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any good minmus guides?

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Minimus is by far the easiest place to land on and return from. I believe you said in another thread that you had gotten to the Mun, if so the same ship should be able to get you to Minimus and back.

What part of the trip is giving you trouble?

A few things I learned the hard way:

-Land on the flat "frozen lake" areas.

-Don't try to land at night... there are some really big mountains to smack into if you can't see 'em coming.

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For the most part I treat Minmus like the Mün; put it at about the 2:30 position and add a maneuver node at six o'clock. Minmus does require an inclination burn; you may need to wait to do that until you're at either the ascending or descending node (burn south at the ascending node, north at the descending node, until it gets to 0.0 or NaN degrees either way). Should require a comparable amount of delta-V; if you get there and you're experienced with Mün landings, landing on Minmus oughta be a snap.

You might be able to combine the transfer and inclination change burns into one. I'm not experienced in doing this though.

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If you can reach orbit around the Mun, you can LAND on Minmus.

Assuming you are in a Kerbin Parking Orbit...

Step 1 - Departing for Minmus:

Plan your Minmus Burn for when Minmus is just over the horizon, and adjust from there. Since Minmus has such low gravity you really want to use an accurate Hohmann Transfer Orbit - only commit enough Delta-V to reach Minmus SOI, and let Minmus take over from there. If your planned burn has you arriving at the right place but missing Minmus due to orbital plane inclination, don't worry - just proceed and plane change later.

Step 2 - the Plane Change:

WAIT! Shouldn't you do the plane change before departing? Actually, NO.

You will save a bit of Delta-V by doing your plane change later after departing. Plane Changes are actually inversely effected by the Oberth effect. The deeper you are in the gravity well, the higher your velocity, the higher the Delta-V required to perform plane changes. If you are very very lucky, and you arrive at Minmus at the Ascending or Descending node, no plane change is required at all. But chances are, you will make your only mid-course-correction at one of the nodes. Adjust your plane, and tweak your approach to Minmus at the same time.

Step 3 - Minmus Encounter:

Once you are just inside Minmus' SoI, plan a burn either Radial In or Radial Out (those blue circles) to adjust your Periapsis to about 15km.

Step 4 - Minmus Orbital Insertion:

Standard circularization burn at the Periapsis to create an orbit.

Step 5 - Descent:

Now you can descend and land - take your time, Minmus is very light in gravity, and very forgiving - so don't be in a rush.

Step 6 - ???

Step 7 - PROFIT:

Transmit your 100% value experiments, and keep the rest.

Step 8 - Heading home:

It takes very little Delta-V to ascend from Minmus surface, circularize, and depart Minmus toward home and reentry.

Step 9 - Kerbin SoI:

Burn Radial In / Out to get your Periapsis to 25km - easy peasy re-entry.

Step 10 - do nothing:

No further maneuvers are needed. You will reenter, parachutes, land, win!

Good luck! My latest episode has me land in Minus, actually:

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