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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


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Okay, I just had a thought, I have my game edited so its 'Hardcore' quick saves and auto saves are disabled, and once a kerbal dies its permenant. Is it possible that its the reason for the loss of some custom ribbons? Is anyone else who is having this issue using a similar set up? I'm testing the new release now to see if I still have the issue, but it just occurred to me, so I thought I'd ask...

Edit: No and negative. I'm still losing the custom ribbons in the new version, and I'm getting it on a stock ksp, unedited game. so the disabled quicksave and auto save isn't doing it. Nereid, if you can tell me how to find whatever error reports and such you need, I'd be happy to provide, I just don't know where to look.

Edited by vardicd
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Final Frontier 0.3.3 is on Spaceport


  • warning message if custom ribbons are assigned in space center.
  • fixed a bug that causes ribbons to overflow in the hall of fame browser
  • log reduced
  • backups of the halloffame.ksp in save game folder
  • fix for the invalid index bug reported by malkuth

Thank you!

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Okay, I just had a thought, I have my game edited so its 'Hardcore' quick saves and auto saves are disabled, and once a kerbal dies its permenant. Is it possible that its the reason for the loss of some custom ribbons? Is anyone else who is having this issue using a similar set up? I'm testing the new release now to see if I still have the issue, but it just occurred to me, so I thought I'd ask...

Edit: No and negative. I'm still losing the custom ribbons in the new version, and I'm getting it on a stock ksp, unedited game. so the disabled quicksave and auto save isn't doing it. Nereid, if you can tell me how to find whatever error reports and such you need, I'd be happy to provide, I just don't know where to look.

Can you please provide the exact information how to enable 'hardcore' mode (disabled quick saves), so I can try to reproduce this?

FF relies on some events that saves the ribbon stats. If you have disabled them, perhaps we can find another solution to save the ribbons.

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Can you please provide the exact information how to enable 'hardcore' mode (disabled quick saves), so I can try to reproduce this?

FF relies on some events that saves the ribbon stats. If you have disabled them, perhaps we can find another solution to save the ribbons.

Yeah, its easy to do, open your KSP save folder, and find the save file you want to edit and open its persistence file. Example: Kerbal Space Program\saves\Attean Hegemony\persistent. Open the persistent file and in the very beginning, there is a section {Flight{canquicksave = True canquickload = True canautosave = True} Change those 3 trues to Falses. some where a little farther down there is a few lines that says DIFFICULTY

{MissingCrewsRespawn = True. change that to False and when your Kerbals die they will stay dead.

I get this behavior on a stock KSP without these changes though, so I'm fairly certain this isn't causing it.

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I also want to point out one tiny little issue that I noticed.


Mission time ribbons say x days [spend] on missions. I think that should be [spent].

Not a priority correction or anything, just my OCD Firing up. :(

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Mission time ribbons say x days [spend] on missions. I think that should be [spent].

Not a priority correction or anything, just my OCD Firing up. :(

Noted. Will be fixed later this day.

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@Nereid: I think you may have nicked some of the problems with the custom ribbons. Earlier today I was playing KSP with version 0.3.1 of your mod and I had the bug that others mentioned earlier; my saved game was wiped out and the custom ribbons did not work. I installed 0.3.3 just earlier, and thus far, I have not been able to reproduce the error that causes the save game to be blanked out. However, the custom ribbons get erased if you exit out of KSP and then reload the game.

Edited by Raven.
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Thank you for the feedback. Its very strange that you have lost the custom ribbons when exiting the game, because it works for me - even when I'm assigning them at space center.

I'm working on a version with adjustable log levels, so we can get detailed information when needed without spamming the log. Unfortunately the log levels of vanilla KSP are very strange from a developer point of view: INFO, WARNING, and ERROR only. :confused::confused: But it's not that difficult to create a wrapper class around this. Its a bit more complicated to make this settings persistent though...

But to get closer to the problem, try to answer the questions: Are only ribbons lost when assigning them at space center or are ingame ribbons (i.e. assigned while in a flight) are affected, too? Have you switched to a flight after assigning a custom ribbon at space center? Is this one lost, too? (important, because if those ribbons aren't lost, then we may have found the cause of the problem)

And please take a note of the ingame time when leaving and after reloading. Try to check if the lost ribbons are after the load time. If possible try to reproduce the issue with minimal amount of steps, so I can try it myself.

Edited by Nereid
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my HallOfFame file got wiped out (0 bytes) twice so far since the new version. I have not yet been able to determine why. Thankfully I added my game save folder to my external backup program...

speaking of backups I noticed they happen every time the game is loaded, Space Center is loaded, and game is exited. This is overdoing it way too much. I can overwrite 3-5 backup files in a single session easily. It should backup once per session either on load or on exit (of that particular game save)

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But to get closer to the problem, try to answer the questions: Are only ribbons lost when assigning them at space center or are ingame ribbons (i.e. assigned while in a flight) are affected, too?

