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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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  1. 1. Is FinalFrontier working in KSP 1.1.0?

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  Li0n said:

For KSP 1.0 I started a new save in career mode with some mods and begin by a "false" mission : attach a goo to a pod, launch it, run the experiment, recover and do it again on the runway (the purpose is to gather enough science to unlock the first node of the tech tree).

After doing that I saw that the mission count for Jeb was 1 instead of 2. I was wondering what happen so I start some digging : the bug only occurs when a vessel is recovered without being staged. Final frontier seems to rely on the staging system to determine the mission count, let me explain how to reproduce it :

  1. Build a simple vessel : MK16 chute - MK1 pod - FLEA Booster with 10 of solid fuel
  2. Bind an action group for activate the engine and an other to deploy the chute
  3. Try to launch it

If you launch it in a "regular" way, hit space for activate engine then space again for the chute, it works fine. The ribbon are awarded and the mission count goes up (and it is persistent).

But if you launch in a "strange" way, right-click on the engine to activate or use the action group, it (semi-)fails. The mission count goes up but if you reload the game or recover an other vessel it is lost. The mission summary is kind of broken too : the new ribbon are awarded but the one from the previous mission shows too.

So the bug appears every time you launch a vessel without hitting space. I tried to activate the engine with the action group then deploy the chute with space and the bug shows too.

Just stumbled over this. This is far the best observation so far. And: I ALWAYS start a mission hitting space. FF is not directly relying on the staging system but on the event system. It seems the launch event is not triggered when a vessel starts without activating the first stage using space.

So maybe we are facing two bugs here: One in the loading mechanism of FF (as reported by Troy) and another by "false launches".

So a few questions: has anybody with this bug started his missions without hitting space?

In the meantime, I will try my best, to catch "false launches" as regular ones.

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  Nereid said:
So a few questions: has anybody with this bug started his missions without hitting space?

I have a few designs that I launch using action groups, and if I recall correctly, I think I stared noticing issues around the times I launch those designs. :huh:

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  vardicd said:
I have a few designs that I launch using action groups, and if I recall correctly, I think I stared noticing issues around the times I launch those designs. :huh:

Well, in my current build this is fixed. FF detects mission start (launches) by a change in the vessel situation from prelaunch to flying if current mission time is 0.

Ingame the mission was recorded until the game was loaded, because the corresponding launch (in the save) was missing. But I'm still fixing some other issues before I will release the fix.

- - - Updated - - -

The undected vessel launches if done without hitting the space key are fixed in 0.7.7-956.

Please try and report if things are working now.

EDIT. the code gets more and more complicated just to work around some strange behaviors in KSP. If a vessel is launched with the keyboard activating stage 1 a launch event is triggered. If the vessel is lunched by activating the engine directly, no launch event is triggered... well...

Edited by Nereid
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  Nereid said:
Just stumbled over this. [...]

The message was delayed because I had less than 3 posts, should be fixed now :wink:

I try again with FF 0.7.7-956, the bug is still there. The rocket launch with action group or right click works now fine but there is still an issue if you don't actually launch anything. An EVA or a try experiment and recover without living the launchpad still trigger the bug. Driving a rover around do too.

The bug is pretty much insignificant now, except that Jeb won't get his mission count goes up after he tried (and miserably fail) to climb on the top of the VAB, and that is sad :(


  Nereid said:

EDIT. the code gets more and more complicated just to work around some strange behaviors in KSP. If a vessel is launched with the keyboard activating stage 1 a launch event is triggered. If the vessel is lunched by activating the engine directly, no launch event is triggered... well...

A better solution could be to look for the recovery / destruction of a vessel instead of the launch ? I say that without any knowledge of how KSP or FF handle all that, excuse me if it's a stupid idea...

Edited by Li0n
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  Cosmic_Farmer said:
Will it break the mod if I delete from the FinalFrontier folder any ribbons I don't want to use? (e.g. Plant flag on Sun) I'm trying to cut down on ribbon spam. :wink:

No. If a ribbon is deleted, it is disabled.

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Nereid, I'm getting loss of mission counters, FF is recording the flights, and I'm using the space bar for launching, but if I exit the game, the missions counter resets to 0. Ribbons are still there, but no mission counts, and this is with the latest version. It just occurred to me, I use the Kerbal Construction Time mod, and it alters the way ships are built, adds roll out, and starts flight in its own way. Could be a possible source of mod conflict with FF.

