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HGR 1.875m parts R&D Thread [Mod reboot in progress] (First Dev build now available)


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OK, back with a report.

Tanks: Are of the same diameter, just lacking decent engines/decouplers to match. I wish auto shrouds would fit to the piece below them, rather than above.

Parachutes! Shame on me, for using a non stock config; I was using the enhanced docking port from SDHI http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52362-0-23-Sum-Dum-Heavy-Industries-Service-Module-System-%28V1-8-20-Mar-2014%29 in a bout of mix-and-match. It, for whatever reason acts almost as if it's unshielded. Not your fault, i'm sure, just peculiar. Your chute works very well, so long as you, of course, don't pop the chute too early. (Such as when decoupling! Doh!)

As an aside/ bonus mix and match, the landertrons mod work very well with this design. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61294-WIP-XT-Landertron-Smart-Retrorockets-for-Landers-and-Spaceplanes-v0-06a-12-28 Landing retrorockets to soften/replace chutes for over-land landings. 6 of them ringed around the top of the soyjuice brought it neatly to a halt just before impact. It seemed fitting :D

EDIT: With the landertrons was an oddity; whatever was radially mounted had a decent (shielded) temperature throughout the reentry. The stack mounted parachute tended on the high side, with a weird outlier for the above part. I'll play with it some more and see what might be up.

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HGR engineers were performing tests on the first prototype engine designed specifically for 1.875m parts this morning. Reports state that the limited production model may be available by weeks end. Allegations of stealing LV-T45 design specs are ongoing.

2014-03-26_00001_zps85beec09.jpg 2014-03-26_00002_zpsc4c58d2c.jpg

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  Orionkermin said:
HGR engineers were performing tests on the first prototype engine designed specifically for 1.875m parts this morning. Reports state that the limited production model may be available by weeks end. Allegations of stealing LV-T45 design specs are ongoing.



Beautiful, but you will have some lawsuits to take care of.

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OK Another Update! This one adds two engines for 1.875m parts. One is for general purpose, (works like a bigger LV-T45) the other is small and efficient in vacuum similar to the 909.

The other new addition is a test version of the radish. This one works more like a standard pod and should have much better performance in FAR. It has a specialized decoupler that fits both 1.25m and 1.875m parts. Also included is a service module that will fit either the radish or the mk1 pod. (Note that because the name is listed as "Radishtest" it will not interfere with the main release version, but you will have a duplicate if you are also using the old one.

Check out the OP for images and the download link. Thanks Everyone! Work on the So-juice's IVA is ongoing but I don't have much worth showing on that front yet.

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Hey small request here Orion... Could you whip me up a spare texture for the Soy-juice to match the others, only with a diagonal yellow stripe (to contrast the vertical blue & horizontal red on the other two)?

then tell me how to setup the cfgs to have three identical but different looking pods plz?

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Just some ideas I wanted to throw in and wanted to know if you already have plans when shenzou/soyuz style is released :) :

Do you maybe also want to make a bigger capsule in the future ? Maybe a 6-Seater like the Orion Capsule? There are currently projects in development to bring an accurate replica of the SLS and the Orion but I like your stock style capsules which just use real ones as inspiration. And a Orion capsule in your style would be very welcome (at least by me :D )

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Hey small request here Orion... Could you whip me up a spare texture for the Soy-juice to match the others, only with a diagonal yellow stripe (to contrast the vertical blue & horizontal red on the other two)?

then tell me how to setup the cfgs to have three identical but different looking pods plz?

Um, when you say verticle blue do you mean the lines on the parachute? As far as an alternative texture goes I wouldn't mind doing it if it's something simple like a stripe but right now there's a lot of other work to be done and I'd rather be working on unfinished stuff than alternate textures. So sure, but I may not get to it for some time.

  DasBananenbrot said:
Just some ideas I wanted to throw in and wanted to know if you already have plans when shenzou/soyuz style is released :) :

Do you maybe also want to make a bigger capsule in the future ? Maybe a 6-Seater like the Orion Capsule? There are currently projects in development to bring an accurate replica of the SLS and the Orion but I like your stock style capsules which just use real ones as inspiration. And a Orion capsule in your style would be very welcome (at least by me :D )

Actually if I make a large capacity capsule I'd rather do it based on this. I just find it more interesting and I haven't really seen any other modders do anything with it yet.

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  Orionkermin said:

Actually if I make a large capacity capsule I'd rather do it based on this. I just find it more interesting and I haven't really seen any other modders do anything with it yet.

Yeah that is a possibility :D t there is a mod which added this though it isn't much around. Anyway it is your mod and you decide what you do. I don't even care which inspires it I only want to see a high capacity capsule from you :D

EDIT: the mod I meant is the ANGARA Pack by MrTheBull just in case anyone wonders , it features the angara launch vehicle and the ppts capsule

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  Orionkermin said:
Um, when you say verticle blue do you mean the lines on the parachute? As far as an alternative texture goes I wouldn't mind doing it if it's something simple like a stripe but right now there's a lot of other work to be done and I'd rather be working on unfinished stuff than alternate textures. So sure, but I may not get to it for some time.

