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Vall Landing delta V

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Okay, I give. Even a veteran such as myself doesn't know everything. How much dV does it take to get off of Vall? Assuming I start from a parking orbit somewhere between 25 and 45km, how much dV does it take to get down to the Vall surface and back up to that same orbit (or higher/lower, for rendezvous)?

And in case anyone is curious, I'm headed that way with a two stage Tylo lander (technically 5 stage since the upper has 1 set of drop tanks and the lower stage has 2 sets of drop tanks). I wanna know if the remaining upper stage core will have enough dV to get off of Vall once I refuel it.

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The delta-V map I like to use says 1180, but I generally overbuild a bit so I have extra for unplanned events and for rendezvous (oftentimes the tug doesn't have RCS). 1.5km/s both ways worked pretty well for me. Last time I went to Vall I used a lander built for Moho, ran out of fuel about 20m up (worked out well, I guess), but I had plenty in the return stage.

Vall is kind of tricky to land on, it has a very deceptive gravity. Surprisingly I find Moho to be easier to land on (not necessarily travel to, though).

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The delta-V map I like to use says 1180, but I generally overbuild a bit so I have extra for unplanned events and for rendezvous (oftentimes the tug doesn't have RCS). 1.5km/s both ways worked pretty well for me. Last time I went to Vall I used a lander built for Moho, ran out of fuel about 20m up (worked out well, I guess), but I had plenty in the return stage.

Vall is kind of tricky to land on, it has a very deceptive gravity. Surprisingly I find Moho to be easier to land on (not necessarily travel to, though).

So 1500 dv does the trick. In that case my current upper stage is a bit shy on fuel.

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