Is anyone else getting bugs using KCT? curious if theres some correlation.

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  Li0n said:

but there is still an issue if you don't actually launch anything. An EVA or a try experiment and recover without living the launchpad still trigger the bug. Driving a rover around do too.

I'm aware of this. But I can't really completely solve this. The problem is:

  1. Mission starts if a vessel is launched (or a rover starts driving). Just doing some science don't count. This is KSP behavior. I can't do anything about it.
  2. FF calculated mission time as the time between launch and recover. So there need to be a launch (a point in time where a mission starts).
  3. FF can't use the mission time of the vessel, because a kerbal may have started his mission in a different vessel.

To keep KSP mission time and FF mission time consistent, there we need actually a launch. Or some other event that starts a mission (time) as such things as driving a rover.

So just doing science will never work. But I can do (and actually have done) something about the rover driving issue.

Doing science without moving is technical not a mission and will never be. but a kerbal can earn some ribbions while not on a mission. :) Well, kerbals are silly.

- - - Updated - - -

  vardicd said:
Could be a possible source of mod conflict with FF.

Is anyone else getting bugs using KCT? curious if theres some correlation.

I will check this. But maybe not today.

EDIT: Was it an aircraft that is launched in the mission? (it suffers the same problem as rovers currently)

I have never thought that detecting a mission start is that hard.... but obviously the OnLaunch-callback won't work... :(

Edited by Nereid
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  Nereid said:
I will check this. But maybe not today.

EDIT: Was it an aircraft that is launched in the mission? (it suffers the same problem as rovers currently)

I have never thought that detecting a mission start is that hard.... but obviously the OnLaunch-callback won't work... :(

No, these were SRB boosted rockets off the launch pad.

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  vardicd said:
Nereid, I'm getting loss of mission counters, FF is recording the flights, and I'm using the space bar for launching, but if I exit the game, the missions counter resets to 0.

Try 0.7.8-969. If it's related to rovers or aircraft this release should fix this.

- - - Updated - - -

  vardicd said:
No, these were SRB boosted rockets off the launch pad.

Try 0.7.8-969 anyway. But I don't know how to use KCT. I need a short advice what to do, to reproduce the issue.

If it fails: Set the log level to DETAIL, do it again and send me the log. Or take a look for yourself: The vessel situation has to change from PRELAUNCH to !PRELAUNCH to detect a mission start. If KCT change this, we are screwed currently...

Edited by Nereid
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  Nereid said:
Try 0.7.8-969 anyway. But I don't know how to use KCT. I need a short advice what to do, to reproduce the issue.

If it fails: Set the log level to DETAIL, do it again and send me the log. Or take a look for yourself: The vessel situation has to change from PRELAUNCH to !PRELAUNCH to detect a mission start. If KCT change this, we are screwed currently...

KCT doesn't change anything once the craft is on the pad, just how ships are moved to the Launchpad and runway. Unless you do a simulation... then it allows you to launch a craft for a limited time, then force loads a copy of the persistence file from the moment before you started the sim, so nothing actually matters.

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  vardicd said:
KCT doesn't change anything once the craft is on the pad

Well, checked KCT, but it's not working for me - or I do something wrong. If a build gets finished in the queue, the vessel is gone.

Have you tried 0.7.8-969 ?

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Actually when ship are finished you have to roll them out.

There is a button on their right side in the queue, once their are on the launch pad you launch them via the same manner ;)

I think the stock launch button put you in simulation mode, if I remember correctly.

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Nereid, I just update to new version of FF and now cant resume my saved games. I played with FF just fine in KSP 1.0.2 since the last update. I noticed that the debug console shows an exception error when I click to resume a saved game, like this "[Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object". I know Final Frontier mod is the problem cause with just deleting it I can start my saves games normally.

Thank you for the hard work, hope you can find an answer to my problem.

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Hi Nereid,

Having an issue with the latest build. Just updated with CKAN to 0.7.8-969, and now from the Main Menu, when choosing Resume Saved Game, there is no response. Checking the debug file, I see an error that seems related to Final Frontier (Linked below).

I did the following.