It doesn't matter where I assign them, whether it be in the space center or in orbit, the ribbons disappear the next time I load KSP. Note that they do not disappear if I exit to the main menu and then reload the save. They only disappear if I completely exit the game.

Have you switched to a flight after assigning a custom ribbon at space center? Is this one lost, too? (important, because if those ribbons aren't lost, then we may have found the cause of the problem)

Yup, just tried that. Ribbons disappear after exiting the game.

And please take a note of the ingame time when leaving and after reloading. Try to check if the lost ribbons are after the load time. If possible try to reproduce the issue with minimal amount of steps, so I can try it myself.

The last time I attempted to assign a ribbon was at about 4hr 41m 30s. Specifically this was the "Custom 1" ribbon that I renamed, gave a description too, and then awarded to Bob.

Here is my latest KSP.log file from when I loaded KSP after assigning the custom ribbons and then exiting.

Edited by Raven.
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speaking of backups I noticed they happen every time the game is loaded, Space Center is loaded, and game is exited. This is overdoing it way too much. I can overwrite 3-5 backup files in a single session easily. It should backup once per session either on load or on exit (of that particular game save)

A backup is created at every save of KSP and KSP saves every time Space Center is loaded. I will check if there is an event when KSP is exited (FF is destroyed several times, so this wont work...). Until then 9 backup copies have to be enough. ;)

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It doesn't matter where I assign them, whether it be in the space center or in orbit, the ribbons disappear the next time I load KSP. Note that they do not disappear if I exit to the main menu and then reload the save. They only disappear if I completely exit the game.

Yup, just tried that. Ribbons disappear after exiting the game.

The last time I attempted to assign a ribbon was at about 4hr 41m 30s. Specifically this was the "Custom 1" ribbon that I renamed, gave a description too, and then awarded to Bob.

Here is my latest KSP.log file from when I loaded KSP after assigning the custom ribbons and then exiting.

Ok, this will help. It's quite strange KSP behaves this way, because it should not make any difference if you just leave a game or exit out of KSP completely, but I will check this. I don't remember which of those alternatives I had testet yesterday, but I'm sure it weren't both.

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ok the game is nuking the FF save file when the game crashes. So that's my fault. There's a memory leak somewhere and I'm too lazy to track it down so I just keep an eye on the VAS usage, quicksave when it gets too high and let the game crash after a while.

In regards to the saves, check out this:


His mod auto-saves only when you load the game save file. Don't know if it's the same thing tho for your mod

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quick question - I'm going to manually edit the halloffame.ksp file to add data for missions from before I installed FF - but what units are the timestamps in?

(I'm assuming seconds...)

Also, does anyone have a complete list of the codes used in the file? I have the list Nachocuban posted, but am aware there are others.


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Timestamps are in seconds from start of game. For example, you can get the current time by opening up your main save file and searching for "UT =".

In addition to Nachocuban's list at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67246-0-23-Final-Frontier-0-3-3?p=939222#post939222, there are the following tags:

C = collision (currently can only be assigned manually?)

MA = survived mission abort (currently can only be assigned manually?)

I(1):<Body> = (first to) enter sphere of influence of Body

V(1):<Body> = (first) eva in either space or surface? I actually haven't been able to figure out when this one gets assigned, but in my case it always accompanies an E (space EVA) achievement

D(1):<Body> = (first) docking in orbit around Body

X# = custom ribbon #

X+# <Name>~<Description> = Assigns <Name> and <Description> to custom ribbon #. MUST appear, with timestamp but with no name, before any assignments of X#. This is true even if the ribbon is predefined, e.g.

481443.136760898 X+1 Inter Sidera~"Among the Stars" - A commemorative ribbon for fallen kerbonauts

FO# = reached orbit in # seconds

MT# = spent # seconds on-mission

M# = flew # missions

Edited by Starstrider42
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wait, no - something is definitely making FF eat my save file and it's not from the game crashing. Here is my file:

556218.759999999 L+ Jebediah Kerman
556348.339999998 L1:Kerbin Jebediah Kerman
556858.179999998 M+ Jebediah Kerman
927016.878466794 L+ Bill Kerman
927208.638466794 L:Kerbin Bill Kerman
927440.518466795 M+ Bill Kerman
1328415.51526428 L+ Bob Kerman
1328795.91526429 W Bob Kerman
1328854.53526429 M+ Bob Kerman
4018129.40025657 L+ Jebediah Kerman
4018335.1802566 S1 Jebediah Kerman
4018468.54025662 O1:Kerbin Jebediah Kerman
4019204.96025677 E1:Kerbin Jebediah Kerman
4026109.17999999 M+ Jebediah Kerman
4201729.14374447 X+1 Inter Sidera~"Among the Stars" - A commemorative ribbon for fallen kerbonauts
4201729.14374447 X1 Jebediah Kerman
6170000.50081137 L+ Bill Kerman
6170549.80081188 O:Kerbin Bill Kerman
6170896.2408122 E:Kerbin Bill Kerman
6177510.83027261 M+ Bill Kerman

