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Bucket of bolts

Guest Space Cowboy

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The radar dish is a backwards adapter w/ an avionics package mounted on a strut. The Cockpit is not stock.

Yup, and IIRC, the craft also makes heavy use of the welding mod to be actually usable. Good to know you finished it, cowboy! :)

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Thanks guys - it's my masterpiece! I still have some goals, including Cupola visuals, perfect co-location of COM and COT, vertical engines, and landing gear. In this picture there is a single mod used: "Millenium Pod". If I interchange that with a Mk1-2 Command Pod it is stock. UbioZur's Weld-It mod is used in construction, but not required for play.


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I'm so glad you are continuing to update this. I've tried pretty hard to reorganize my mod list to make certain I can keep flying your development of the Falcon.

The link up above to the craft file is from the December build. Did you post up a more recent craft file with improvements? A newer craft link somewhere?

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Ian it is indeed the current model. I will be sure to post it on the forum when a new version comes out.

RSwordsman it does not generate lift, but it has some drag. It's does pretty well.

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Yep, got it now. MF3.craft

I just looked back over posts you've made but don't see the one I was looking for. At one time you did post the Mods installed (and versions of them) that found there way onto this ship.

I think I recall you saying it requires:

HOME mod


and I think ISAMapSat (which has known conflicts with other mods I am running btw)

Some parts I cant figure out are called:

part = Boss_4294745620

part = OICapsuleProbeSmall_4294745590

part = ISA.MapSat_4294742768

part = mumech.mechjebrad_4294743078

part = OICapsuleLH2Small_4294743166

part = HydroTech.JebRad_4294743326

part = HyperJumpDrive_4294743498

part = DSMNuclearReactor_4294745188 (I think this one might be the stock LV-N maybe)

In any case, when we bring up the ship in VAB or SPH it shows as un-loadable due to parts requiring uninstalled mods)

Is it possible you could post a mods listing or direct us to a post where you have listed them already?

I genuinely apologize for having to ask, but it's taken a few days without success to chase down and try loading each mod hoping to have all that is required, and only to find that some are still missing.

I wish there was a mod to just dynamically load and unload mods from a checklist in-game....

I am looking forward to developing this with you if I can. About the only reason I got into KSP.


btw, take a gander over at this Falcon project that's winding up....


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Here is a start. I apologize if I got the versions incorrect as I am guessing that the current version (today) are the versions that would work in this .craft file?

Deep Space Mission Pack vsn. 2013-09-dsm19 September 3, 2013

Spaceport: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/deep-space-mission-pack

Forum link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/7790-0-18

H.O.M.E. Starter Pack v1.0.5 [0.21] August 8, 2013


Forum link:

Kosmos Space Station Parts Pack [0.21+] October 30, 2013

Spaceport: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmos-tks-spacecraft

Please help detail the other mods that this MF3.craft file uses.

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I didn't know that. I'm more interested in developing yours. Not so much the MF3 (I don't think). Ok, I am going to research which of the .craft files is your most recent .craft file, make certain I have and understand how to get it repeatedly, and re-adjust my mod-load to be able to fly you most recent.

Again, it would help to have a mod-list of what your most recent .raft file has in it (with version #s) as it takes some time settling this piece down. :)

I'll start again fro scratch here.


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Ian - I am really glad you have interest in it because not many people say anything. Actually, the craft I have up for download uses no mods. To use this craft - you do not needs mods. I used Weld It to build it, but that's not used to play it at all. Here is the site to download it from:


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Great success just now flying this.

[0.23] Alt+V turned on infinite fuel.

I added my MechJeb module to it and use SMART A.S.S. to click Target and then +TGT to constantly point at the target I want to fly towards.

Finally.., using "V" cycle through this hitting V until "Chase Cam".

Works great. I even mounted a pair of Kethane drills, a Kethane converter, and a Kethane tank rotated and hidden inside it. O and a pair of large solar panels onto the top deck to replenish electrics.

Real squirrelly ascent where I was riding the QASWDE keys to keep the navball point "up" but she's got it where it counts, kid.

It's coming along nicely.

Stay with this.

I'm having a ball with it.

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Sounds awesome! At some point I will PERFECTLY co-locate the center of mass and the center of thrust. When I accomplish this, we will have what is seen in the movie or very close, as far as motion / inertia etc. SAS will be redundant, and roll, pitch, and yaw rates will be variable with joystick displacement amounts. VTOL will be an issue of removing the mass amounts of nodes which will be accomplished by hand in the cfg file. I did make a VTOL engine assembly which looked good, but I simply could not mount it. Also, later, I had second thoughts, and I think one single VTOL engine with invisible thrust (don't know how yet) would be the ticket.


This was the single piece welded part for vertical thrust.

Only the black nozzles protruded and I thought I was on my way but nope.

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hmmm,, now what I am about to say I KNOW I don't know what I'm talking about.... but let me try this...

I am a Maya programmer. I can create dae and fbx files etc...

What I'm wondering is how hard it would be to create a cardboard box "Part" for KSP and then config file it to fly in KSP.

I know this approach is really outside the spirit of KSP, but I feel an alignment with you on the purity of ANH/KSP and this approach may well be possible?

I'm thinking of a raw, flyable 1-part with KSP attributes. Been down this road at all SC?

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I have only briefly started, and Ididn't have the mental horsepower to continue, mostly due to time constraints. There is an epic tutorial series on creating your own stuff, for KSP on here. MAYA can be used, some people are using other 3D packages. You have to use a free Unity provided plugin at some point, to import.

Here is the epic thread I think you might be looking for: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25013-Compilation-of-modding-information-links-for-0-19-20-21-22-23-Last-update-24th-Jan

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Yay, just now doing my capture "orbit burn" into Minmus sphere of influence. This is working great.

Wicked power on throttle up though. I have to manually inch up power each burn to keep the nose on the prograde. WhooWhee this is fast.


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