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Visions of 2070


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2070 Megacorp Challenge - Create a ship in every ship category except Orion Coupler and any one station.

The prize is we write your fictional company and CEO into my main setting!

You can have am XM2070 Megacorp!

Note this challenge is optional - not everyone has the time or built up designs for this sort of massive challenge - so Devs don't need to feel pressured by this.

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Though everyone is still working on early stages of their designs I am working on a desgin index. For now it will live on the first page of this thread - keep an eye on my second post for these secondary but still important bits of project data.

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As requested by several people here is the submission format for Concept Art (taken directly from V0.99 of the VDP Reference Document):

2.4 Art Submission Formats - Concept art must follow these submission rules:

• 2.4.1 General Form - Each submission should be a spacecraft design plausible in 2070 with liberal allowances for technological progress but no significant new discoveries in physics. The purpose of these spacecraft models is to be interesting and realistic in design.

• 2.4.2 KSP Submissions - If your spacecraft model is done in Kerbal Space Program it must be compatible with a clean stock install with only B9 Aerospace and hyper edit as mods. It is not always required that a craft be able to launch from Kerbin. If the craft is only intended to operate in space it need only be placed in launch clamps that allow for easy hyper edit of the craft to orbit. The developer debug console is also useful for non-launch designs.

KSP ships have two critical game (software) functions: propulsion and lighting. Given that the purpose of the model is to showcase design it must appear to move well for purposes of videos and must be elegantly lit. If the craft is intended to aero-brake or operate in an atmosphere (i.e. a shuttle) it should be functional enough to do so (i.e. Duna Shuttles need to fly and land on Duna, Mun taxis need to be able to take off from and land on the Mun). Use of the developer debug options is encouraged since it makes design easier.

o KSP Ships should be limited to 300 parts though using fewer parts on small craft is encouraged.

o KSP plugins (mods) are limited to the most recent versions of:

 B9 Aerospace (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-20-2-b9-aerospace-pack-r3-1/)

 Near Future Propulsion (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042-0-23-Near-Future-Propulsion-Pack-0-33-1-(updated-24-01-14-balance-changes))

 KSP Interstellar (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-23-KSP-Interstellar-(Tweakables-New-ISRU-Preecoolers)-Version-0-9-2-(Beta))

 Hyperedit (http://www.KerbaltekAerospace.com)

 Kerbpaint (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50008-0-23-KerbPaint-Paint-layering-for-parts-%28September-23rd%29-%28Same-Old-Still-Works%21%29)

o It is also possible to use the KSP Demo (https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/demo.php) despite a smaller range of parts.

o Please provide all craft in a stable loading form so that launch clamps or landing gear will support the craft without breakage.

o Launches may require using developer tools via the debug console and this is acceptable. Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+D to access the console and enjoy unlimited fuel, unbreakable joints, and other helpful perks. Turning off gravity is very useful for building ships and stations that would be built in orbit by 2070 and not be designed for planet-side launch.

• 2.4.3 Blender Mod Submissions - If you use blender then your model must be submitted both as a blender file and as a mod file that loads into KSP as a (single object) part. Like a normal .craft file submission it must have propulsion and functionality just like a normal KSP submission. There are tutorials like this http://www.alternatewars.com/Games/KSP/Tut1/KSP_Tutorial_1-1.htm with help available from the Blender and KSP community forums.

• 2.4.4 Space Engineers Submissions - Space Engineers game files will be accepted (ASAP).

• 2.4.5 Transformed Art Option - Submissions can include optional images based on the 3D models from files above. Any images included should have high resolutions, be original work, be in the.png format and not exceed 5,000 Kb in file size per image.

• 2.4.6 Design Notes - The brief design notes required to go along with a ship design are:

o Design History - Write 450 to 750 characters on the origins of the design

o Notable Features - Write 450 to 750 characters on any features the design is either liked or disliked for

o Optional Short Story - Write a short story about the first ship of this design in active use or service.

o Spelling and Grammar - Please use the Microsoft standard spell checker and highlight words that the checker does not understand so we know you have checked. We will not be very strict with grammar because we would rather have a reasonably clear entry with creativity than one with perfect grammar. International students and those with English as a second language should also feel free to write given grammar is not a focus.

o Text File Type - Please put all text in an MS Word 2007 .docx file type.

