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apollo 6 rocket


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this is a ship I made out of stock parts that can get you to the mun and back no problem

heres some pics

last pic is from a different flight because I crashed on my first attempt


1: launch rocket

2:when solid boosters run out drop them

3:when your at about 520m/sec tilt 90 degrees

4: jettison stage once its out of fuel start next stage and continue burning until orbit is achieved

5: wait for the moon to rise on the horizon then burn the direction your heading keep an eye on your map and wait for the apoth to line up with moons orbit

be careful easy to over shoot

6: wait until you get close to the moon

7:Now on the map it should show you skipping off its orbit burn the opposite direction until 0 meters a sec is achieved

8:fall towards the moon when you get close burn to slow you down jettison 2 stage

9:when you get really close turn on your rockets slightly for a powered decent

10:If all was well you should be landed on the moon congrats

11:to get home burn up a bit then tilt 270 degrees and burn until your on an escape path from the moon

12:when in orbit around kerbin burn opposite of your heading to de orbit

13: when you get close use reaming fuel to slow your self down

14:deploy parachutes

15:your home

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

yeah I will next time kind of posted in a hurry because I was on my way out next time I will attach pictures instructions and maybe a video

Then next time don\'t post it on you way out. Try doing a substansle effort. Edit the post OP with a few pics and some info about the rocket.

Then (hopefully) people will try it out.

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Then next time don\'t post it on you way out. Try doing a substansle effort. Edit the post OP with a few pics and some info about the rocket.

Then (hopefully) people will try it out.

lol after looking around the forum I doubt anyone will try this out all the mod created ships look so much cooler then stock ones

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