as really pretty skins? I mean, they're beautiful, but at that kind of weight disparity I'm never going to use them. I tried editing your config files to replicate the TAC values, and the game times out during the load screen (while loading the further modded parts, so I'm screwing it up somehow).

In my opinion the dry weight of the containers included with TAC are on the low side already and wouldn't match up with the visual weight of the model. Stock look is chunky and heavy duty and the mass of the parts reflect that. I'll post up a mass comparison chart when I'm home from work.

As for the freezes, make sure your braces are balanced and that you don't have a double decimal somewhere (.e.g., "..01 ")

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Su, how comes the work on the Food Processor? I'm really looking forward to that so I can have a self sustaining base. If you need any help I am more than willing to give it a shot.

Unfortunately I've been working 12+ hour days and, as such, haven't had much personal time let alone time to spend on this project. Next week is looking slower, though.

As for the recyclers, you won't be able to create a closed loop and will still need to run the occasional supply mission.

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Unfortunately I've been working 12+ hour days and, as such, haven't had much personal time let alone time to spend on this project. Next week is looking slower, though.

As for the recyclers, you won't be able to create a closed loop and will still need to run the occasional supply mission.

Understandable, but running a resupply every 3k+ days is much better than running one every few hundred (Since the recyclers in TAC increase the duration x10)

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Understandable, but running a resupply every 3k+ days is much better than running one every few hundred (Since the recyclers in TAC increase the duration x10)

A 10x across the board increase seems a bit too generous to me. For the 3000 day figure you quote, that nearly 8.25 Earth years between resupply missions. Sure they'll have plenty of food, water and air but the party favor, board game and piñata supplies will be getting dangerously low. (And you do not want to see Bill without a regular supply of party favors! :mad:) I don't want anyone to have to do supply missions every 100 days, but I also want to keep resupply in the equation.

I'm thinking about doing two sets of recyclers with different efficiencies and available at different points on the tech tree. The first set will be balanced to stretch mission lengths, allowing early tech tree missions to Duna or Eve to be completed with a reasonable amount of delta-v budgeted for life support. These will be terribly inefficient compared to what's in TAC, maybe a 10-20% mass advantage over just carrying the supplies. The second set will be much heavier and come later in the tech tree, but will be more efficient. Essentially if you want a base on Duna, you're going to have to deal with frequent resupply missions or spend science and delta-v to build the infrastructure.

If anyone wants to contribute, I could use some help crunching numbers for mission times. Essentially, what's the duration of a delta-v optimal roundtrip to Duna, Eve, etc. That will help setup a baseline for converter efficiency.

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A 10x across the board increase seems a bit too generous to me. For the 3000 day figure you quote, that nearly 8.25 Earth years between resupply missions. Sure they'll have plenty of food, water and air but the party favor, board game and piñata supplies will be getting dangerously low. (And you do not want to see Bill without a regular supply of party favors! :mad:) I don't want anyone to have to do supply missions every 100 days, but I also want to keep resupply in the equation.

I'm thinking about doing two sets of recyclers with different efficiencies and available at different points on the tech tree. The first set will be balanced to stretch mission lengths, allowing early tech tree missions to Duna or Eve to be completed with a reasonable amount of delta-v budgeted for life support. These will be terribly inefficient compared to what's in TAC, maybe a 10-20% mass advantage over just carrying the supplies. The second set will be much heavier and come later in the tech tree, but will be more efficient. Essentially if you want a base on Duna, you're going to have to deal with frequent resupply missions or spend science and delta-v to build the infrastructure.

If anyone wants to contribute, I could use some help crunching numbers for mission times. Essentially, what's the duration of a delta-v optimal roundtrip to Duna, Eve, etc. That will help setup a baseline for converter efficiency.


Here's where I'm getting my info from. Specifically the line

Right now, the converters convert enough resources to keep up with 8 Kerbals. They also operate at 90% efficiency. The 90% efficiency means that you can effectively multiple the time left for oxygen and water by 10x.

The math behind that is: I forget what the sequence is called, but you start with: x^0 + x^1 + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + ... which is equivalent to 1/(1-x). Then substitute the efficiency, 90% or 0.9, for x. So 1/(1-0.9) = 1/0.1 = 10. Also look at http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i...+for+x+%3D+0.9

Also, according to Alexmoon's launch window planner the trip from Kerbin to Duna takes 82 Days and the return is 78 days, with the time in between being something on the order of 236 days.

Edited by Taki117
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@Taki117 -- thanks for the research!

In somewhat related news, some free time opened up this evening. Working on the food converter (Electricity + Waste H2O + CO2 + Waste -> Food). I've got an idea on how to make it require sunlight to function. Should have screenies later tonight.

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@Taki117 -- thanks for the research!

In somewhat related news, some free time opened up this evening. Working on the food converter (Electricity + Waste H2O + CO2 + Waste -> Food). I've got an idea on how to make it require sunlight to function. Should have screenies later tonight.

You're most welcome, and the Food Processor will be a very welcome addition.

Also, from Kerbin to Eve is about 50 days, and from Eve to Kerbin is 63 days, with 124ish days in between transfer windows.

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Based on a chance discovery in Bill's coffee cup, the SA-200 Large Food Processor contains a colony of algae capable of turning waste products back into something resembling food. Remember to place in direct sunlight.

Again, inputs are waste, waste water and CO2 plus a little electricity for the pumps. I'm going to swap out the texture on one panel with badging like the other parts.

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