• 2.4.7 Horizontal or Vertical Design Integration (Portfolio Only) - This expanded submission format (currently optional) requires 3 to 5 ship designs be produced and a presentation based on the cumulative design notes (section 2.4.6) be produced. This presentation must show how the ships are manufactured by a single corporation attempting to achieve one or more of the following for themselves and / or their customers:

o Horizontal Integration (http://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/topics/horizontal-integration.html)

o Vertical integration (http://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/topics/vertical-integration.html)

o Economies of Scope (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/economiesofscope.asp)

• 2.4.8 Send in submissions - Please place your finished KSP, Word (and possibly Blender) files on Google drive or Drop Box and send a link with full sharing access to top8media@gmail.com.

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Our latest development session resulted in adding some of our organizational resources to the VDP as appendicies (V1.02).

This gives interested readers a bit of insight into the how and why Top8media operates (see Appendix G - core concepts).

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Ahh, yes.

It is a placeholder from an old design of mine. The unit in question is actually a number of ships and some of the rounds are for rearming those that actually go into combat.

This was from my naval academy stint.

EDIT - actually this was for the Macey Dean thing that unfortunately did not go forward.

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Small victories, I now have a stable list of mods that loads on our machines and allows for a very good range of design flexibility and the parts set looks like 2070 might. Sadly B9 is not on this list as it was not cooperating.

 Near Future Propulsion (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042-0-23-Near-Future-Propulsion-Pack-0-33-1-(updated-24-01-14-balance-changes))

 KSP Interstellar (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-23-KSP-Interstellar-(Tweakables-New-ISRU-Preecoolers)-Version-0-9-2-(Beta))

 Deep Space Mission Pack (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/deep-space-mission-pack/)

 Habitat Pack (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64442-0-23-Habitat-Pack-v0-2-new-hab%21)

 Large Scale Structural Parts (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34664-Large-Structural-Station-Components-20-Compatible-Release-Thread)

 Hyperedit (http://www.KerbaltekAerospace.com)

 Kerbpaint (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50008-0-23-KerbPaint-Paint-layering-for-parts-%28September-23rd%29-%28Same-Old-Still-Works%21%29) note: delete old module manager

Designs do not have to use all of these mods, but certainly can. I can also try out a welded part here or there.

EDIT: Disclosure - Still getting some sort of exception going on from one mod or another but it doesn't seem to be affecting the game

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'EditorLogic.Lock'.

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Once I get a bit better I will be building something like this:


EDIT: As a one off I may use the Orion mod, if it works with the others. I have also cut the Hollow Structures mod from the list as it is super buggy and not optimized.

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Hawking Class Disc Stations - Now a standard type of disc station built by the Lunar Economic Authority under contract to the AOAN fleet command in the early 2060s. These durable and versatile habitats use two sets of counter-rotating trains in tube-ways running inside the structure to provide between .6 and .9 simulated gravity depending on needs. Lunar and Terran citizens are at home in these surroundings, originally intended as research stations but heavily modified. With almost a decade in space this class of station is starting to see civillian use as the LEA has largely met demand for the military but keeps production going. Service lifespan is intended to be one century and there is every indication Hawking stations will be around even longer since "a spacer does not waste".


Additional images in the album posted above.

Craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9qbgEKOAvlpazBrbFpqbV9HYXM/edit?usp=sharing

Parts: 161 (very little lag)

Mods - See mods list earlier in the thread, I may not have used Interstelar parts on this.

Also there is a custom part, the station body: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9qbgEKOAvlpRzQ3NmwxVG1nT1U/edit?usp=sharing

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  • 2 weeks later...

Presenting the EES Class A - The Engineering Expedition System is a small fleet of ships designed in a Grand Tour configuration that provides construction and engineering services to distant outposts. The class A configuration consists of:

- 2 x RHC3 Ruggedized High Capacity Communications Capsule - not only do hardy comm sats serve as a mobile comm net to supplement the medium range gear on most of the other EES fleet assets they also supplement the forward transit and aerobreaking shield functions with their robust cone hulls.