Ok so I'm a bit mixed up too. The original SJ (that I'm still using) has a red stripe:


Then the update (that I still need to update my ship to) has a perfect color blue stripe:


All I need is one with a matching yellow stripe and I'll have the perfect naming scheme for my three reusable crew transports!

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That actually looks pretty cool, and it certainly makes sense to make a stock-alike version of the ACTS as opposed to Orion now that we know the SLS parts are scaled to fit the Mk. 1-2 capsule. One question though, since this was brought up: Would it be possible in the far far future to see a stock-alike Dragon capsule? I mainly ask because the two Dragon mods currently out don't quite fit with the stock parts, and they look a little too white and clean to me. I'd just love to see a Dragon-style capsule that fits the stock style and doesn't hang over the edge of a 2.5m tank.

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  CatastrophicFailure said:
Ok so I'm a bit mixed up too. The original SJ (that I'm still using) has a red stripe:


Then the update (that I still need to update my ship to) has a perfect color blue stripe:


All I need is one with a matching yellow stripe and I'll have the perfect naming scheme for my three reusable crew transports!

Oh ok I see what you're saying. The blue stripe was actually never released, it clashed with the OM really bad and I decided red accents would be a sort of HGR "thing." If you have the engines, then you have the newest version.

Like I said, later I could throw up some alt stripe color textures if you want but idk when I'll get to it:)

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  Orionkermin said:

Actually if I make a large capacity capsule I'd rather do it based on this. I just find it more interesting and I haven't really seen any other modders do anything with it yet.

I humbly suggest that it be known as the "Turnip".

On a more serious note, have you thought about which of the HGR parts should have internal hatches on any of their attachment nodes?

The reason I ask is that I've been contributing config files to be used with the Connected Living Space mod and would be happy to do one for HGR too, unless you'd prefer not.

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  S4qFBxkFFg said:
I humbly suggest that it be known as the "Turnip".

On a more serious note, have you thought about which of the HGR parts should have internal hatches on any of their attachment nodes?

The reason I ask is that I've been contributing config files to be used with the Connected Living Space mod and would be happy to do one for HGR too, unless you'd prefer not.

Sure feel free! I don't use the mod myself and only have time to support the ones I already am. (And only just barely) Just use your best judgement I'm sure you know more about it than I do. :)

Also with the ARM patch out and the new joint reinforcement, if anyone notices bad or unusual wobbling on parts that have smaller than usual nodes, could you let me know please.

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  Orionkermin said:
Oh ok I see what you're saying. The blue stripe was actually never released, it clashed with the OM really bad and I decided red accents would be a sort of HGR "thing." If you have the engines, then you have the newest version.

Like I said, later I could throw up some alt stripe color textures if you want but idk when I'll get to it:)

That would explain why I can't find the thing then. It would be appreciated, if you have the time, I think I'll be using these pods a lot in the next couple KSP versions. At the moment I'm still waiting on another mod to update so I can finish polishing that design so I'm in no hurry.

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Orionkermin, just thought you should know: In 4x acceleration, and sometimes playing normally (but less noticeable), your tanks are apparently made of rubber. They have a similar consistency as batteries, not solid like the rest of the tanks.

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  Darkona said:
Orionkermin, just thought you should know: In 4x acceleration, and sometimes playing normally (but less noticeable), your tanks are apparently made of rubber. They have a similar consistency as batteries, not solid like the rest of the tanks.

Hmm I was afraid that might happen with the update. They use size 1 nodes so with the new joint system they probably can't handle the stress. I'll try updating the tanks and engines to size 2 nodes and see if that fixes the problem.

EDIT: Ok, quick and dirty (unplanned) update is available. Hopefully bigger nodes will reinforce those wobbly tanks/engines. Also added a couple other little things that have been in the works.

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Small bug to report, simple to fix (on my end); the download has doubled up small inline parachutes, it gives the game/R&D center fits trying to make sense of it. Still no problems otherwise, other than the game crashing, which hasn't anything to do with this pack :)

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  komodo said:
Small bug to report, simple to fix (on my end); the download has doubled up small inline parachutes, it gives the game/R&D center fits trying to make sense of it. Still no problems otherwise, other than the game crashing, which hasn't anything to do with this pack :)

Did you delete the old file before installing? If you just merge in the new one it won't delete the old because its now a unique part in its own file.

Also after some testing the wobble issue seems related to the engines.(might be a mesh issue) Hopefully this will be a quick fix.

EDIT: OK made some minor tweaks, but nothing major. After a bunch of testing though, it would seem that it's actually decouplers in general that are extra wobbly. All but the new SLS size were the focal points for wobble. The SLS decoupler actually uses a line in it's .cfg "phyisicssignifigance = 1" and that stops it wobbling with anything heavy on top of it. Adding that to other decouplers seemed to have the same effect on them. I have chosen not to add it to mine for the sake of balance. I'm pretty sure that I've gotten any wobbliness down to stock levels, so just be careful when putting big engines behind these tanks, they may be smaller than 2.5m but they do have significant mass compared to 1.25m parts.

Edited by Orionkermin
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