1. Removed Final Frontier via CKAN.

2. Launched game and was able to Resume Saved Game successfully.

3. Reinstalled Final Frontier 0.7.8-969 via CKAN

4. Launched game and reproduced the Resume Saved Game error.

Also, this may or may not be related, but on the last build, every time I tried to recover Valentina from a sub-orbital mission (new career) the game would crash. (crash log included.) I had assumed it was typical memory related crash, but I have some doubts now. I included the crash log from the most recent attempt to recover Valentina just in case.

On previous crashes that seem related in hindsight, if I recovered the module containing Valentina from the space center, I never received a ribbon pop-up, but I don't know if that's expected behavior or not. If you need more information, I'm happy to provide it, but hopefully I've given enough info below to help track it down.

Included in link:

* Current Output Log

* Previous Crash Log

* Affected Savegame Folder

  • Action Groups Extended
  • Active Texture Management - X86 - Aggressive
  • Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)
  • Alternate Resource Panel
  • Community Resource Pack
  • Contract Configurator
  • contract Pack: Kerbin Space Station
  • Contract Pack: Tourism Plus
  • Contract Window +
  • Crownd Sourced Science
  • DMagic Orbital Science
  • Editor Extensions
  • Environmental Visual Enhancements (High Res)
  • EVA Parachutes by Default
  • Field Experience
  • Final Frontier
  • Graphic Memory Monitor
  • Haystack Continued
  • Infernal Robotics Model Rework
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux
  • Kerbal Inventory System
  • Magic Smoke Infernal Robotics
  • MechJeb2 Dev
  • Module Manager
  • Near Future construction
  • Near Future Props
  • Near Future Solar
  • Near Future Spacecraft Parts
  • RasterPropMonitor Core
  • RealChute
  • ScienceAlert
  • Ship Manifest
  • SmartStage
  • SmokeScreen
  • StageRecovery
  • Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
  • TAC Fuel Balancer
  • Blizzy Toolbar
  • TweakScale
  • USI Tools
  • Universal Storage
  • USI Life Support
  • Everything Else USI
  • Vanguard Tech Core
  • Waypoint Manager

Debug and Save Files

Thanks for all the work you put into this mod!


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This is very strange, because i didn't changed anything regarding mission counts between the last releases. Just the loading part were changed. And i haved checked if missions were detected, too. So I need an exact description what you are doing.

- - - Updated - - -

  vardicd said:
Okay, just woke up and tested latest version, this one won't record mission count at all.


KSP log, FF dat file, persistence file, couple of screenshots. Pretty much anything I thought might help you. If you need more, let me know.

Just checked: Works for me. But I will write a version with a slightly changed launch test and an additional debug output, just for you. You will get a private message if its ready.

- - - Updated - - -

An important question: Did the vessel situation changed at launch? So was the vessel flying? if it was a rover or aircraft: did it move on the ground?

In the current implementation of FF a vessel has to move. To be more technical: The vessel situation has to change from PRELAUNCH to anything else.

And if anybody knows a game event for a mission start: please let me know. OnLaunch won't work.

- - - Updated - - -

Anyone with problems should try: http://nereid42.de/download/FinalFrontier0.7.11-977.zip. But is an inofficial release yet.

In FF 0.7.9 a mission start gets undetect if mission time is greater than 0.001 at launch. I have never observed a mission time >0 myself in KSP 1.0.x, but this could cause this. And remember: a mission starts if the vessel is (techniclally) moving. A rover has to drive a bit, an aircraft has to move a bit, a spaceship has to move/fly (or drive or to something else) at least a fraction of an inch. Technically: changing its situation from PRELAUNCH to something else (FLYING, LANDED,...)

Doing just science or pressing space with engines cut off, will NOT start a mission.

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Jebediah Kerman just completed his first mission of my current career save. Things went very well for the flight.

On review of the post mission ribbons and awards, it was noted that Jebediah Kerman had been awarded the Dangerous EVA ribbon. Whilst exact details of the mission are still classified, I can confirm his only EVA was after splashdown - which, whilst still potentially dangerous, it is felt that the ribbon's award is not warranted in this case.

A meeting of the KSPA board moved to revoke the award of the ribbon, and at this time the ribbon has been revoked. This leaves only the concerns about the potential of a repeat circumstance - which, I trust will be assuaged by efforts following this bug report. :D

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