- 6 x MSS Modular Shield Segments - six moduleshield panels snap together via orbital construction and allow a high degree of safety during transit and aerobraking. Failure of one or two segments still allows a skilled pilot to safely aerobrake provided atmospheric interface angles are carefully controlled.

- 1 x EEC Engineering Expedition Core - A mothership inspired by the Medusa Grand Tour architecture this robust vessel knits together the fleet in a 2x3 configuration. Three of the docking arms are designed to tow senior scale module stacks such as the fuel or station modules in the class A configuration. The other three arms integrate the three propulsion modules.

- 3 x SPM Shielded Propulsion Modules - The shielded propulsion modules are NERVA thrusters with long duration radiation shielding that prevent neutron embrittlement and negative environmental effects, radiate reactor waste heat and serve to provide a rad-shielded EVA zone in the core of the fleet (directly behind the EEC).

- 6 x FSU Fuel Stack Units - Six of these standard jumbo fuel tanks set in a modular configuration are the normal load out for a Class A fleet configuration.

- 1 x LMH Low Mass Habitat - The LMH is an lightly shielded habitat module, capacity 4, that is only viable for long term use in deep space because it is docked in the rad-safe zone behind the EEC. This is a backup habitat and lifeboat.

- 1 x RCD Rugged Construction Drone - The RCD is typical of the simple, reliable, and capable construction drones used for orbital assembly of the EEC fleet. Though other ships in standard fleet configurations can also perform RCD duties this is an expendable low cost unit. It is centrally docked aft of the LMH on the border of the rad-safe zone.

- 3 x WPS Work Pod Stations - Work Pod Stations are part workshop, part sceince lab and indpendant long duration habitats suitable for a crew of two. They are typically docked aft of the fuel stacks and provide a place for the PTUs to dock. These stations can be left in place on missions and incorporate the same powerful comm systems as the forward mounted sats.

- 3 x PTU Pony Tug units - The Pony ships are directly inspired by the groundbreaking S5 Industries desgin of the Pony Alpha with some simplification of systems for increased reliability. They are versaitle space tugs with capable landers and can also be operated by remote. Though the crew compartments are lightly shielded these can serve as able life boats in case of emergency.

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The Class A EES has changed little since the early 2060s when the design was new. Individual modules and systems have been improved as new technology and more economical supply chain options became available but the overal 'classic' EES configuration is a common sight across the system.

Craft File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9qbgEKOAvlpcDdLYjBpZ2c1U2M/edit?usp=sharing


Edit: Full Disclosure - though I have launched versions of all these components / ships and docked many of them ... this particular design is put together in one file for real life time savings. My redevous and docking skills are terrible so I would probably cluster some of the smaller bits here in a series of multi-part payloads which are then taken apart and put together by tugs ... the farings would be fat but it would be straight forward.

As it, I just need ships in orbit so hyperedit is my friend. I did do some aerobraking trials and it works pretty well. The fleet does not turn well but it does turn very safely given patience (no structural isues at all).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking for Interesting Corp Names

If you have an idea for a corporation name that might be interesting in the 2070s we are looking for ideas.

Interesting mergers like Ikea-Krupp as a Eurasian Industrial megacorp for example, plus backstory as to how it could have happened.

Either send them to me or post them directly - please do not plagiarize others work.

EDIT: Also added Kethane to the mods list. Yay Kethane!

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Welp, here Top. My backstory for a corporation I came up with, and some of it's ships. I'll be focusing mainly on this corp for all the ships I build.

Friction Space Industries

Friction Space Industries was formed in 2018, and is currently one of the leading space industries. They produce all kinds of civilian craft, but their combat section leaves something to be desired. Ships here are meant to be cheap, easy to fly, and most importantly, efficient.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Great work! Keep it up.

This weekend I will have some updates here. Hawking Station, pictured previously as the huge cake tin, is going to be the focus of my creative energies.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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