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Kerbal Space Program's Ending

Sapphire Snow Leopard

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No, I do not mean the failure of the game. If that happens, that should be an international day of mourning. Anyways, what I meant was, what will KSP's ending be like?

I know that it might be a tad early to be wondering if KSP will ever have an ending, and if so then what it will be like, but I am still curious. Will it be the first interstellar flight? Will it be your retirement from the space program? What scenarios can y'all think of that might be a good ending? Obviously, KSP might not have an ending, as it is sandbox-like, but having some closure when you have hit the peak of the tech tree would be nice.

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It's not sandbox-like, it is a sandbox!! So really I don't see an ending, ever. I see completing the tech-tree as the start of the game and the end is when you simply can't think of anything else to do, so you carefully arrange a large set of various sized SRBs on the launch pad, put on some loud and dramatic classical music and set off a massive fireworks display in honor of your accomplishments and those who where lost along the way.

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If career mode gets any kind of mission tree with a story line, the "ending" of the story might be sending a ship out to interstellar space -> nice animation sequence -> back to endless sandbox. Like Civilizations "keep playing".

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"After numerous failed launches and countless lives lost your space program falls on hard times. With no funds to continue and your reputation sullied you are forced to shutter the facility, sell all remaining assets, and burn your hard-won research. Your space program lives on only in the dreams of Kerbals, young and old, who will always wonder what might have been.

"You have failed."

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  Cydonian Monk said:
"After numerous failed launches and countless lives lost your space program falls on hard times. With no funds to continue and your reputation sullied you are forced to shutter the facility, sell all remaining assets, and burn your hard-won research. Your space program lives on only in the dreams of Kerbals, young and old, who will always wonder what might have been.

"You have failed."

That's deep, bro.

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  SSSPutnik said:
I actually really detest the tech tree. It should be kept as open sandbox. Adding a storyline just detracts from the game IMHO.

Do you not like the tech tree because of the limitations, or because it is unrealistic?

If its because of limits, I say you should play sandbox. It's not being removed. ^_^

If its because of it being unrealistic, there is a mod that lets you play different tech trees.

Oh, and I don't think there should be a story either, aside from backbone: "You are the head of the newly established Kerbal Space Program! Good luck!"

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  SSSPutnik said:
I actually really detest the tech tree. It should be kept as open sandbox. Adding a storyline just detracts from the game IMHO.

It adds an artificial limit to a game that's best feature is its limitless really.

I mean...it's not really a limit since you can just choose to play sandbox mode. I think the tech tree and addition of missions, or potentially story, is really fun. Instead of just building a rocket with every part I have to work up and unlock the technology (similar to how NASA did during it's race to the moon by testing, spending money, and completing goals/tasks to prove it could go to the moon). Again, I feel like if it does not suit you then...just keep playing Sandbox?

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I have to admit I'm feeling same lately. Squad guys poured lots of effort and hard work into career, yet it can be beaten in few hours. In the end, greatest improvement for me was not the career mode, but right-click options in VAB.

But for the sake of argument, I can imagine the end of carrer mode: get lost of money. do big science. construct interstellar colony ship. outro video: said colony ship embarks on journey to unknown, bringing along hopes and spirits of kerbal kind. congrats, credit roll and switch to creative mode.

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  SSSPutnik said:
I actually really detest the tech tree. It should be kept as open sandbox. Adding a storyline just detracts from the game IMHO.

It adds an artificial limit to a game that's best feature is its limitless really.

Well, aren't we lucky then that they're doing both!

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I think the simple fact is that most people who are currently on the forums don't NEED the "career mode". Obviously, since most of us were being somewhat successful before the introduction of it. But the point of it still remains: a way to walk through the game and step over the intimidating amount of parts currently availible without tripping and quitting in frustration. Using the "career mode" as sort of a "story-mode" is also a bonus for many players who wish to play that way.

Or, you can just play in full on sand-box mode (like myself) like we were doing before the introduction of "career mode". The wonderful thing about KSP is that you choose your own path. You reall can do whatever it is you want to do.

