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Jeb's Sled

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Currently, most people are experiencing a somewhat disabling problem with their Mun rovers: They\'re quite often upside down. The Mun\'s terrain will quickly flip any vehicle moving faster than a dying crawl, and if the terrain doesn\'t get you, the tile seams certainly will.

This craft isn\'t exempt from that in the slightest, but by and large, nor is it bothered by it. It can be driven any way up, and is extremely sturdy. If you\'re anything like me, you\'ll soon destroy the RCS tanks and solar collectors, but the rest of the sled is indestructable if it doesn\'t hit the surface at more than ~20m/s.

The Kerbin orbital stage can be a bitch to control for some reason, but it\'s manageable. Once you get to the moon, you\'ll have more than enough fuel to pick a landing site anywhere on the globe.

The sled itself doesn\'t need RCS to turn, but it can be helpful in some spots.

Parts are stock and Novapunch, with individual parts:

Captain Slug\'s Solar Collector

DamnYouJapan\'s Heloskid

Silisko Edition\'s micro RCS tank (I use modified fuel values)

The RocktCo Soyuz/Kerbabl\'s ASAS

Nova Silisko\'s Landerparts (Ascent engine, decoupler, SAS, legs)

That should be everything.

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