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Survive That Attack!


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The antimatter created a small explosion as it eliminated it's exact mass in air and creates a high energy Gama ray burst that lasts for a so short time that it does no damage. I "accidentally" tie the next poster to an armed nuke and drop the armed nuke into the sun which is being eaten by a black hole creating a Quazer.

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I die. 3 Days later i appear at KSC like nothing at all happened.

I shoot a portal at the roof of the VAB and then on the Mun, sucking stuff into it.

Have fun, Mikeman!

Edited by Souper
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When you put a Mun portal on the roof of the VAB, the portal gun got sucked into it with me. I use the portal gun to return to Kerbin and play with my new toy. The next poster gets trapped in test chambers of my design as I put them through an endless series of tests involving that portal gun.

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I find the portal gun to be quite useful, and redirect a stray SRB into the personality core of Mikeman's GLadOS equivalent, thereby allowing me to escape.

I then stick the portal gun in the face of the next poster, forcing them to look at the operational end of the device.

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Luckily, the portal gun does not do anything to non-portable surfaces, like human skin. I kick Maverick where it hurts and steal the portal gun and escape, flooding the test chamber with deadly neurotoxin.

The next poster happens to be in that chamber as well, without an portal gun, gas mask, or hazard suit.

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Luckily, I am inside a space shuttle. I land, and discover the blueprints for a rocket that would make Whakjob's rockets look small. I then build it on the next poster's computer and launch it, causing the computer to melt and set fire to the next poster's house, while the next poser is in bed.

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