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Air intakes behaving oddly


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I just made a

, and noticed that on the way, my intake air dropped to zero, but my turbojet engine was still working. It did eventually flame out, but that was long after the intake air had reached zero. Is that a bug, or am I just not understanding how air intakes work?
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It's the way the new resources system works - now instead of immediately flaming out the engine will use every last bit of fuel available (in this case intake air), reducing it's thrust whilst doing so. It's a neat feature

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The reported quantity of air is what the air intakes are taking in minus what (one?) engine(s?) is using.

I think.

SO if you only have one engine, you can go all the way down to "zero" without flameout...

If you pressed X on the engine, you would notice that the available air would rise back up.

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