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My wife says I am addicted to this game.


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Wife? Who has time for a wife when there is an entire solar system waiting to be explored!

I suggest, if your personal life is getting in the way of the scientific endeavours of an entire species, you should rethink your priorities, and really reassess a life long relationship with someone who is clearly selfish. Just think of all of those poor Kerbals your letting down :(

DISCLAIMER: I in no way take responsibility for the break up of your marriage and the overall destruction of your life.

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Hi, my name is Red and I'm a KSP addict.

It's a harmless addiction compared to most others I could name. Booze, drugs, gambling, womanizing, shopping all lead you down the road to financial ruin. KSP has cost me a grand total of $7.

My wife doesn't mind. I play on my laptop, so I'm in the room with her while she watches the latest episode of Big Brother of America's Next Top Surviving Bachelor Idol (I think that's what it's called). That's quality time, right?

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Caution - post may contain traces of smug. :)

In the living room, we've got a framed copy of the July 1969 Time magazine cover (no prizes for guessing what that's about) on one wall and a framed copy of XKCD's UpGoerFive on another. Current (shared) bedtime reading is an audiobook version of Gene Kranz's Failure is not an option.

I've been a gamer for as long as she's known me.

So yeah - a little KSP addiction isn't causing any problems. :) To be honest, I think my wife would be more surprised if I wasn't addicted.

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Caution - post may contain traces of smug. :)

In the living room, we've got a framed copy of the July 1969 Time magazine cover (no prizes for guessing what that's about) on one wall and a framed copy of XKCD's UpGoerFive on another. Current (shared) bedtime reading is an audiobook version of Gene Kranz's Failure is not an option.

I've been a gamer for as long as she's known me.

So yeah - a little KSP addiction isn't causing any problems. :) To be honest, I think my wife would be more surprised if I wasn't addicted.

I hope to marry as well as you have. :)


I have gotten a new graphics card and monitor in order to play KSP in triple-screen glory! I for hours daily play it, so fearing losing Kerbals that I have not sent them beyond Minmus's surface.


Edited by Duxwing
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I launched a rocket earlier, which promptly broke apart at 5km. Used my LES to escape from the fireball, when my parachute promptly burned up and exploded due to the acceleration/sudden heating... (I have Deadly Reentry mod).... My capsule slammed into the ground, killing everyone. I got frustrated and said a few choice words, muttering about how I was going to have to completely redesign this rocket that took me three hours to build. My wife, sitting there quietly watching/listening, says "This is fun for you?"

*stares at keyboard in shame*

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Man I was really hooked on KSP when I first got hold of it. Simply because it is an amazing game. Then I lost a little interest because I had pretty much visited all bodies (pre-science era).

So then the updates came and my attention got sparked again, but.. to be honest I just can't take the long loading times anymore. When the game was new for me, I could see past that. But KSP is really an exception.. The long loading time at the start of the game.. I can even live with that. But to simply return to the VAB, or switch vessels, or simply switch to the map on an active vessel..! it takes so damn long. It takes out the fun :(

I really hope this will be 'fixed' some day

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Before I got KSP I was always trying to get a girlfriend, I felt lonely all the time.

Now I don't need a girlfriend, I have Dres. Dres loves me for who I am.^

^Dres loves me for who I land* there.


¹Colonise without prior knowledge.

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