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Simple balance changes for stock parts


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Some of the stock parts simple have absurd values that either make them OP or completely useless. I just wanted to make a simple ModuleManager config that attempts to fix these silly things.

For example all three stock reaction wheels have the same 20 torque. However they have different masses at 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5. And it is the big one that weighs the least.

Most of these are just mass adjustments, Notable changes:

  • buff radial engines
  • truss weigh less, with less crash tolerence
  • 3 different reaction wheels, rather than 3 same ones with difference mass
  • actual connector parts weigh less so they are actually relevant
  • landing gear and launch clamp now have zero mass
  • Poodle is now slightly better than stacking LV-909

//Nerf OP God engine
@mass = 0.35


//buff useless junk
@maxThrust = 5.0
key = 0 330
key = 1 300

//buff useless junk
@maxThrust = 5.0
key = 0 380
key = 1 300

// Poodle is inferiour to LV-909, no reason to use the former?
@mass = 2.0


// stupid heavy for no reason
@mass = 0.1


// otherwise identical but lighter than asas?
@mass = 0.05
@PitchTorque = 10
@YawTorque = 10
@RollTorque = 10

@rate = 0.15

// otherwise identical but EVEN LIGHTER than small sas?

@PitchTorque = 40
@YawTorque = 40
@RollTorque = 40

@rate = 0.60

// heavier but holds the same fuel as two tiny RCS
@mass = 0.09


//Why would you get 1 port for the same mass as 4 ports?
@mass = 0.02


//larger decoupler gives no benifit because you'll strut it anyway
@mass = 0.1

// useless part because absurd gigantic mass
@mass = 0.05

// too heavy
@mass = 0.15

//too heavy
@mass = 0.1

// mass is meaningless except mess up mass calculations
@mass = 0

// mostly useless part for huge mass
@mass = 0.1

//ENOURMOUS MASS for a useless part?
@mass = 0.01

// gigantic mass for a useless part
@mass = 0.02

//ENOURMOUS MASS for a useless part?
@mass = 0.002


@mass = 0.01
@rescaleFactor = 1.1

// useless part because absurd gigantic mass
@mass = 0.01


// OP part because of almost no mass
@mass = 0.02
@crashTolerance = 10

// OP part because of almost no mass
@mass = 0.01
@crashTolerance = 10

// useless part because absurdly large mass
@mass = 0.07
@crashTolerance = 10

// useless part because absurdly large mass
@mass = 0.07
@crashTolerance = 10

// useless part because absurdly large mass
@mass = 0.2
@crashTolerance = 10

// useless part because absurdly large mass
@mass = 0.07


@mass = 0.1


// useless part because absurdly large mass
@mass = 0.06


// useless part because absurdly large mass
@mass = 0.5


//misleading since it has no physics significance anyway
@mass = 0


//buff useless junk
key = 0 330
key = 1 315

I am posting it here because I am too lazy to make an elaborate release post with all the stupid CR licensing and stuff. If anyone wants to do it please go ahead and you can claim it to be your own creation, I don't really care.

Edited by jacobgong
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Cheers, This inspired me to go through the Squad Folder and Dump all the Parts that StretchyTanks could replicate such as conic adaptors and cylinders, Then Gauged the weight of each usefull remaining structural part by resizing Stretchytanks set to structural fuselage mode to the right size of each part to get a realistic and balanced weight, Most parts were way off.

Though the cubestrut was closer to 0.002, so double it's stock weight but not anything like 0.01

Otherwise a handy post matey :cool:

Saved a fair chunk of memory too, for more awesome mod parts :D

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