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I've never played sand box mode.


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You must have started playing after Career mode came out. I tried it once and then went back to playing sandbox until it is polished a little more. I don't really think career is the best for new players, even though it prevents being overwhelmed, it limits the parts you can use, so you can't learn how everything works together.

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Surprisingly, even though sandbox has been with me for all 10 versions I played, I haven't played it really since the release of 0.22.

Hang on, it's been ten releases since I started playing?


Make that 13 releases (excluding bugfix releases) in my case.

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Hi, Larry. Glad to have you aboard. Don't resist sandbox - embrace it! If you ever have a moment where you're cursing at the tech tree, take a step back, check out sandbox and run wild with ingenuity.
I can't miss what I've never had. If I try some new tech in SB mode then I will be missing it in Career Mode. :-)
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Hi, Larry. Glad to have you aboard. Don't resist sandbox - embrace it! If you ever have a moment where you're cursing at the tech tree, take a step back, check out sandbox and run wild with ingenuity.

I tend to have crazier designs in career mode, personally.

Exhibit A: The Pre-Mainsail Heavy Lift First Stage:


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I can't miss what I've never had. If I try some new tech in SB mode then I will be missing it in Career Mode. :-)

Really, this.

Giving new players everything when the moment they start is a great way to overwhelm them. With fewer parts, it's easier to set more reasonable goals, achieve them, and then naturally look around to what to reach for next. The lure of more science from more distant celestial bodies helps to drive that reach.

I completely fail to see how playing in the sandbox "drives ingenuity". Giving players every part doesn't encourage them to use simpler parts in new ways. Personally, starting in career and learning how to do more with less has taught me to design much more efficient rockets. My latest mission in my current career mode game (Second career mode game overall) was going to Duna, Landing on Ike, and putting probes on Duna's surface prior to getting mainsails or nukes. If I started playing sandbox, I doubt I would have learned what I needed to learn to make that happen.

Edited by LethalDose
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I started around .19 or .20 (the last release before we got the new buildings), fooled around in sandbox mode, restarted saves often because of changing mods, changing playstyle and stuff and never got further than the Mun.

Since .21 my main save is always in career mode, because I want to do science! With the release of .22 I more or less settled on a set of mods and a playstyle I'm comfortable with for career, restarted my save, and never went to sandbox since.

Also, I agree to DisarmingBaton5, although it didn't get _that_ crazy yet - but certainly more creative than anything I ever had in Sandbox.

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