As for an end-game? I don't believe there ever will be one. I stopped playing a few months ago, instead focusing time on a different game. And then an idea popped into my head, and I spent way too many hours last night and stayed up much too late (to my wife's dismay) working on the foundation of a whole new journey. I would bet huge sums of money that my story will be similar to many, many others. You drift away .... then snap back suddenly with a new mission ... then drift away ... and I bet at some point a few years in the future, many of us will snap back to KSP again. It really is one of those games with limitless potential, never-ending, always waiting on you to come back and hit the LAUNCH button one more time.

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I don't think there should be an ending - I think career mode should "end" up very sand-box like. But, who knows what is planned for the future of career mode. It may be that, even after completing the full tech tree, your career mode game stays open ended, but with other things required to continue launching - reputation and funds.

Squad has always maintained that career mode is a way to introduce new people to the game in a way that lets them learn complicated core concepts over time. (Orbital Mechanics is hard! - until you understand it, then it's like - 'You newb, do it like this.' lol.) So, for those of us who are already "pro" at orbital mechanics - Career Mode is just a set of arbitrary restrictions. Keep in mind, that when we are testing this Beta and giving suggestions, Career Mode changes should always be aimed at newbies - so they can progress (both their career and understanding of Orbital Mechanics) in a logical way, much like the world did when we were learning about how to apply Kepler's Laws and Neuton's Theory of Gravity in a practical space exploration program.

On that note, I would assume that by the time a newbie completes the entire tech-tree, they would have been able to gain the knowledge to do whatever they want (maybe with some trial and error yet) and basically be functionally the same as Sandbox mode, at that point.

As far as accuracy: Liquid fuel rockets were operating as early as 1926; right about the time that jet turbines were being invented. So the tech tree isn't far off - besides, historical accuracy and game-play are very different things, look at Civilization, for example. =)

Edited by EtherDragon
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Its a sandbox. Even career is a sandbox. Finishing the tech tree is not the end... completing the tech tree is more like an extended tutorial introducing you to the sandbox.

I don't think there should be a story exactly ... and I think the devs have said that there will not be ... but I think there should be lore. By that I mean there should be mysteries and clues and history and story to uncover as you explore the Kerbal system and systems beyond. If there is to be an "end" it would be when you uncover the final bit of lore which reveals the epic origin of the Kerbal race or other suitably momentous information. There is already some of that. The easter eggs and most notably the Duna signal... there should be more of that... a lot more... clues which lead out of the system to other systems ... a whole galaxy worth of other systems...

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  radonek said:
I have to admit I'm feeling same lately. Squad guys poured lots of effort and hard work into career, yet it can be beaten in few hours.

They are still testing it to get the mechanics down. I don't expect it to balance against the content of the game until they really do reach 1.0. Until then, I enjoy having "science' to do and would like to see that aspect expanded on. The first .22 iteration of the tech tree was really easy, I agree. .23 is mechanically more complex, not allowing you to do the same science over and over again, encouraging further flights and experimentation, and problem-solving which is what the game's about really. I think some of the aspects of the tech tree need to be re-arranged, because for example I think the ability to decouple is something that should be part of very basic rocketry, and it currently isn't.

However, if you don't need the carrot of science vs. the stick of limited technology you can just stick to the sandbox, I do not believe they intend to remove it.

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  Max Grant said:
I think some of the aspects of the tech tree need to be re-arranged, because for example I think the ability to decouple is something that should be part of very basic rocketry, and it currently isn't.

I disagree with this, actually, for two reasons:

1. Historically, decoupling was not invented immediately.

2. Planning a decoupling rocket is a significantly more complex concept than a single-stage. So, it's introduction in KSP is actually perfect - after you launch and recover any successful flight, you have enough science to unlock you first stage decoupler.

However, if you don't need the carrot of science vs. the stick of limited technology you can just stick to the sandbox, I do not believe they intend to remove it.

I hope they don't remove Sandbox - it's still very fun and useful.

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