Here are the steps to recreate:

  1. Run game
  2. Open save
  3. Check FF in Space Center and see it has no records
  4. Exit to menu
  5. Re-name backup file that isn't 0 bytes. Delete the rest
  6. Re-open the save
  7. Check FF in Space Center and see it now has records
  8. Exit to menu
  9. Exit to game from menu
  10. Delete backup files
  11. Run game
  12. Open save
  13. Check FF in Space Center and see it has no records. Again

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wait, no - something is definitely making FF eat my save file and it's not from the game crashing. Here is my file:

556218.759999999 L+ Jebediah Kerman
556348.339999998 L1:Kerbin Jebediah Kerman
556858.179999998 M+ Jebediah Kerman
927016.878466794 L+ Bill Kerman
927208.638466794 L:Kerbin Bill Kerman
927440.518466795 M+ Bill Kerman
1328415.51526428 L+ Bob Kerman
1328795.91526429 W Bob Kerman
1328854.53526429 M+ Bob Kerman
4018129.40025657 L+ Jebediah Kerman
4018335.1802566 S1 Jebediah Kerman
4018468.54025662 O1:Kerbin Jebediah Kerman
4019204.96025677 E1:Kerbin Jebediah Kerman
4026109.17999999 M+ Jebediah Kerman
4201729.14374447 X+1 Inter Sidera~"Among the Stars" - A commemorative ribbon for fallen kerbonauts
4201729.14374447 X1 Jebediah Kerman
6170000.50081137 L+ Bill Kerman
6170549.80081188 O:Kerbin Bill Kerman
6170896.2408122 E:Kerbin Bill Kerman
6177510.83027261 M+ Bill Kerman

Here are the steps to recreate:

  1. Run game
  2. Open save
  3. Check FF in Space Center and see it has no records
  4. Exit to menu
  5. Re-name backup file that isn't 0 bytes. Delete the rest
  6. Re-open the save
  7. Check FF in Space Center and see it now has records
  8. Exit to menu
  9. Exit to game from menu
  10. Delete backup files
  11. Run game
  12. Open save
  13. Check FF in Space Center and see it has no records. Again

Do you have KSP installed somewhere strange?

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It doesn't matter where I assign them, whether it be in the space center or in orbit, the ribbons disappear the next time I load KSP. Note that they do not disappear if I exit to the main menu and then reload the save. They only disappear if I completely exit the game.

Here is my latest KSP.log file from when I loaded KSP after assigning the custom ribbons and then exiting.

Confirmed. It happen sometimes for me (at least one time). But its a rare event on my system (about one of ten starts of KSP will erase the assigned custom ribbons). This will be hard to analyze, because starting KSP for a test is a hassle.... even in vanilla...

EDIT: It happens every time, when the name (or text?) of the custom ribbon was changed and KSP is exited (it wont happen when the name and text of the ribbon remains unchanged). There are are few other issues with the names of the ribbons, too (the wrong ribbons get renamed). So I finally got a way to reproduce the issue. Strange thing is, that it wont happen, if only a save game is resumed without exiting KSP. :confused: I will look into this the next few days.

File-Rotation: works well. For debugging a backup each save this is very, very useful. So I keep it this way for a while. If the save/load issues are fixed, it will changed to a lesser frequency.

Edited by Nereid
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Still having custom ribbons disappearing. Seems to be different circumstances to what you found Nereid.

I assigned the ribbons in-mission. I didn't edit the names of the ribbons or the text. I didn't end the mission, either. I closed the game and re-opened and the custom ribbons, checked the ribbons in the VAB, and they're gone.

Sorry mate... :\

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Still having custom ribbons disappearing. Seems to be different circumstances to what you found Nereid.

I assigned the ribbons in-mission. I didn't edit the names of the ribbons or the text. I didn't end the mission, either. I closed the game and re-opened and the custom ribbons, checked the ribbons in the VAB, and they're gone.

Sorry mate... :\

Ok, I will check this, too. The good news: I have added a configuration window in which the log level could be adjusted, so we can get a more detailed view if necessary without spamming the log. The strange thing is, that some of the issues are not deterministic. I suspected the ingame time at first (FF relies heavy on those timestamps and reverts ribbon assignments, if time is reverted), but it seems that this part is ok. Hash- and Equal-methods are next candidates for causing such problems. Missing entries in some internal lists may cause this, too.

I will first try to solve the reproducable issue that I have found. Maybe this solve others, too. This could take some days (until friday/saturday?).

Does anybody have any issues with non-custom ribbons or issues without using custom ribbons at all?

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