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List of Science "to be done" or "to-do" list

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I'm not sure if this is suggested, but I'd like a list of science reports that haven't been done yet, and that need to be. For example, if you haven't gotten a Soil Sample from a certain Biome, it's in a "to-do" area or on a list.

I only say this, because I'm sometimes "scavenging" for easy science, especially early game and a list of what I've not done would be useful.

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The only possible problem I see is that such a list might be too spoilerish, given that the current ScienceDefs.cfg file has a huge spoiler warning at the top.

I imagine it would be possible to do something like this by simply adding a really small amount of Science (0.00000001 or so) to all experiments of a certain type on the planet when that experiment is used the first time there. It would thereafter be listed on the RD Archives I think.

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  Rhidian said:
The only possible problem I see is that such a list might be too spoilerish, given that the current ScienceDefs.cfg file has a huge spoiler warning at the top.

I imagine it would be possible to do something like this by simply adding a really small amount of Science (0.00000001 or so) to all experiments of a certain type on the planet when that experiment is used the first time there. It would thereafter be listed on the RD Archives I think.

I'm not exactly sure how that would be "spoilers". If anything, I almost see it as more realistic. I mean, in real life, we know that there are Biomes on planets and we aim our missions at them when we send probes. I think that instead spoiling anything by knowing that you need a soil sample from the Minmus Polar Biome, it will give players something to work towards.

Or maybe, have a condition for the science list, like an Orbital probe performs tests in space, and comes up with a list of biomes, which then gives you the list of things you need. Such as Soil Samples, Temperature readings, etc...

You know what else might be good? A Mission planner. Like, the goal if the mission is to reach Mun's Lowlands, so you can setup your launch time, oribital changes, landing poisitons, time on surface, return time, ETC.

Nothing automated, just something you can use, and of course, have the ability to make fly-by-wire changes (like Armstrong did on the moon landing).

Edited by Apophis775
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yes +1 for this!

However, to avoid "spoilers" I think it would work if visited biomes could be overlayed/highlighted with a certain color on the Tracking center or possibly even as an optional filter while in orbit...

Same concept could apply to all the science experiments. This would help immensely in trying to see where I have not done x experiment and not have to draw everything on paper...


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I don't think one has to worry about spoilers, really. However, I think biome-specific science reports should remain either partially or completely hidden until the player achieves a stable orbit around the body in question (so you'd have to reach a stable Mun orbit before being able to see Munar biome science "to do" list, with perhaps Kerbin being the only exception)

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I thought a good idea would be to add a biome mapper similar to ISA mapsat but instead of elevation it builds a map of the Biomes on the plant. then add a "Stellar Cartography" or such building where you can look at models of the planets with the map overlays on it. Would be a good idea to build in the ability to show different overlays to allow for player plugins.

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  • 5 months later...

I agree that it would be good to 'plan' a mission, and from the looks of the UI this could be something that could be built into a contract (ie: bring back x science from y body) but as vexx says, you shouldn't be able to plan a mission until you have 'scouted' the planet/moon with some sort of 'probe' or mission.

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Um, guys... check the dates on what you're posting. Feel free to discuss these sorts of things, but dredging up threads from six months ago is generally a bad idea (out of date information, etc.)

CLosing this one for now, but if you have something new to say on the subject, definitely open up a new thread. :)

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