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KSP Mod Pack Manager (Standalone)

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This is a simple mod pack manager that allows for easily switching between mod packs. Such as having a realistic mod pack and then wanting to switch back to stock parts.


It is Dead

To use: run the .jar, select your KSP root directory, select your folder that contains the mod pack(s),select the mod pack you want to use, hit sync.




proper syntax for mod pack(s) are: "ModPack\GameData\Mods" where ModPack is the name of the mod pack, and Mods are the mods, such as they normaly go into the GameData folder. The easiest way to this is to create a new folder

named what you want your modpack to be called then copy your GameData in from the active set of mods.



Edited by TwitchTheSniper
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This. This is brilliant. I don't see how no-one has commented on this yet. I've been wanting to have some files with hard mods, and some with other mods, but i didn't want to need separate installs. Now, i just have to figure out how to use this mod :D

Looks awesome. +rep

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Could someone explain how to use this? I'm planning on getting a separate folder for hard mods, with Realistic Solar System, Far, DE, and life support. So, would i put those mods into a folder, and then put them in this mod?

Edited by Mr.Rocket
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